The Employment Research Unit (ERU) aims to coordinate and develop employment relations, industrial relations and human resource management (HRM) research.
This includes organising research seminars and conferences, supporting PhD students, conducting joint research projects, managing the Montague Burton Visiting Fellowship and developing joint funding proposals.
ERU is based within the Management, Employment and Organisations section of Cardiff Business School, but also includes researchers with an interest in human resource management and employment relations from other areas.
Since 2017, ERU has been a member of the CRIMT (Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalisation and Work) network. ERU is also a participant in the CRIMT ‘Experimentation in Better Work’ project.
PhD studies
ERU is a warm and supportive home for our PhD students, who participate fully in ERU activities. We welcome applications from PhD candidates in the broad areas of employment relations and HRM, including but not limited to:
- trade unions and employers’ organisations
- equality, diversity and inclusion
- disability
- decent work
- labour rights and modern slavery
- the future of work
- corporate governance and employment
- living Wage
- arbitration and dispute resolution
- new industrial relations actors
- skills development
Operationalising Labour Rights ESRC GCRF Project
Jean Jenkins, Rhys Davies, Helen Blakely, Catriona Dickson
This is an international research project funded by the ESRC under the remit of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). It is a collaboration between researchers at Cardiff Business School and WISERD and our partners at Cividep-India.
The research is distinctive in being a longitudinal, workplace-centred study of access to remedy at the grassroots of the labour-intensive value chain in garments. The project commenced in 2018 and will end in 2021.
Operationalising Labour Rights: Access to Remedy at the Workplace
ES/S000542/1 ESRC GCRF
Urgent Appeals: Data and Shared Learning ESRC GCRF Project
Jean Jenkins, Katy Huxley
This is a project that commenced on 05 November 2019. It is being undertaken by colleagues in Cardiff Business School and WISERD in collaboration with the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC). It builds on an earlier ESRC IAA Award which was completed in March 2019. The focus of our work is to improve and develop the database used by CCC to record and monitor its Urgent Appeals mechanism.
Established in 1989, CCC is an international NGO which works in close cooperation with a range of civil society partners as a global alliance dedicated to improving working conditions and empowering workers in the global garment and sportswear industries.
Its Urgent Appeals system is an independent mechanism through which human rights defenders (HRDs) at the grassroots can appeal for assistance when in need of international lobbying and advocacy in support of their actions, or as a source of urgent remedy at the local level.
Urgent Appeals: Data and Shared Learning ESRC GCRF Project
Interest representation of European Employers’ Organisations
Mona Aranea, Leon Gooberman, Marco Hauptmeier
This research project focuses on interest representation of European Employers’ Organisations (EEOs) in the European Union (EU). The project concentrates on those European collective bodies which represent employer interests, considering a wide range of issues in the areas of employment relations, labour and Human Resource Management (HRM).
The project inquires as to how EEOs advance the interests of employers on the European level, analysing the joint regulation and policy-making with labour unions in the European social dialogues, political representation and lobbying in the EU political system, service provision to members and their role in standard-setting.
In addition, the project examines how EEOs develop their goals and policies, gauging the democratic influence by national member federations versus the autonomous decision making by the EEO leadership. Finally, the project aims to identify the population of EEOs, gather information on each organisation and compile their profiles in a new handbook of EEOs.
Gaining collaborative advantages: The changing role of employers' organisations in the British economy
This project ran from 20 June 2014 to 19 June 2017.
It was sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and led by Dr Marco Hauptmeier with Dr Leon Gooberman and Professor Edmund Heery.
Award type: Research, ESRC Future Research Leaders Fellowship
Meet the team
Academic staff
- Bondy, A. S. and Preminger, J. 2022. Collective labor relations and juridification: a marriage proposal. Economic and Industrial Democracy 43 (3), pp.1260-1280. (10.1177/0143831X20983593)
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. The adaptation and resilience of employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge. , pp.1-20.
- Morris, J. et al. 2021. Understanding managerial work in the modern Japanese firm: The influence of new organizational forms and changing human resource management practices. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (4), pp.1378-1406. (10.1177/0143831X19875785)
- Aranea, M. , González Begega, S. and Köhler, H. 2021. The European Works Council as a management tool to divide and conquer: corporate whipsawing in the steel sector. Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (3), pp.873-891. (10.1177/0143831X18816796)
- Musilek, K. , Jamie, K. and McKie, L. 2020. Cold winds and warm attachments: interrogating the personal attachment to neoliberal work and economy. Work, Employment and Society 34 (3), pp.514-525. (10.1177/0950017019856798)
- Preminger, J. 2020. ‘Ideational power’ as a resource in union struggle. Industrial Relations Journal 51 (3), pp.209-224. (10.1111/irj.12289)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2020. Corporate restructuring, work intensification and perceptual politics: exploring the ambiguity of managerial job insecurity. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41 (2), pp.323-350. (10.1177/0143831X17710733)
- Gooberman, L. , Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. A typology of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41 (1), pp.229-248. (10.1177/0143831X17704499)
- Foster, D. and Hirst, N. 2020. Legally Disabled? The career experiences of disabled people working in the legal profession. Full report.
