2021 Publications
- Sahoo, S. and Chaney, P. eds. 2021. Civil society and citizenship in India and Bangladesh. Bloomsbury Academic India.
- Morgan, W. J. and Bowie, F. eds. 2021. Social anthropologies of the Welsh: past and present. Sean Kingston Publishing.
- Pomati, M. , Jolly, A. and Rees, J. eds. 2021. Social policy review 33: analysis and debate in social policy 2021. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Gekara, V. O. and Sampson, H. eds. 2021. The world of the seafarer: qualitative accounts of working in the global shipping industry. WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs Springer. (10.1007/978-3-030-49825-2)
- Abedo, A. N. et al., 2021. Participatory curatorship: negotiating heritage, memory and justice in northern Uganda. In: Mkwananzi, F. and Cin, F. M. eds. Participatory Arts for Epistemic and Social Justice in Post-Conflict Settings. London: Taylor and Francis Group. , pp.50-67. (10.4324/9781003121046-5)
- Abila, S. S. and Acejo, I. L. 2021. Mental health of Filipino seafarers and its implications for seafarers' education. International Maritime Health 72 (3), pp.183-192. (10.5603/IMH.2021.0035)
- Ablitt, J. 2021. Accomplishing public work: encounters with park rangers. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Al Baghal, T. et al., 2021. Linking Twitter and survey data: asymmetry in quantity and its impact. EPJ Data Science 10 32. (10.1140/epjds/s13688-021-00286-7)
- Albehiji, A. 2021. A comparative investigation of the perceptions and labour market experiences of Saudi PhD graduates qualified in the United Kingdom or Saudi Arabia. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Andrews, R. , Hansen, J. R. and Huxley, K. 2021. Senior public managers’ organizational commitment: Do private sector experience and tenure make a difference?. International Public Management Journal 24 (6), pp.911-942. (10.1080/10967494.2019.1580231)
- Anthony, R. , Young, H. and Long, S. J. 2021. Early pregnancy risk and missed opportunities to plan for parenthood. In: Roberts, L. ed. The Children of Looked After Children: Outcomes, Experiences and Ensuring Meaningful Support to Young Parents In and Leaving Care. Bristol: Policy Press. , pp.15-40.
- Antonazzo, L. , Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2021. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: analysing VET responsiveness in the context of industry 4.0 skills needs and workforce development. Presented at: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021 Virtual 25-27 August 2021.
- Antonazzo, L. et al. 2021. Preparing for a just transition: meeting green skills needs for a sustainable steel industry.
- Atkinson, T. , Oatley, R. and Evans, S. C. 2021. Living with dementia in extra care housing. Journal of Dementia Care 29 (6), pp.10-11.
- Axford, N. et al., 2021. The effectiveness of a community-based mentoring program for children aged 5–11 years: results from a randomized controlled trial. Prevention Science 22 , pp.100–112. (10.1007/s11121-020-01132-4)
- Aziani, A. , Berlusconi, G. and Giommoni, L. 2021. A quantitative application of enterprise and social embeddedness theories to the transnational trafficking of cocaine in Europe. Deviant Behavior 42 (2)(10.1080/01639625.2019.1666606)
- Balmer, A. , Meckin, R. and Abbott, O. 2021. The temporal uses of moral things: Manifesting, anchoring and conserving caring relations within the sensorium. Sociology 55 (3), pp.619-640. (10.1177/0038038520959263)
- Barnes, E. 2021. Understanding dental professionals’ roles in oral health education. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Barrance, R. 2021. Tiering in the GCSE: a children's rights perspective. British Educational Research Journal 46 (6), pp.1210-1231. (10.1002/berj.3629)
- Bartlett, S. , Bullock, A. D. and Hodgson, K. 2021. An evaluation of a new practice-based small group learning (PBSGL) initiative in Wales. Education for Primary Care 32 (3), pp.172-176. (10.1080/14739879.2020.1813054)
- Bartlett, S. , Bullock, A. and Spittle, K. 2021. 'I thought it would be a very clearly defined role and actually it wasn't': a qualitative study of transition training for pharmacists moving into general practice settings in Wales. BMJ Open 11 (10) e051684. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051684)
- Bates, C. , Moles, K. and Kroese, L. M. 2021. The water holds me/the water binds us. Vimeo.com: Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/596662522.
- Bathmaker, A. et al., 2021. Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: uncovering the complexities of governing.
