Working with industry
We are looking for potential partners across all sectors to excite, inspire and challenge our next generation of software engineers.
We have successfully partnered with companies across the UK to provide students with the opportunity to work on client-based projects.
Our students have designed an online tool to report illegal fly-tipping in Wales for Natural Resources Wales, worked with Cardiff School of Dentistry to combat anxiety in young children visiting the Dental Hospital for treatment and explored a digital solution to support the rationalisation of Welsh Transport Services for the Valley’s Task Force.
Partner opportunities
There are a range of opportunities for partners to get involved. You can:
- provide live client projects for students to develop and acquire skills
- mentor students both face to face and at a distance
- present guest seminars or skill sessions
- provide summer placements and graduate opportunities for students
- provide sponsorship and bursary opportunities for students
- sponsor a prize/incentive for students
- assist with marketing and publicity.
We were keen to get a new, eager bunch of developers working with iBeacons. We were interested in how they saw beacons enhancing apps and bringing another dimension to the user experience. Having 25 new pairs of eyes working with a new technology and giving their feedback was important to us. Experiencing that energy and seeing the projects develop was a real pleasure.
Industry partners
We work with a variety of companies including:
Get in touch
Find out more about how to get involved in this exciting opportunity.
A centre of excellence for software engineering in Wales.