Reproducibility in research
We are members of the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN), an independent network of stakeholders in the UK dedicated to improving the quality and reproducibility of academic research output.
This represents an important part of our commitment to develop an Open Research culture that embraces a range of actions to improve the quality, integrity and accessibility of our research.
UK Reproducibility Network
While the UK is at the leading edge of research globally, to retain position and ensure our research is rigorous, robust and high-quality we need to drive continuous improvement. The UK Reproducibility Network, led by Professor Marcus Munafò and colleagues at a number of UK universities, works with researchers, universities and a range of stakeholders to promote the initiatives to improve research quality.
Each institutional partner within the UKRN has identified a senior academic lead to engage with the UKRN, share learning and foster its agenda. Professor Gillian Bristow, Dean of Research for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science is our network lead and chairs the University’s Open Research Operational Group.
"Open research is a critical part of our research strategy and vision, and I am committed to ensuring we are a leader in this area. Working with our staff and students, we are developing innovative approaches to support open research and are delighted to have the opportunity to join the UKRN and to work more closely with them to further enhance our research culture and environment."
Our commitment
Our UKRN initiatives will include
- developing common training across career stages
- aligning promotion and hiring criteria to support open and reproducible research practices
- sharing best practice.
Our UKRN academic lead will liaise with grass-roots networks of researchers and with UKRN stakeholders, including funders and publishers.
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