- Beel, D. , Jones, M. and Jones, I. R. 2021. City regions and devolution in the UK: the politics of representation. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
- Béland, D. et al., 2021. Social policy in the face of a global pandemic: policy responses to the COVID‐19 crisis. Social Policy and Administration 55 (2), pp.249-260. (10.1111/spol.12718)
- Beneito-Montagut, R. and Begueria, A. 2021. "Send me a Whatsapp when you arrive home": mediated practices of caring about. In: Peine, A. et al., Socio-gerontechnology: Interdisciplinary Critical Studies of Ageing and Technology. Routledge Advances in Sociology Abingdon, UK: Routledge. , pp.119-133.
- Benson, M. L. et al., 2021. Review symposium: respectable citizens—shady practices: the economic morality of the middle classes. British Journal of Criminology 61 (3), pp.872–885. (10.1093/bjc/azab012)
- Beynon, H. 2021. A challenging life: Dave Hopper 1942-2016. In: Williams, G. ed. The Flame Still Burns: The Creative Power of Coal. Nottingham, Campaign for Press & Broadcasting Freedom. , pp.7-12.
- Beynon, H. et al. 2021. The persistence of union membership within the coalfields of Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59 (4), pp.1131-1152. (10.1111/bjir.12588)
- Beynon, H. and Hudson, R. 2021. The shadow of the mine: coal and the end of industrial Britain. Verso.
- Beyrouty, A. et al., 2021. COVID-19 and multi generational households: Reflections on the experienceof a diverse urban community in Wales. In: Beresford, P. et al., COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice: Volume 1: The Challenges and Necessity of Co-production. Bristol: Policy Press. , pp.127-134.
- Boffey, M. et al., 2021. The Fostering Communities programme - walking tall: stage one evaluation. Project Report.Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Boffey, M. et al., 2021. The Fostering Communities programme - Walking tall: stage two evaluation. Project Report.Cardiff: The Fostering Network in Wales.
- Bonfert, B. 2021. ‘The real power must be in the base’ – decentralised collective intellectual leadership in the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City. Capital and Class 45 (4), pp.523-542. (10.1177/0309816821997117)
- Bravo, P. et al. 2021. Validación del instrumento Informed Choice para medir la decisión informada de mamografía en mujeres chilenas usuarias de atención primaria. Atención Primaria 53 (3) 101943. (10.1016/j.aprim.2020.08.005)
- Breuer, J. et al., 2021. Informed consent for linking survey and social media data - fifferences between platforms and data types. IASSIST Quarterly 45 (1)(10.29173/iq988)
- Brewer, T. F. et al., 2021. Housing, sanitation and living conditions affecting SARS-CoV-2 prevention interventions in 54 African countries. Epidemiology and Infection 149 e183. (10.1017/S0950268821001734)
- Bridgeman, J. and Loosemore, M. 2021. Designing theoretically and evidence based social procurement programmes in construction: a capability empowerment approach. Presented at: 37th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM 2021) Virtual 06-07 September 2021. Published in: Scott, L. and Neilson, C. J. eds. Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Proceedings of the 37th annual conference. ARCOM. , pp.168-177.
- Brookfield, C. 2021. Using Microsoft Excel for social research. Sage.
- Brookfield, C. et al. 2021. Engaging social science students with statistics: opportunities, challenges and barriers. Numeracy 14 (2) 6. (10.5038/1936-4660.14.2.1386)
- Brown, R. et al. 2021. Implementation of e-cigarette regulation through the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2016) in Wales, Scotland and England from the perspectives of stakeholders involved in policy introduction and enforcement. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation 7 36. (10.18332/tpc/134370)
- Browne, J. et al. 2021. Recent research into healthcare professions regulation: a rapid evidence assessment. BMC Health Services Research 21 934. (10.1186/s12913-021-06946-8)
- Burrows, D. et al. 2021. Lleisiau gofalwyr yn ystod pandemig COVID-19: negeseuon ar gyfer dyfodol gofalu di-dâl yng Nghymru.
- Burrows, D. et al. 2021. Voices of carers during the COVID-19 pandemic: messages for the future of unpaid caring in Wales.
