The History, Heritage, and Conservation Research and Scholarship Group serves as a nexus for multidisciplinary knowledge and cross-sector expertise, fostering collaboration among its diverse members.
Our work explores intersections between architectural history, heritage studies, building conservation and management. Research topics explored by the group include: sustainable heritage management and conservation, critical heritage studies, heritage and memory, contested heritage, digital heritage, energy transition in heritage contexts, industrial heritage and history, urban heritage and history, social and political theory, design history and theory, heritage and contemporary architectural design, intercultural heritage, and architectural history in non-Western contexts.
The group tackles the crucial issues emerging in the subject fields, including decolonisation, the climate crisis, sustainability, diversity and inclusivity, and bridging the gap between academic research and professional practices.
Meet the team
- Ntzani, D. 2024. Drysfeydd y cymoedd: The sub-topographies of South Wales Valleys’ industrial crises.. Architecture and Culture 2260167. (10.1080/20507828.2023.2260167)
- Patel, H. and Zapata-Lancaster, M. 2024. Integrating views on building performance from different stakeholder groups. Journal of Corporate Real Estate 26 (1), pp.21-40. (10.1108/JCRE-02-2023-0003)
- Shotton, E. and Prizeman, O. eds. 2024. Documenting maritime heritage at risk: Digital tools, communities, and institutions. Routledge. (10.4324/9781003385097)
- Davis, J. and Tam, L. 2023. The making and remaking of a Welsh mining landscape and village: Onllwyn, Cwm Dulais, 1876‐2023.
- Prizeman, O. , Davis, J. and Tam, L. 2023. Digitisation of retreating industrial heritage; modelling the decommissioning of the coal washeries of Onllwyn. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII (M 2), pp.1251-1260. (10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-M-2-2023-1251-2023)
- Mols, N. and Pezzica, C. 2023. Florentine streetscapes and their role in revisiting Palazzo Rucellai's urban façade hypotheses. Presented at: Nexus 2023, Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics Torino, Italy 12-15 June 2023. (10.1007/s00004-023-00698-0)
- Ntzani, D. 2023. Drysfeydd y Cymoedd (*The Maze of the Valleys): Archiving and commemorating the industrial crisis of the South Wales Valleys.. Presented at: Memory Studies Association 7th Annual Conference: Communities & Change Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 3-7 July 2023.
- Lindfield, P. N. ed. 2023. The marriage bed of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York: A masterpiece of Tudor craftsmanship. Oxbow Books.
- Ntzani, D. 2023. Drysfa'r Cymoedd*: The sub-topographies of industrial crises of the South Wales Valleys. (*The Maze of the Valleys). Presented at: AHRA Research Student Symposium 2023_ Research in crisis: tactics and methods Cardiff University 12-14 April 2023.
- Tam, L. , Davis, J. and Prizeman, O. 2023. The making and remaking of the Onllwyn industrial landscape - Change as an opportunity for resilience. Presented at: ICOMOS GA2023 - Historic Urban Contexts & Industrial Heritage: Case Studies in Resilience Sydney, Australia 31August - 9 September 2023.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. ‘pierced and perforated carving, as fine as the best cathedral screen work’: antiquarianism and faking Tudor furniture in the 1840s. Journal of the British Archaeological Association 175 (1), pp.266-295. (10.1080/00681288.2022.2096758)
- Mols, N. 2022. Italian architectural ratios in the British rotunda typology. Nexus Network Journal 25 (10.1007/s00004-022-00632-w)
- Whitman, C. J. et al. 2022. Hygrothermal monitoring of replacement infill panels for historic timber-frame buildings: initial findings. UCL Open: Environment 4 (10.14324/111.444/ucloe.000039)
- Mols, N. M. L. 2022. Partitioning sites for invention invention in Serlio's and Palladio's Palazzi. Nexus Network Journal 24 , pp.333-351. (10.1007/s00004-022-00595-y)
- Prizeman, O. 2022. The Carnegie libraries of Britain - A photographic chronicle. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture.
- El Faouri, B. F. and Sibley, M. 2022. Heritage-led urban regeneration in the context of WH listing: lessons and opportunities for the newly inscribed city of As-Salt in Jordan. Sustainability 14 (8) 4557. (10.3390/su14084557)
- Prizeman, O. E. C. 2022. Horse and rider: Who will drive change in ethics and practices of globalised conservation on living heritage sites?. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 26 (1), pp.91-104. (10.1017/S1359135522000033)
- Lindfield, P. 2022. Unbuilt Strawberry Hill. Shaun Tyas.
- Prizeman, O. , Boughanmi, M. and Pezzica, C. 2022. Carnegie libraries of Britain: Assets or liabilities? Managing altering agendas of energy efficiency for early 20th century heritage. Public Library Quarterly 41 (1), pp.43-82. (10.1080/01616846.2020.1826242)
- Tam, L. 2022. Sustainable heritage management in contemporary China. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Whitman, C. J. 2022. Building performance evaluation of a 14th century Pargetted House: hygrothermal comfort and energy efficiency. Presented at: The STBA-SPAB Annual Conference: Sustaining Buildings 2022 Edinburgh, Scotland 12 October 2022. Vol. 1.
