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Security, Crime, and Intelligence Innovation Institute

Evidence-led insights, intelligence, and innovation for a safe, secure world.


Complexity and clarity

Our research brings clarity to understanding today's complex global and local security challenges.


Evidence and insight

Our work is rigorous and creative, using innovative concepts and methods to develop new knowledge.


Impact and action

We have an international reputation in building responses to real-world security problems and transforming policy and practice.

About our work

Society and communication network concept

About us

We have expertise across all relevant disciplines on the design, delivery and translation of new crime and security research.

Image of programming code


We bring together world-leading inter-disciplinary expertise to develop new insights, evidence and knowledge to manage the key crime and security challenges of our age.

Worldwide connections


Our work creates an evidence-base used by policy makers both nationally and internationally in security, crime and intelligence.

Our research units

Two policemen stood talking in a city centre.

Universities’ Police Science Institute

Developing the evidence base for the art, craft and science of policing.


Disinformation, Strategic Communications and Open Source Research Programme

Identifying and analysing disinformation campaigns and information operations.

Distributed Analytics and Information Science Group

Unlocking the potential of big data and fast data in front line situations.

Violence Research Group

Bringing about policy change and practical actions to reduce violence and alcohol related harms.

The university’s research assisted counter-terror officers and wider partners to understand the threat posed and provided key insights on tactical and strategic interventions.
Senior Counter-Terror Government Official

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