- Bustard, J. and Calzada, I. 2021. The innovation imperative in smart cities and smart tourism: a call for collaboration toward building and sharing knowledge of patterns of success in sustainable living and climate renewal. Presented at: ENTER21 Virtual 19-22 January 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Arrakala eta Lubaki Digitalak/Digital Divide and Cleavages. [Online].www.sarean.eus: Available at: https://www.sarean.eus/arrakala-eta-lubaki-digitalak/.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Cities, social innovation, and stakeholders // Cidades, inovacão social e stakeholders. Presented at: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Comunicação Brazil 13 September 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Data and platform co-operatives amidst the European algorithmic and liquid citizenship. Presented at: Data Justice 2021: Civic Participation in the Datafied Society Cardiff, Wales 20-21 May 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Data and platform co-ops in smart city citizenship: interview with Igor Calzada. [Online].Curitiba: DigiLabour. Available at: https://digilabour.com.br/2021/01/06/data-and-platform-co-ops-in-smart-city-citizenship-interview-with-igor-calzada/.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Data co-operatives through data sovereignty. Smart Cities 4 (3), pp.1158-1172. (10.3390/smartcities4030062)
- Calzada, I. 2021. Descifrando la ciudadanía pandémica. [Online].Opinion: El Diario Vasco. Available at: https://www.diariovasco.com/opinion/descifrando-ciudadania-pandemica-20210706000139-ntvo.html.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Digital transformations and how it is changing our lifes: origins, processes, promises & perils. Presented at: IntoEU Brussels, Belgium 2 February 2021. European Commission
- Calzada, I. 2021. Digitalisation (potentially federalising)/Digitalización (potencialmente federalizante). Presented at: Conference on the Future of Europe Summer Course 08-09 July 2021. EuroBasque.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Future of cities. Presented at: Future of Cities Porto, Portugal 5 September 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Hyperconnected diasporas amidst pandemic citizenship: The end of the ‘global citizen’?. Presented at: 31st AEMI Conference San Sebastián, Spain 30 September - 1 October 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. LABorategiak (LABoratories). [Online].Bilbao: www.sarean.eus. Available at: https://www.sarean.eus/laborategiak/.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Pandemic citizenship amidst stateless algorithmic nations: digital rights and technological sovereignty at stake. [Online].Brussels, Belgium: Ideas for Europe / Coppieters Foundation. Available at: https://ideasforeurope.eu/activity/paper/pandemic-citizenship-amidst-stateless-algorithmic-nations-post-covid-europe-4/.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Pandemic citizenship: Will COVID-19 reinforce nation-states' borders and liquify citizens?. Academia Letters (10.20935/AL910)
- Calzada, I. 2021. Post-COVID Europe: Lessons from the pandemic and ideas for a a more resilient and fair Europe. In: Foundation, C. ed. Post-COVID Europe: Lessons from the pandemic and ideas for a a more resilient and fair Europe. Brussels: Coppieters Foundation. , pp.64-89.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Postpandemic technopolitical democracy: algorithmic nations, data sovereignty, digital rights, and data cooperatives. In: Calzada, I. ed. Democratic Deepening: Emerging Forms of Scales for Developing Democracy and Citizen Participation. Berlin: Springer
- Calzada, I. 2021. Smart city citizenship [Book Review]. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs 5 (1), pp.144-150. (10.25034/ijcua.2021.v5n1-7)
- Calzada, I. 2021. Smart city citizenship: a techno-political review (of cities and nations). [Online].https://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk: OxPol: The Oxford University. Available at: https://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/smart-city-citizenship-a-techno-political-review-of-cities-and-nations/.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Smart city citizenship: challenges and opportunities in contemporary era. Presented at: 4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism Alanya, Turkey 20-21 May 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Smart city citizenship in the sharing economy. Presented at: Sharing Cultures: 7th International Workshop on Sharing Economy Barcelona, Spain 24-26 February 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. Smart city-regions’ citizenship: data devolution in pandemic times. Presented at: The making of city-regions: Mobility, innovation and networks. (SwissLab 2021) Lugano-Locarno, Switzerland 9-10 September 2021.
- Calzada, I. 2021. The right to have digital rights in smart cities. Sustainability 13 (20) 11438. (10.3390/su132011438)
- Calzada, I. and Gurrutxaga, I. A. 2021. Postpandemic technopolitical democracies [Research Topic]. Frontiers Media
- Calzada, I. , Morgan, K. and Jones, I. 2021. Wales and Basque Country cooperation. Presented at: Wales & Basque Country Cooperation Cardiff, UK 28 September 2021.
