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Abila, S. S. 2016. The occupational socialisation of merchant marine cadets in the Philippines.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Abila, S. S. and Tang, L. 2014. Trauma, post-trauma, and support in the shipping industry: The experience of Filipino seafarers after pirate attacks. Marine Policy 46 , pp.132-136. (10.1016/j.marpol.2014.01.012 )Abou-Elkawam, M. 2011. Seafarers and growing environmental concerns: to comply or not to comply - choices and practices. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2011 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2011) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.33-45. Abou-Elkawam, M. 2008. Seafarers' quest for better auditing regimes. The Sea (196) Abou-Elkawam, M. 2015. Seafarers and growing environmental concerns: risk, trust, regulation and workplace culture and practice. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Acejo, I. 2013. Filipino seafarers and transnationalism. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Acejo, I. 2012. Seafarers and transnationalism: ways of belongingness ashore and aboard. Journal of Intercultural Studies 33 (1), pp.69-84. (10.1080/07256868.2012.633317 )Acejo, I. and Abila, S. 2016. Rubbing out gender: women and merchant ships. Journal of Organizational Ethnography 5 (2), pp.123-138. (10.1108/JOE-01-2016-0004 )Acejo, I. et al. 2018. The causes of maritime accidents in the period 2002-2016. Acejo, I. et al. 2011. The health and self-medication practices of seafarers. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2011 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2011) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.89-107. Akamangwa, N. 2013. Global environmental regulation and workers in the shipping industry. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Alderton, T. et al., 2004. The global seafarer: living and working conditions in a globalized industry. International Labour Organization. Allen, P. H. , Burke, A. and Ellis, N. 2003. A cross-vessel survey of seafarers examining factors associated with fatigue. Presented at: Contemporary Ergonomics 2003 April 2003. Published in: McCabe, P. T. ed. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003 . London: Taylor & Francis. , pp.125-130. Amante, M. S. V. 2003. Philippine global seafarers: a profile. Project Report.Seafarers International Research Centre. Attah, A. 2018. The impact of oil exploitation on a Ghanaian fishing community. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Bailey, N. 2007. Changing views - the world through a porthole. The Sea (187), pp.4-4. Bailey, N. 2003. The prudent mariner takes avoiding action. The Sea (164), pp.4-4. Bailey, N. 2005. Understanding shipboard risk. The Sea (175), pp.4. Bailey, N. J. 2009. Making sense of differences in perceptions of risk. Presented at: SIRC Symposium 2009 Cardiff, UK 8-9 July 2009. Published in: Sampson, H. ed. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2009) . Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC). , pp.9-24. Bailey, N. J. 2007. Maritime incidents: ways of seeing. Presented at: SIRC Symposium 2007 Cardiff, UK 4-5 July 2007. Published in: Sampson, H. ed. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2007) . Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC). , pp.112-137. Bailey, N. J. 2008. Passing ships' information. The Sea (192)Bailey, N. J. 2008. Re-imagining the allocation of shipboard work. Presented at: 2nd International Scientific Maritime Conference: Human Resources in the Shipping Industry: New Trends and Challenges in the 21st Century Limasso, Cyprus 21 - 22 November 2008. Bailey, N. J. 2006. Risk perception and safety management systems in the global maritime industry. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 4 (2), pp.59-75. Bailey, N. J. 2003. Seafarer compensation claims. Project Report.London: International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF). Bailey, N. J. 2005. Training, technology and AIS: looking beyond the box. Presented at: SIRC Symposium 2005 Cardiff, UK 6-7 July 2005. Published in: Sampson, H. ed. 4th International Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2005) . Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC). , pp.108-128. Bailey, N. J. 2008. Why stay at sea?. Presented at: Shenzhen International Maritime Forum: Seafarers and Development. Shenzhen, China 17 - 18 April 2008. Bailey, N. J. , Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2012. Exploring differences in perceptions of risk, and its management, amongst personnel directly associated with the operation of ships. Project Report.Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC). Bailey, N. J. , Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2011. Living and working conditions aboard large yachts. Presented at: SIRC Symposium 2011 Cardiff, UK 6-7 July 2011. Published in: Sampson, H. ed. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2011) . Cardiff, UK: Cardiff University. , pp.21-32. Bailey, N. J. , Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2007. Perceptions of risk in the maritime industry: personal injury. Project Report.Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC). Bailey, N. J. , Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2006. Perceptions of risk in the maritime industry: ship casualty. Project Report.Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC). Bailey, N. J. , Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2010. Safety and perceptions of risk: a comparison between respondent perceptions and recorded accident data. Working paper. Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC), Cardiff University. Bailey, N. J. , Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2010. SIRC report to the PYA on living and working conditions aboard yachts. Technical Report. Bailey, N. J. , Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2008. Training and technology onboard ship: How seafarers learned to use the shipboard Automatic Identification System (AIS). Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC), Cardiff University. Bailey, N. J. , Housley, W. and Belcher, P. M. 2006. Navigation, interaction and bridge team work. The Sociological Review 54 (2), pp.342-362. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00617.x )Bailey, N. J. and Winchester, N. J. 2010. Making sense of ‘global’ social justice. Presented at: The British Sociological Association Annual Conference Glasgow, UK 7 - 9 April 2010. Baum-Talmor, P. 2018. Careers and labour market flexibility in global industries: the case of seafarers. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Belcher, P. 2004. If it works properly, the benefits of AIS could be huge. The Sea (169), pp.4-5. Belcher, P. 2007. Rule following behaviour in collision avoidance : a study of navigational practices in the Dover Strait.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Belcher, P. 2001. Seafarers, scapegoats and word processors. The Sea (154), pp.4. Bergantino, A. S. and Marlow, P. B. 1997. An econometric analysis of the decision to flag out [Final Report]. Project Report.Seafarers International Research Centre. Bernfeld, J. 2006. Second registers have to be judged on their merits. The Sea (183), pp.4. Bernfeld, J. S. 2007. States, ships, and secondary registers: Examining sovereignty and standards in a globalized world.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. 2013. Fatigued for safety? Supply chain occupational health and safety initiatives in shipping. Economic and Industrial Democracy 34 (3), pp.383-399. (10.1177/0143831X12439760 ) Bhattacharya, S. 2006. How well does the safety code really work?. The Sea (182), pp.4. Bhattacharya, S. 2007. Seafarers' participation in safety management on board cargo ship. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2007 04-05 July 2007. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2007) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.157-176. Bhattacharya, S. 2009. The impact of the ISM code on the management of occupational health and safety in the maritime industry. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. 2013. Middle managers' role in safeguarding OHS: The case of the shipping industry. Safety Science 51 (1), pp.63-68. (10.1016/j.ssci.2012.05.015 ) Bloor, M. 2008. Fatalities at sea: the good and the bad news. The Sea (194), pp.4. Bloor, M. 2002. How can we crack down on the cowboys?. The Sea (159), pp.4. Bloor, M. 2000. No longer dying for a living?. The Sea (148), pp.4. Bloor, M. 2003. Problems of global governance: port-state control and ILO conventions. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2003 Cardiff University 19 September 2003. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2003) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.9-24. Bloor, M. et al. 2013. Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Final Report. Project Report.Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. Bloor, M. and Datta, R. 2004. Port state control inspectors – the seafarer’s friend?. The Sea (168), pp.4-5. Bloor, M. , Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. 2007. Qualiti (NCRM) commissoned inquiry into the risk to well-being of researchers in qualitative research. Project Report.Cardiff: Cardiff University. Bloor, M. et al., 2004. Problems of global governance of seafarers' health and safety [Project Report]. Project Report.Seafarers International Research Centre. Bloor, M. et al., 2013. The governance of ships’ sulphur emissions: issues of enforcement and equal treatment. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2013 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2013) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.73-82. Bloor, M. , Sampson, H. and Gekara, V. 2014. Global governance of training standards in an outsourced labor force: the training double bind in seafarer license and certification assessments. Regulation and Governance 8 (4), pp.455-471. (10.1111/rego.12042 )Bloor, M. J. 2011. Addressing social problems through qualitative research. In: Silverman, D. ed. Qualitative research . London: SAGE Publications Ltd. , pp.305-324. Bloor, M. J. 2011. An essay on 'health capital' and the Faustian bargains struck by workers in the globalised shipping industry. Sociology of Health & Illness 33 (7), pp.973-986. (10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01347.x )Bloor, M. J. 2010. The researcher's obligation to bring about good. Qualitative Social Work 9 (1), pp.17-20. (10.1177/1473325009355616 )Bloor, M. J. , Baker, S. C. and Sampson, H. 2012. Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Interim Report. Project Report.Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. Bloor, M. J. et al. 2015. Enforcement issues in the governance of ships' carbon emissions. Laws 4 (3), pp.335-351. (10.3390/laws4030335 )Bloor, M. J. , Baker, S. C. and Sampson, H. 2013. Issues in the enforcement of future international regulations on ships’ carbon emissions. Project Report.Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre. Bloor, M. J. , Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. 