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Libraries and resources

Our extensive library collection and services allow our researchers to be at the forefront of their discipline and receive support in developing their skills.

Our modern libraries are spread across our campuses and feature specialist libraries such as architecture, health, law, music and science.

There are more than 1.3 million books and other resources in the library collection and we offer a rapidly expanding range of online resources. This includes over 30,000 eJournals in full text and 35,000 eBooks, as well as indexes, databases, statistical collections and full text archives.

Shelf detail of the Salisbury library folios.

Researchers can benefit from an extensive collection of unique and distinctive special collections and archives. Highlights include 100,000 Welsh and Celtic books in the Salisbury Library, over 15,000 British and continental rare books, and modern research archives dedicated to the history of medicine and science.

There are also large collections of historical and modern archives including correspondence, diaries, manuscripts and photographs relating to Edward Thomas, Morfydd Owen, W. G. Collingwood, and more.

A team of dedicated Subject Librarians is available to provide training, help and guidance to assist researchers. Specialist advice on open access publishing, using and accessing Special Collections and Archives, conducting systematic reviews, bibliometrics and measuring impact, and managing references is available from our Information Consultants.

The University Library Service contributes to the Doctoral Academy and the Cardiff Researcher programmes to help researchers develop their research and professional skills. Sessions offered cover: information seeking, current awareness, finding citations data, appraising information and open access publishing.

Our European Information Hub provides information and expertise relating to Europe, its countries and regions and its national and supranational organisations, including the activities and policies of the European Union. The Hub has access to a mix of print and online resources, as well as subject expertise. It supports researchers, students and members of the public in locating and making use of information on any matter relating to Europe. The Hub is also responsible for the library's European Sources Online information service.

Woman using laptop with book in the library

Open Access

Open Access publications are openly available research outputs, free to read and use, from a variety of different online sources.