- Calzada, I. and Ubieto, G. 2021. 'The sharing economy was a promise that has been completely devalued in the hands of large corporations'. [Online].www.uoc.edu: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Available at: https://www.uoc.edu/portal/en/news/entrevistes/2021/008-igor-calzada.html.
- Cam, S. 2021. Overemployed migrant workers: Evidence from the Annual Population Survey for a 'special model of gendered confidence'. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (1), pp.50-74. (10.1177/0143831X18758174)
- Cam, S. and Palaz, S. 2021. Managerial Jacobinism and performance in the private sector: evidence from the Turkish shipyards for a vertical frame. Industrial Relations Journal 52 (2), pp.161-182. (10.1111/irj.12321)
- Casale, M. et al., 2021. Bullying and ART nonadherence among South African ALHIV: effects, risks, and protective factors. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 86 (4), pp.436-444. (10.1097/QAI.0000000000002574)
- Castaño, P. 2021. From value to valuation: Pragmatist and hermeneutic orientations for assessing science on the International Space Station. American Sociologist 52 (4), pp.671-701. (10.1007/s12108-021-09515-y)
- Chaney, P. 2021. Examining political parties' record on refugees and asylum seekers in UK party manifestos 1964-2019: the rise of territorial approaches to welfare?. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 19 (4), pp.488-510. (10.1080/15562948.2020.1839620)
- Chaney, P. 2021. Human rights and social welfare pathologies: civil society perspectives on contemporary practice across UK jurisdictions - critical analysis of third cycle UPR data. International Journal of Human Rights 25 (4), pp.639-674. (10.1080/13642987.2020.1789107)
- Chaney, P. 2021. 'Situated knowledge' - exploring civil society views on the Rohingya crisis in United Nations universal periodic review data. In: Uddin, N. ed. Living with Uncertainties: The Rohingya in the Place of Migration and Beyond. SAGE.
- Chaney, P. 2021. 'Situated knowledge’: exploring global civil society views on the Rohingya crisis. In: Uddin, N. ed. The Rohingya Crisis: Human Rights Issues, Policy Concerns and Burden Sharing,. SAGE Publishing, Los Angeles. , pp.280-305.
- Chaney, P. and Sophocleous, C. 2021. Trust, transparency and welfare: third sector adult social care delivery and the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14 (12) 572. (10.3390/jrfm14120572)
- Chang, Y. et al., 2021. Exploring emergency physicians' professional identities: a Q-method study. Advances in Health Sciences Education 26 , pp.117-138. (10.1007/s10459-020-09973-y)
- Clark, T. et al., 2021. Bryman's social research methods. 6th edition.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cluver, L. et al., 2021. Clinic and care: associations with adolescent antiretroviral therapy adherence in a prospective cohort in South Africa. AIDS 35 (8), pp.1263-1271. (10.1097/QAD.0000000000002882)
- Coliandris, M. 2021. Drone Policing A realist case study of police technological innovation. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Collins, H. 2021. The science of artificial intelligence and its critics. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 46 (1-2), pp.53-70. (10.1080/03080188.2020.1840821)
- Cook, S. et al. 2021. Increases in serious psychological distress among Ontario students between 2013 and 2017: assessing the impact of time spent on social media. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / Revue Canadienene de Psychiatrie 66 (8), pp.747-756. (10.1177/0706743720987902)
- Copeland, L. et al. 2021. The what, why and when of adapting interventions for new contexts: A qualitative study of researchers, funders, journal editors and practitioners’ understandings. Plos One 16 (7) e0254020. (10.1371/journal.pone.0254020)
- Couturiaux, D. et al. 2021. Risk behaviours associated with dating and relationship violence among 11–16 year olds in Wales: results from the 2019 student health and wellbeing survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (3) 1192. (10.3390/ijerph18031192)
- Craglia, M. et al., 2021. DigiTranScope: the governance of digitally-transformed society. Project Report.[Online].Luxembourg: European Commission. Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-technical-research-reports/digitranscope-governance-digitally-transformed-society.
- Cserzo, D. 2021. Discourses and practices of attention in video chat. Multimodal Communication 10 (2), pp.143-156. (10.1515/mc-2020-0010)
- Davey, R. and Koch, I. L. 2021. Everyday authoritarianism: class and coercion on housing estates in neoliberal Britain. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review (10.1111/plar.12422)
- Davies, R. , Huxley, K. and Yunus, S. 2021. Understanding the origins of labour market disadvantage In Wales.