2010. Unprepared for the worst: risks of harm for qualitative researchers. Methodological Innovations Online 5 (1), pp.45-55. (10.4256/mio.2010.0009 )Bloor, M. J. and Munro, A. 2010. Sociological aspects of substance misuse. In: Pilgrim, D. , Rogers, A. and Pescosolido, B. eds. SAGE Handbook of Mental Health and Illness . London: Sage. , pp.350-366. Bloor, M. J. and Sampson, H. 2009. Computer based assessment in association with the issue of Seafarer certificates of competency. Presented at: Workshop for European Member State Representatives on Training Capacities Lisbon, Portugal 5 Nov 2009. Bloor, M. J. and Sampson, H. 2009. Regulatory enforcement of labour standards in an outsourcing globalized industry: the case of the shipping industry. Work Employment & Society 23 (4), pp.711-726. (10.1177/0950017009344915 )Bloor, M. J. and Sampson, H. 2009. Training capacities of current labour supply countries utilised by EU flagged vessels. Presented at: Workshop for European Member State Representatives on Training Capacities Lisbon, Portugal 5 Nov 2009. Bloor, M. J. et al. 2013. Room for manoeuvre? Regulatory compliance in the global shipping industry. Social and Legal Studies 22 (2), pp.171-189. (10.1177/0964663912467814 )Bloor, M. J. et al. 2014. The instrumental use of technical doubts: technological controversies, investment decisions and air pollution controls in the global shipping industry. Science and Public Policy 41 (2), pp.234-244. (10.1093/scipol/sct050 )Bloor, M. J. et al. 2013. Useful but no oracle: reflections on the use of a Delphi Group in a multi-methods policy research study. Qualitative Research (10.1177/1468794113504103 )Boerne, G. 1999. Filling the gap: Small inter-island Caribbean trading ships and their crews. Working paper. Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre. Burke, A. , Ellis, N. and Allen, P. H. 2003. The impact of work patterns on stress and fatigue among offshore worker populations. Presented at: Contemporary Ergonomics 2003 April 2003. Published in: McCabe, P. T. ed. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003 . London: Taylor & Francis. , pp.131-136. Calderón Veiga, M. 2011. Seafarers in Ecuador, a labour market study. Project Report.Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. Conghua, X. , Tang, L. and Walters, D. 2017. Who is dominant? Occupational health and safety management in Chinese shipping. Journal of Industrial Relations 59 (1), pp.65-84. (10.1177/0022185616676231 ) Davies, A. J. and Parfett, M. C. 1998. Seafarers and the internet - e-mail and seafarers' welfare. Project Report.Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. Devereux, H. 2017. The impact of the organisation of work and employment at sea on the occupational health, safety and well-being of seafarers. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Dutt, M. 2015. Indian seafarers’ experiences of ill-treatment onboard ships. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Ellis, N. 2007. Accident and incident data. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2007 Cardiff University 04-05 July 2007. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2007) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.81-111. Ellis, N. 2008. Accident and incident data: The perceptions of the risk of certain incidents versus the reality of reported data. Presented at: 2nd International Scientific Maritime Conference: Frederick University. Human Resources in the Shipping Industry: New Trends and Challenges in the 21st Century Limassol, Cyprus 21 - 22 November 2008. Ellis, N. 2004. Fatigue: what’s known and what’s being done. The Sea (172), pp.4-5. Ellis, N. 2007. How to take some of the stress out of the job. The Sea (185), pp.4-5. Ellis, N. 2005. Key concerns about safety at sea. The Sea (177), pp.4. Ellis, N. 2009. Life at Sea: Room for Improvement?. Nautilus International Telegraph , pp.24-25. Ellis, N. 2009. Vessel design and the well-being of seafarers. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2009 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2009) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.75-90. Ellis, N. 2008. Why should seafarers care about what researchers do?. The Sea (192), pp.4-5. Ellis, N. , Allen, P. H. and Burke, A. 2003. The influence of noise and motion on sleep, mood and performance of seafarers. Presented at: Contemporary Ergonomics 2003 April 2003. Published in: McCabe, P. T. ed. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003 . London: Taylor & Francis. , pp.137-142. Ellis, N. , Bloor, M. and Sampson, H. 2009. Patterns in injury reporting. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2009 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2009) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.1-8. Ellis, N. , Bloor, M. J. and Sampson, H. 2010. Patterns of seafarer injuries. Maritime Policy & Management 37 (2), pp.121-128. (10.1080/03088830903533742 )Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2013. Accommodation and welfare on contemporary cargo ships. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2013 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2013) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.100-118. Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2013. Corporate social responsibility and the quality of seafarers accommodation and recreational facilities. Presented at: IMISS2013 - International Scientific Meeting for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Shipping Kotka, Finland 11-12 June 2013. Published in: Kunnaala, V. and Viertola, J. eds. IMISS2013 - Proceedings of the International Scientific Meeting for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Shipping: 2nd International Maritime Incident and Near Miss Reporting Conference . Turku: Turun yliopisto / University of Turku. , pp.91-109. Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. 2008. The global labour market for seafarers working aboard merchant cargo ships 2003. Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC), Cardiff University. Ellis, N. et al. 2005. What seafarers think of CBT. Project Report.Cardiff: Cardiff University. Ellis, N. , Sampson, H. and Wadsworth, E. 201. Fatalities at sea. