Watch our video to learn more about our undergraduate programme
Develop your knowledge and expertise in the design, development and delivery of software, and put theory into practice on real-world projects.
Our undergraduate degree programme will show you how to produce secure, high quality, usable and adaptable software systems using current commercial tools and techniques. You will have the opportunity to develop your skills in analysis, design, programming, testing and evaluation on real-world projects with clients.
Not only will this strengthen your professional skills so you are ready to start work as a software engineer, but it will also increase your employability through regular contact with professionals.
Degree name | UCAS Code |
Applied Software Engineering (BSc) | 4JVD |
Group projects
During the first two and a half years of the undergraduate programme, you will be allocated to a project by the academic team for your year. For the Large Team Project in the final year, you will be asked to prioritise your choice of projects and be allocated to one of them. There is also an opportunity for students to propose suitable projects for the Large Team Project.
Although all of our projects are team-based, individual contributions to the projects are assessed separately.
We encourage all undergraduate students to undertake a summer placement and we work closely with our industry contacts to help set these up.

The BSc Applied Software Engineering was almost like a combination of an apprenticeship and a degree in one. You get experience working with real clients but also get a degree, so I can show employers that I have a degree, and that I have experience to back that up.
Get in touch
Please get in touch if you have any questions relating to the BSc in Applied Software Engineering or about the School of Computer Science and Informatics.