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Equipment and facilities

Our facilities attract leading academics from across the globe and enable them to pursue their research ambitions.

We invest significantly in our estate each year to provide modern and well-equipped facilities. Our campus development programme includes work being undertaken at the new Maindy Park campus. Maindy Park is being developed specifically to house our Research Institutes and Centres and to offer outstanding facilities for interdisciplinary research.

Hadyn Ellis building
Hadyn Ellis building

The first building on the new campus, the £30m Hadyn Ellis Building, was completed in 2013. It offers highly-advanced facilities for some of our world-leading research teams.

The programme also includes the new Cochrane Building at the Heath Park Campus, providing improved facilities for all five healthcare Schools, and a £4m extension to the School of Biosciences.

Sharing resources

As part of the GW4 partnership we are working with the University of Bath, University of Bristol and the University of Exeter to make our research equipment more visible and easier to share.

The GW4 Equipment website allows academic and technical staff to search for larger pieces of research equipment owned by the GW4 universities.

In addition to this, we have our own cross-University research equipment database for smaller equipment.

Equipment and facilities highlights

XPS surface analysis facility

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analysis

Our spectrometer combines next generation technologies to provide quantitative, real time parallel imaging with the highest resolution spectroscopy in all analysis areas.

MEG scanner

Brain scanners

Our technology includes structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging, electro- and magneto-encephalography, and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

The Morgan-Botti Lightning Laboratory

Morgan-Botti Lightning Laboratory

We have some of the best facilities worldwide for lightning research and testing, supported by a highly experienced staff team.

Gas Turbine Research Centre

Gas turbine testing

We have some of the only gas turbine testing facilities in the world, with features that make them unique.

Wales Gene Park Genomic Facility

Harnessing genetics to advance research, healthcare, education and innovation.

CIC Wide

Innovation Campus

Transforming our built environment to support a shift in our research and innovation activities.

Our Sciex 6500 QTRAP platform

Cardiff Small Molecules Facility

We analyse lipids and small molecules on three state-of-the-art mass spectrometers housed within our facility.