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2011 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2011) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.46-65. Ellis, N. et al. 2005. Safety and perceptions of risk. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2005 Cardiff University July 2005. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2005) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.91-107. Ellis, N. , Wadsworth, E. and Sampson, H. 2021. Mapping maritime professionals: Towards a full-scale European data collection system. Project Report.Brussels: ETF. Galam, R. 2011. Navigating lives: the spatiotemporality of the gender identity, agency and subjectivity of Filipino seamen’s wives. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Gekara, V. 2008. Are there jobs for all in the shipping industry?. The Sea (195), pp.4. Gekara, V. 2007. Increasing shipping skills in the UK: 'Bursting' the industry myth of diminishing interest. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2007 04-05 July 2007. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2007) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.29-43. Gekara, V. 2006. Recruits in need of a better deal. The Sea (181), pp.4. Gekara, V. O. , Acejo, I. and Sampson, H. 2013. Re-imagining global union representation under globalisation: a case of seafaring labour and the Nautilus International cross-border merger. Global Labour Journal 4 (3), pp.167-185. Gekara, V. O. 2008. Globalisation, state strategies and the shipping labour market: the UK's response to declining seafaring skills. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Gekara, V. O. , Bloor, M. J. and Sampson, H. 2011. Computer-based assessment in safety-critical industries: the case of shipping. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 63 (1), pp.87-100. (10.1080/13636820.2010.536850 ) Gould, E. 2011. Personalities, policies, and the training of officer cadets. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2011 Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2011) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.108-125. Gould, E. A. 2010. Towards a total occupation: A study of UK Merchant Navy Officer cadetship.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Graham, C. 2018. Developing labour standards for representation on ships. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.James, P. et al., 2015. Protecting workers through supply chains: lessons from two construction case studies. Economic and Industrial Democracy 36 (4), pp.727-747. (10.1177/0143831X14532296 ) Jenkins, N. et al., 2010. Putting it in context: the use of vignettes in qualitative interviewing. Qualitative Research 10 (2), pp.175-198. (10.1177/1468794109356737 ) Kahveci, E. 2000. Focusing on family life. The Sea (144), pp.4. Kahveci, E. 2005. 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Kahveci, E. 2002. Seafarers' families: the children speak. The Sea (155), pp.4. Kahveci, E. 2007. The maritime security code three years on. The Sea (189) Kahveci, E. 2007. Welfare services for seafarers. Presented at: Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium 2007 04-05 July 2007. Seafarers International Research Centre Symposium Proceedings (2007) . Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. , pp.10-28. Kahveci, E. , Lane, T. and Sampson, H. 2002. Transnational seafarer communities. Project Report.Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. Kataria, A. 2015. An ethnographic exploration of ship - shore communication. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Kitada, M. 2010. Women seafarers and their identities. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Lane, A. D. 1999. Crew competence. Maritime Review , pp.21-27. Lane, T. 2001. Invisible seafarers, hidden ports. The Sea (152), pp.4. Lane, T. 2001. Study looks at mixed nationality crews. The Sea (150), pp.4. Leong, P. 2012. Understanding the seafarer global labour market in the context of a seafarer 'shortage'. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Li, L. 2011. Values and beliefs : Chinese seafarers in an age of transition.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Llangco, M. O. 2017. Filipino seafarers on-board cruise ships: shared viewpoints on working lives. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Lucero-Prisno, E. 2013. Navigating seas, negotiating sex: exploring risky sexual behaviours and relationships of seafarers. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Mayhew, C. 1999. Work-related traumatic deaths of British and Australian seafarers: what are the causes and how can they be prevented?. Project Report.Cardiff, UK: Seafarers International Research Centre. Mazhari, S. 2018. Competency of merchant ship officers in the global shipping labour market: a study of the ‘Knowing-Doing’ gap. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Munro, A. and Bloor, M. J. 2009. A feasibility study for a schools-based, peer-led, drugs prevention programme, based on the ASSIST programme: the results. Technical Report. Munro, A. and Bloor, M. J. 2010. Process evaluation: the new miracle ingredient in public health research?. Qualitative Research 10 (6), pp.699-713. (10.1177/1468794110380522 ) Obando-Rojas, B. 2003. Increasing your employment porential. The Sea (163) Obando-Rojas, B. 2003. New jobs for seafarers in short supply. The Sea (162) Patel, T. 1998. An analysis and evaluation of international maritime medical training standards. Working paper. Cardiff: Seafarers International Research Centre. Pia, J. 2016. “nangangamuhan”: an analysis of the standard employment contract (POEA-SEC) for Filipino seafarers. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.Poulsen, R. T. and Sampson, H. 2019. 'Swinging on the anchor': the difficulties in achieving greenhouse gas abatement in shipping via virtual arrival. 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