- Heery, E. and Williams, S. 2020. The expression of worker voice through civil society organizations. In: Wilkinson, A. et al., Handbook of Research on Employee Voice. Edward Elgar. , pp.202-221.
- Heery, E. , Hann, D. and Nash, D. 2019. Going it alone? The involvement of trade unions in the Living Wage campaign in the UK. In: Pulignano, V. and Hendrickx, F. eds. Employment Relations in the 21st Century. Wolters Kluwer. , pp.105-122.
- Masso, M. et al., 2019. The influence of collective employment relations on work accommodation: case studies in Estonia, Hungary and Poland. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 25 (4), pp.451-464. (10.1177/1024258919828597)
- Pandeli, J. , Marinetto, M. and Jenkins, J. 2019. Captive in cycles of invisibility? Prisoners' work for the private sector. Work, Employment and Society 33 (4), pp.596-612. (10.1177/0950017018777712)
- Foster, W. M. et al., 2019. The changing nature of managerial work: The effects of corporate restructuring on management jobs and careers. Human Relations 72 (3), pp.473-504. (10.1177/0018726719828439)
- Gooberman, L. , Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The evolution of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom: extending countervailing power. Human Resource Management Journal 29 (1), pp.82-96. (10.1111/1748-8583.12193)
- Prosser, T. 2018. European labour movements in crisis: from indecision to indifference. Manchester University Press.
- Heery, E. 2018. Fusion or replacement? Labour and the 'new' social movements. Economic and Industrial Democracy 39 (4), pp.661-680. (10.1177/0143831X18777616)
- Morris, J. , Delbridge, R. and Endo, T. 2018. The layering of meso-level institutional effects on employment systems in Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations 56 (3), pp.603-630. (10.1111/bjir.12296)
- Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2018. Contrived competition and manufactured uncertainty: understanding managerial job insecurity narritives in large corporations. Work, Employment and Society 32 (3), pp.564-580. (10.1177/0950017017751806)
- Leung, W. S. et al. 2018. Organization capital, labor market flexibility, and stock returns around the world. Journal of Banking and Finance 89 , pp.150-168. (10.1016/j.jbankfin.2018.02.008)
- Preminger, J. 2018. Labor in Israel: beyond nationalism and neoliberalism. Ithaca and London: ILR Press/Cornell University Press.
- Foster, D. 2018. The health and well-being at work agenda: good news for (disabled) workers or just a capital idea?. Work, Employment and Society 32 (1), pp.186-197. (10.1177/0950017016682458)
- Preminger, J. 2018. Creating a multilayered representational ‘package’ for subcontracted workers: the case of cleaners at Ben-Gurion University. Industrial Relations Journal 49 (1), pp.34-49. (10.1111/irj.12201)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Neo-normative control and value discretion in interactive service work: a case study. In: Vallas, S. P. ed. Emerging Conceptions of Work, Management and the Labor Market. Vol. 30, Research in the Sociology of Work Emerald Publishing Limited. , pp.59-85.
- Jenkins, J. and Blyton, P. 2017. In debt to the time-bank: the manipulation of working time in Indian garment factories and 'working dead horse'. Work, Employment and Society 31 (1), pp.90-105. (10.1177/0950017016664679)
- Jenkins, S. and Delbridge, R. 2017. Trusted to deceive: A case study of 'strategic deception' and the normalization of lying at work. Organization Studies 38 (1), pp.53-76. (10.1177/0170840616655481)
- Gooberman, L. 2017. From depression to devolution: economy and government in Wales, 1934 to 2006. University of Wales Press.
- Preminger, J. 2016. Effective citizenship in the cracks of neocorporatism. Citizenship Studies 21 (1), pp.85-99. (10.1080/13621025.2016.1252719)
Seminars, conferences and other events
ERU holds regular seminars, conferences, discussion forums and other events, including presentations from ERU members and visiting scholars.
ERU 2024 report
In October 2024, ERU had the pleasure of hosting Professor Judy Fudge and Professor Guy Mundlak, who presented their work on the objectives and capacity of international law to address the protection of workers’ rights. Both guests were Montague Burton visiting scholars on an extended visit, and participated in teaching the School’s postgraduate students.
