Edward Thomas archive

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An unusually broad and detailed personal archive of one of the lesser known war poets, including:
- correspondence with family and friends, 1892-2004
- original manuscript and typescript poems, 1898-1917
- prose works, 1895-1917
- official documents belonging to Edward Thomas, 1897-1917
- papers belonging to Edward Thomas’ family and friends, 1853-1989
- papers relating to the memorial stone, memorial window, centenary celebrations and biographies and recollections by family and friends, 1896-2008
- a collection of personal effects and memorabilia
- photographs, daguerreotypes, negatives, oil paintings, watercolours, prints and photocopies of artwork belonging to the Thomas family, 1850-1987
- lists of books, reviews, essays and articles by Edward Thomas, books and articles about Edward Thomas, reviews of Edward Thomas’ books, and the contents of the Thomas family library
- biographer R. George Thomas’ research notes, 1950-2001
- documents pertaining to the history of the construction of the Edward Thomas Collection and its subsequent use by researchers, 1950-2010. These later correspondence files are closed under the Data Protection Act
- a notable collection of almost every published work by Edward Thomas, and associated literary criticism.
An unusually broad and detailed personal archive of one of the lesser known war poets. As well as Edward Thomas’ papers and possessions, the archive includes papers from family and friends in his literary circle, and will be equally of interest to scholars researching the life and work of Gordon Bottomley, Robert Frost, Walter de la Mare, W. H. Davies and Sylvia Townsend Warner.
Edward Thomas’ papers are held in several repositories across the UK, USA and Canada including: the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth; Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin; Lincoln College Library of Oxford University; University of British Columbia Library; Bodleian Library; Eton College; Palace Green Section of Durham University Library; King’s School, Canterbury; Wandsworth Local History Service Library; and the British Library’s Manuscript Collections. Research conducted by Dr R. George Thomas, Professor of English at Cardiff University, resulted in the accumulation of a large collection of photocopies, transcripts and notes from holdings in other libraries, making this the largest single collection of material relating to Edward Thomas and his family. Edward Thomas’ personal library, and a comprehensive collection of his published work is also held.
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