2019 Publications
- Mannay, D. , Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. 2019. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
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- 2019. New perspectives on welfare and governance in contemporary China. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/node/15362.
- Van den Broeck, P. et al., 2019. Social innovation as political transformation: Thoughts for a better world. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (10.4337/9781788974288)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Xiao, L. eds. 2019. Social policy and local governance: developments in Europe and China (社会政策与地方治理:欧洲和中国的经验). Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
- Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. 2019. The lost ethnographies: Methodological insights from projects that never were.. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley: Emerald.
- Pauwels, L. and Mannay, D. eds. 2019. The SAGE handbook of visual research methods (2nd Edition). London: SAGE Publications.
- Caudill, D. S. et al., 2019. The Third Wave in science and technology studies: Future research directions on expertise and experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0)
- Abbott, O. 2019. The self, relational sociology, and morality in practice. Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ablitt, J. and Smith, R. J. 2019. Working out Douglas’ aphorism: discarded objects, categorisation practices, and moral inquiries. The Sociological Review 67 (4), pp.866-885. (10.1177/0038026119854271)
- Adam, B. and Kemp, S. 2019. Time matters: Faces, externalized knowledge and transcendence. In: Souvatzi, S. , Baysal, A. and Baysal, E. L. eds. Time and History in Prehistory. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.210-229.
- Addis, S. and Murphy, S. 2019. 'There is such a thing as too healthy!' The impact of minimum nutritional guidelines on school food practices in secondary schools. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 32 (1), pp.31-40. (10.1111/jhn.12598)
- Albert, S. , Housley, W. and Stokoe, E. 2019. In case of emergency, order pizza: an urgent case of action formation and recognition. Presented at: CUI 2019: 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces Dublin, Ireland 22-23 August 2019. CUI '19: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. ACM. , pp.1. (10.1145/3342775.3342800)
- Alorainy, W. et al. 2019. 'The enemy among us': detecting cyber hate speech with threats-based othering language embeddings. ACM Transactions on the Web 13 (3) 14. (10.1145/3324997)
- Anderson, R. et al., 2019. Measuring the changing cost of cybercrime. Presented at: The 2019 Workshop on the Economics of Information Security Boston, US 3-4 Jun 2019.
- Anstey, S. et al. 2019. Giving primacy to the voices of people affected by cancer (PABC) in shaping educational innovations - An exploratory qualitative study. Cancer Reports 2 (5) e1189. (10.1002/cnr2.1189)
- Anthony, R. E. , Paine, A. L. and Shelton, K. H. 2019. Adverse childhood experiences of children adopted from care: The importance of adoptive parental warmth for future child adjustment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (12) 2212. (10.3390/ijerph16122212)
- Anthony, R. E. , Paine, A. L. and Shelton, K. H. 2019. Depression and anxiety symptoms of british adoptive parents: a prospective four-wave longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (24), pp.-. 5153. (10.3390/ijerph16245153)
- Antonazzo, L. 2019. Narratives of cooperation, resilience and resistance: workers’ self-recovery in times of crisis. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 39 (9/10), pp.851-864. (10.1108/IJSSP-04-2019-0064)
- Arribas-Ayllon, M. , Bartlett, A. and Lewis, J. 2019. Psychiatric genetics: from hereditary madness to big biology. Genetics and Society London: Routledge.
- Atkinson, P. and Sampson, C. 2019. Narrative stability in interview accounts. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 22 (1), pp.55-66. (10.1080/13645579.2018.1492365)
- Aventin, Á. et al., 2019. Acceptability of an interactive film-based intervention targeting adolescent boys to prevent sexual risk-taking: findings from the JACK cluster randomised controlled trial process evaluation. The Lancet 394 (10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32802-8)
- Avery, S. 2019. The representation of organised crime in local police assessments.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Axinte, L. F. et al. 2019. Regenerative city-regions: a new conceptual framework.. Regional Studies, Regional Science (10.1080/21681376.2019.1584542)
- Backman, M. et al. 2019. Experiential approaches to sustainability education: towards learning landscapes. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20 (1), pp.139-156. (10.1108/IJSHE-06-2018-0109)
- Baker, S. 2019. Novel ecosystems and the return of nature in the anthropocene. In: Arias-Maldonado, M. and Trachtenberg, Z. eds. Rethinking the environment for the anthropocene: Political theory and socionatural relations in the new geological epoch. London: Taylor and Francis. , pp.51-64. (10.4324/9780203731895-4)
- Baker, W. and Barg, K. 2019. Parental values in the UK. British Journal of Sociology 70 (5), pp.2092-2115. (10.1111/1468-4446.12658)
- Barrance, R. 2019. Beth Nawr,2019 The survey results and analysis of the experiences and worries of children and young people in Wales and their priorities for the Children’s Commissioner.. Project Report.[Online].Children's Commissioner for Wales. Available at: https://www.childcomwales.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/What-Now-Report.pdf.
- Barrance, R. 2019. The fairness of internal assessment in the GCSE: the value of students' accounts. Assessment in Education 26 (5), pp.563-583. (10.1080/0969594X.2019.1619514)
- Barrance, R. 2019. Why are primary school children in Wales so worried about tests?. [Online].wiserd.ac.uk: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/news/why-are-primary-school-children-wales-so-worried-about-tests.