- Davison, K. M. et al., 2021. Interventions to support mental health among those with health conditions that present risk for severe infection from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): a scoping review of English and Chinese-Language literature. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (14) 7265. (10.3390/ijerph18147265)
- De Vos, J. 2021. A critique of digital mental health via assessing the psychodigitalisation of the COVID‐19 crisis. Psychotherapy and Politics International 19 (1) e1582. (10.1002/ppi.1582)
- Dearing, K. 2021. Exploring a non-universal understanding of waged work and its consequences: sketching out employment activation for people with an intellectual disability. Evidence and Policy 17 (2), pp.261-277. (10.1332/174426421X16140992285741)
- Dearing, K. 2021. The (un)intended consequences of employment policy for people with learning disabilities. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Delamont, S. and Atkinson, P. 2021. Ethnographic engagements: encounters with the familiar and the strange. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429056840)
- Delamont, S. et al. 2021. Os joelhos! Os joelhos! Protective embodiment and occasional injury in Capoeira. Frontiers in Sociology 5 584300. (10.3389/fsoc.2020.584300)
- Delamont, S. and Stephens, N. 2021. The belts are set out: The batizado as a symbolic welcome to capoeira culture. Ethnography 22 (3), pp.351-371. (10.1177/14661381211035762)
- Diaz, C. , Westlake, D. and Evans, L. 2021. The perceived impact of peer parental advocacy on child protection practice: a pilot evaluation.
- Dimond, R. , Lewis, J. and Thomas, G. 2021. Editorial: Themed issue: Understanding the technical and social landscape of gene editing. New Genetics and Society 40 (4), pp.361-366. (10.1080/14636778.2021.2004032)
- Djupvik, A. R. et al. 2021. New public management and practitioner autonomy in Children's Services in Norway and Wales: views from the frontline. European Journal of Social Work 24 (3), pp.405-417. 10.1080/13691457.2019.1693338.
- Dodel, M. , Menese, P. and Trajtenberg, N. 2021. “Someone wants to connect with you”: Predicting Uruguayan kids’ replies to online friendship requests. Global Studies of Childhood 11 (4), pp.344-357. (10.1177/20436106211027576)
- Doubleday, R. B. 2021. Keeping it ‘tidy’: Maintaining order in a Welsh local prison. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Dropplemann, C. and Trajtenberg, N. 2021. Inequality and crime in Latin America. In: Anand, P. B. , Fennell, S. and Comim, F. eds. Handbook of BRICS and Emerging Economies. Oxford University Press
- Dyer, W. and Williams, M. 2021. Quantification and realist methodologies. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24 (1), pp.109-121. (10.1080/13645579.2020.1803527)
- Edwards, A. et al. 2021. Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi. Policing and Society 31 (1), pp.1-19. (10.1080/10439463.2020.1839073)
- El-Banna, A. et al., 2021. Systematic review of economic evaluations of children's social care interventions. Children and Youth Services Review 121 105864. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105864)
- Elgenius, G. and Garner, S. 2021. Gate-keeping the nation: discursive claims, counter-claims and racialized logics of whiteness. Ethnic and Racial Studies 44 (16), pp.215-235. (10.1080/01419870.2021.1943483)
- Elliott, M. 2021. Ending child poverty in 2020 in Wales?. In: Gwilym, H. and Williams, C. eds. Social Policy for Welfare Practice in Wales. 3rd ed.. BASW. , pp.51-63.
- Ellis, N. , Wadsworth, E. and Sampson, H. 2021. Mapping maritime professionals: Towards a full-scale European data collection system. Project Report.Brussels: ETF.
- Engel, D. et al., 2021. Safety and a supportive environment - essential conditions for adolescent wellbeing. Other. Adolescents 2030.
- Evans, C. et al., 2021. A liberal higher education for all? The massification of higher education and its implications for graduates' participation in civil society. Higher Education 81 , pp.521-535. (10.1007/s10734-020-00554-x)
- Evans, R. et al. 2021. Care-experienced cHildren and young people's Interventions to improve Mental health and wEll-being outcomes: Systematic review (CHIMES) protocol. BMJ Open 11 (1) e042815. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042815)
- Evans, R. et al. 2021. Evaluating the Imitation Game as a method for comparative research: a replication study using Imitation Games about religion. International Journal of Social Research Methodology (10.1080/13645579.2021.1986316)
- Evans, R. , Lewis, J. and Hacking, N. 2021. Tackling air quality monitoring with a citizen science group. [Online].Wiserd Blogs: WISERD. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/news/tackling-air-quality-monitoring-citizen-science-group.