- Ntzani, D. 2021. Un-mapping regions of trauma: systematicity and ordinariness in South Wales Valleys’ industrial disasters. Presented at: 18th Annual International Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference Virtual 11-13 November 2021. Published in: Richards, S. et al., Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference. Vol. 18.Loughborough: Loughborough University
- Sibley, M. , Pezzica, C. and Tweed, A. 2021. Eco-hammam: the complexity of accelerating the ecological transition of a key social heritage sector in Morocco. Sustainability 13 (17) 9935. (10.3390/su13179935)
- Mols, N. M. L. 2021. Scottish annotations in Italian architectural books: The Lord George Douglas Collection. Presented at: 16th International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Scottish Literature and Language 26-30 July 2021.
- Whitman, C. et al. 2020. Energy retrofit of historic timber-frame buildings- hygrothermal monitoring of building fabric. Presented at: WTA-PRECOM³OS Conference Preventive Conservation Leuven, Belgium 3-5 April 2019. Published in: Vandesande, A. , Verstrynge, E. and Van Balen, K. eds. Preventive Conservation - From Climate and Damage Monitoring to a Systemic and Integrated Approach Proceedings of the International WTA - PRECOM3OS Symposium, April 3-5, 2019, Leuven, Belgium. London: CRC Press / Balkema. , pp.129-136. (10.1201/9781003004042-20)
- Patel, H. and Green, S. D. 2020. Beyond the performance gap: reclaiming building appraisal through archival research. Building Research and Information 48 (5), pp.469-484. (10.1080/09613218.2019.1672517)
- Sibley, M. and Pena-Garcia, A. 2020. Flat glass or crystal dome aperture? A year-long comparative analysis of the performance of light pipes in real residential settings and climatic conditions. Sustainability 12 (9) 3858. (10.3390/su12093858)
- Whitman, C. et al. 2020. Heritage retrofit and cultural empathy; a discussion of challenges regarding the energy performance of historic UK timber-framed dwellings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 28 (2), pp.286-404. (10.1108/IJBPA-02-2019-0023)
- Patel, H. 2020. Modes of linking organisations with space: a historical account of the evolution of DEGW's concepts and methods. Presented at: Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference (TWR 2020) Frankfurt, Germany 17-18 September 2020.
- Sibley, M. et al. 2020. Belle epoque Cairo museums itineraries: مسارات متاحف الزمن الجميل. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at
- Tam, L. 2019. Something more than a monument—the long-term sustainability of rural historic temples in China. Religions 10 (4), pp.1-22. (10.3390/rel10040289)
- Patel, H. and Green, S. D. 2018. Bridging between history and organisation studies: making the case for archival research in construction management. Presented at: Association of Researchers in Construction Management 34th Annual Conference (ARCOM) Belfast, Ireland 3-5 September 2018. 34th Annual ARCOM Conference. Manchester: ARCOM. , pp.225-234.
- Tam, L. 2018. The revitalization of Zhizhu Temple. In: Maags, C. and Svensson, M. eds. Chinese Heritage in the Making: Experiences, Negotiations and Contestations. Asian Heritages Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. , pp.245-268. (10.2307/j.ctt2204rz8.13)
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2018. “Huellas: Grutas de Hércules, Tánger (Marruecos) / Interacciones en cooperación: Misiones Jesuitas en el Lago Tana (Etiopia). Proyecto Europeo EMUVE” [Imprints: Hercules’ Caves, Tangier (Morocco) / Interactions in Cooperation: Jesuit Missions around Lake Tana (Ethiopia). European Project EMUVE], in Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category]. In: Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category]. [Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial]. Granada University Press. , pp.441-465.
- Lindfield, P. 2016. Georgian gothic: medievalist architecture, furniture and interiors, 1730–1840. Boydell & Brewer.
- Ntzani, D. 2016. From theatre to labyrinth: in pursuit of critical engagement with archaeological heritage. PhD Thesis , University of Edinburgh.
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M. 2015. Urban activation in a post-crisis Euro-Mediterranean scenario. Urban Design and Planning 168 (DP6), pp.288-292. (10.1680/jurdp.15.00019)
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2015. EMUVE European Research Project. Social identity values for self-management strategies in post industrial reactivation: Campo Boario (Rome) and Can Battlo (Barcelona). Presented at: CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory Sheffield, UK 30 October – 1 November, 2015. Published in: Pillatt, T. , Moore, K. and Johnston, B. eds. Conference Proceedings of CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory. Sheffield: Sheffield University Press
- Davis, J. , Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2014. Heritage, culture and regeneration: the role of coal in the future of Cardiff Bay. Presented at: Heritage 2014: 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development Guimarães, Portugal July 22-25, 2014. Heritage 2014 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Vol. 1.Green Lines Institute. , pp.521-529.
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