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- Bartelink, N. H. M. et al., 2019. Process evaluation of the healthy primary School of the Future: the key learning points. BMC Public Health 19 (1) 698. (10.1186/s12889-019-6947-2)
- Bartlett, A. et al. 2019. Big Data and the making of legitimate knowledge claims. [Online].Backchannels: Society for Social Studies of Science. Available at: https://www.4sonline.org/blog/post/big_data_and_the_making_of_legitimate_knowledge_claims.
- Bates, C. 2019. Vital bodies: Living with illness. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Bauman, Z. and May, T. 2019. Thinking sociologically. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
- Beddoe, L. and Wilkins, D. 2019. Does the consensus about the value of supervision in social work stifle research and innovation?. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 31 (3), pp.1-6. (10.11157/anzswj-vol31iss3id643)
- Beneito-Montagut, R. 2019. Qualitative analysis of social media data. In: Atkinson, P. et al., SAGE Research Methods Foundations. SAGE(10.4135/9781526421036840280)
- Beneito-Montagut, R. , Begueria, A. and Cassián Yde, N. 2019. The practices of learning digital technologies in later life: What are they made up?. Working paper. Bremen: University of Bremen. Available at: https://www.uni-bremen.de/fileadmin/user_upload/fachbereiche/fb9/zemki/media/photos/publikationen/working-papers/2019/CoFi_EWP_No-30_Beneito-Montagut.pdf.
- Benkorichi Graoui, H. 2019. Language and ethnic identity in a multi-ethnic high school in Wales. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Berger, S. , Dicks, B. and Fontaine, M. 2019. 'Community': a useful concept in heritage studies?. International Journal of Heritage Studies 26 (4), pp.325-351. (10.1080/13527258.2019.1630662)
- Besic, A. et al., 2019. Skills audits: Tools to identify talent. Project Report.[Online].Brussels: Publications Office of the European Union. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.2767/993047.
- Beynon, H. 2019. After the Long Boom: Living with capitalism in the twenty first century. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 40 , pp.187-221.
- Beynon, H. 2019. Out of the ashes: The Durham miners' gala. In: Williams, G. ed. Shafted: The Media, the Miners' Strike and the Aftermath. Exeter: CPBF. , pp.140-162.
- Blake, J. 2019. Utilising a MacIntyrean approach to understand how social enterprise may contribute to wellbeing. Social Enterprise Journal 15 (4), pp.421-437. (10.1108/SEJ-12-2018-0079)
- Blakely, H. and Moles, K. 2019. Everyday practices of memory: Authenticity, value and the gift. The Sociological Review 67 (3), pp.621-634. (10.1177/0038026119831571)
- Boardman, F. K. and Hale, R. 2019. "I didn't take it too seriously because I'd just never heard of it": Experiential knowledge and genetic screening for thalassaemia in the UK. Journal of Genetic Counseling 28 (1), pp.141-154. (10.1002/jgc4.1042)
- Boardman, F. K. et al., 2019. Preventing lives affected by hemophilia: A mixed methods study of the views of adults with hemophilia and their families toward genetic screening. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine e618. (10.1002/mgg3.618)
- Boardman, F. K. , Hale, R. and Young, P. J. 2019. Newborn screening for haemophilia: The views of families and adults living with haemophilia in the UK. Haemophilia 25 (2), pp.276-282. (10.1111/hae.13706)
- Booth, A. et al., 2019. Taking account of context in systematic reviews and guidelines considering a complexity perspective. BMJ Global Health 4 (S1), pp.-. e000840. (10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000840)
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- Bostock, L. et al., 2019. How do we assess the quality of group supervision? Developing a coding framework. Children and Youth Services Review 100 , pp.515-524. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.03.027)
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- Brand, S. et al. 2019. Mapping the evidence about what works to safely reduce the entry of children and young people into statutory care: a systematic scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 9 (8) e026967. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026967)
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- Brown, A. et al., 2019. ‘A lifeline when no one else wants to give you an answer’: An evaluation of the Breastfeeding Network drugs in breastmilk service..
- Brown, A. , Finch, G. and Trickey, H. 2019. Women face enough barriers to breastfeeding — incorrect medication advice should not be one of them. The Conversation 2019 (11 Apr)
- Brown, A. and Trickey, H. 2019. Understanding the impact of family and partner attitudes, experience and expectations upon breastfeeding.. Practising Midwife 21 (11), pp.14-18.
- Brown, R. and Murphy, S. 2019. Contrasting staff and student views on alcohol education provision in a UK university. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy 26 (3), pp.229-237. (10.1080/09687637.2018.1475548)
- Bryson, A. and Davies, R. 2019. Accounting for geographical variance in the union satisfaction gap. Industrial Relations Journal 50 (2), pp.104-125. (10.1111/irj.12243)
- Bryson, A. and Davies, R. 2019. Family, place and the intergenerational transmission of union membership. British Journal of Industrial Relations 57 (3), pp.624-650. (10.1111/bjir.12435)
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- Calzada, I. 2019. Local entrepreneurship through a multistakeholders' tourism living lab in the postviolence/ peripheral era in the Basque Country. Regional Science Policy and Practice 11 (3), pp.451-466. (10.1111/rsp3.12130)
- Calzada, I. 2019. Report on the City-to-City-Learning Programme: the replication strategy in replicate EU-H2020-Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) Lighthouse Project (www.replicate-project.eu/city2citylearning). Technical Report.
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