- Exworthy, M. et al., 2021. Explaining health system responses to public reporting of cardiac surgery mortality in England and the USA. Health Economics, Policy and Law 16 (2), pp.183-200. (10.1017/S1744133120000444)
- Eysink Smeets, M. 2021. Fear drop and fear change. Perceptions of security in the 21st century: their formation, trends, and impact in society. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Felstead, A. 2021. Are online job quality quizzes of any value? Selecting questions, maximising quiz completions and estimating biases. Employee Relations 43 (3), pp.724-741. (10.1108/ER-07-2020-0349)
- Felstead, A. 2021. Has the daily commute to work become a thing of the past?. Local Transport Today 833 25.
- Felstead, A. 2021. Outlining the contours of the ‘Great Homeworking Experiment’ and its implications for Wales.
- Fernández, T. et al., 2021. Determinantes del egreso de la Universidad de la República hasta los 25 años. Comparación entre los paneles PISA Uruguay 2003 y 2009. Revista de la Educación Superior 50 (198), pp.83-107. (10.36857/resu.2021.198.1702)
- Forrester, D. , Wilkins, D. and Whittaker, C. 2021. Motivational interviewing for working with children and families. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Fussey, P. , Davies, B. and Innes, M. 2021. ‘Assisted’ facial recognition and the reinvention of suspicion and discretion in digital policing. British Journal of Criminology 61 (2), pp.325-344. (10.1093/bjc/azaa068)
- Gallie, D. et al., 2021. Inequality at work and employees' perceptions of organisational fairness. Industrial Relations Journal 52 (6), pp.550-568. (10.1111/irj.12346)
- Geelhoed, S. et al., 2021. Changing the story: an alternative approach to system change in public service innovation. Polish Political Science Review 9 (2), pp.52-70. (10.2478/ppsr-2021-0012)
- Giommoni, L. , Berlusconi, G. and Melendez-Torres, G. J. 2021. Characterising the structure of the largest online commercial sex network in the UK: observational study with implications for STI prevention. Culture, Health and Sexuality 23 (12), pp.1608-1625. (10.1080/13691058.2020.1788725)
- Giudici, A. 2021. Seeds of authoritarian opposition: far-right education politics in post-war Europe. European Educational Research Journal 20 (2), pp.121-142. (10.1177/1474904120947893)
- Giudici, A. 2021. Teacher politics bottom-up: theorising the impact of micro-politics on policy generation. Journal of Education Policy 36 (6), pp.801-821. (10.1080/02680939.2020.1730976)
- Gobat, N. et al., 2021. Developing a whole-school mental health and wellbeing intervention through pragmatic formative process evaluation: A case-study of innovative local practice within the School Health Research Network. BMC Public Health 21 154. (10.1186/s12889-020-10124-6)
- Goldstone, R. 2021. Is social class relevant in higher education today?. [Online].LSE Higher Education Blog: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/highereducation/2021/02/11/is-class-still-relevant-today/.
- Goldstone, R. 2021. Self-evaluation for school improvement: an evidence review. Presented at: Welsh Government National Strategy for Education Research & Enquiry Research Seminar Online 30 April 2021.
- Goldstone, R. , Gormley, H. and Hashmi, A. 2021. Keynote PGR panel discussion: the postgraduate researcher experience. Presented at: UKCGE 2021 Annual Conference Virtual 28 June - 02 July 2021.
- Goldstone, R. et al. 2021. Loneliness in Wales during the coronavirus pandemic. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://www.wcpp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Loneliness-in-Wales-during-the-Coronavirus-pandemic.pdf.
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- Goldstone, R. , Zhang, J. and Christodoulides, V. 2021. Postgraduate research students' experiences of the coronavirus pandemic: how might we be best supported?. Presented at: UKCGE 2021 Annual Conference Virtual 28 June - 02 July 2021.
- Goldstone, R. , Zhang, J. and Christodoulides, V. 2021. The coronavirus pandemic and postgraduate research students (PGR) mental health: evidence from student-led survey data collection in the United Kingdom. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers (MHW 2021) Virtual 17-21 May 2021.
- Greenland, K. 2021. Discrimination and intergroup contact. In: Tileagă, C. , Augoustinos, and Durrheim, K. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping. Routledge. , pp.153-166.
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