Guy Mundlak is a professor of labour law and work relations, holding a joint position at the Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Law and Department of Labor Studies; Judy Fudge is Professor in the School of Labour Studies at McMaster University.
In June 2024, ERU hosted Emma Hughes, who presented her work on work and employment challenges in adult social care. Emma Hughes is associate professor in HRM at Leeds Business School, and member of the Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change.
In April 2024, ERU hosted Mathieu Dupuis, who presented his work digitalisation and the reorganization of work, investigating production patterns, social relations and power in two manufacturing sectors. Mathieu Dupuis is associate professor of labour relations at Laval University, Quebec.
In February 2024, ERU hosted Stephen Mustchin, who presented his research into contesting, mediating and reversing employer fragmentation: public procurement, social value and union responses to outsourcing. Stephen Mustchin is Senior Lecturer in Employment Studies at the Work and Equalities Institute, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, and secretary of Manchester Industrial Relations Society.
Also in February 2024, ERU hosted Patrick Witzak who presented in his research into European Works Councils. Patrick Witzak was a Montague Burton visiting scholar on an extended visit. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the interdisciplinary DFG, ESRC and ANR collaborative project "European Works Councils after Brexit". He is based at the Chair for the Sociology of Digital Transformation at the Institute of Work Science at Ruhr University Bochum.
In January 2024, ERU was delighted to host John Kelly who presented his recently published book, The Twilight of World Trotskyism. John Kelly is an Emeritus Professor of Industrial Relations at Birkbeck College, University of London. His research interests include trade unions, industrial conflict, labour movements and the political far left.
ERU 2023 report
Throughout 2023, Dr Luciana Zorzoli served as the ERU interim Director, while Dr Jonathan Preminger was on research leave.
In 2023 we congratulate our colleague Prof Ed Heery for being awarded the BUIRA Fellowship. This esteemed recognition is a testament to Ed's exceptional contributions to IR and his remarkable dedication to publishing high-impact and quality publications.
In December 2023, Minju Kang presented her comparative research investigating labour migration policies in Israel and South Korea through the lens of an “embedded ethnonationalism”. Minju Kang is a researcher at Seoul National University, and was a visiting scholar at the Minerva Centre for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University.
In November 2023, ERU hosted Taísa Oliveira who presented her ethnographic work into migrant scholars’ modes of being in academia. Taísa Oliveira is a PhD candidate at Porto University, and was hosted as part of her studies by Cardiff Business School.
In June, we had the honour of hosting Dr Jonathan Preminger, who presented his thought-provoking research on "Nationalist Industrial Relations and the Ethnic 'Other': A Critical Border Studies Perspective."
Also in June, ERU members presented work in progress and recent research at the Management, Employment and Organisation Section Research Conference. Have a look at the conference program online (permission required).
May brought two distinguished colleagues, Dr David Nash and Dr Deborah Hann, who presented their collaborative work entitled "Strategic, Disconnected, or Reactive? Towards a Typology of Conflict Management Approaches in the UK."
In April, I presented and discussed the book titled "70 Years of the ILO Committee of Freedom of Association: A Reliable Compass in Any Weather" with Karen Curtis, Chief of the ILO Freedom of Association Branch, International Labour Standards Department and Dr Kamala Sankaran from the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. This book provided valuable insights into the work of the ILO Committee of Freedom of Association over the past seven decades.
Our activities in March were cancelled as part of UCU's industrial action.
In February, we had the privilege of hosting Dr Maayan Niezna from the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at the University of Oxford. Dr. Niezna presented her research on the exploitation of Palestinian workers in Israel, specifically focusing on recruitment fees.
In January, we had the pleasure of hosting a joint book presentation organized by ERU and CORGies. The event celebrated and discussed two new books written by our CARBS colleagues. The first book, titled "Contemporary Employers' Organizations: Adaptation and Resilience," was edited by Leon Gooberman and Marco Hauptmeier. The second book, "Developing Public Service Leaders: Elite Orchestration, Change Agency, Leaderism, and Neoliberalization," was authored by Mike Wallace, Michael Reed, Dermot O'Reilly, Michael Tomlinson, Jonathan Morris, and Rosemary Deem.
You can learn more about these books from the following news stories.
We also continued our tradition of collaborating with CORGies to organize our PhD mini-conference at the beginning of the year. The event featured presentations from PhD students from our Management, Employment and Organisation Section (MEO) and other Cardiff University schools, covering a wide range of research topics. You can find the full report online.
Past events
In February, ERU collaborated with CORGies and the Centre for Researching Education and Labour at the University of the Witwatersrand, for an online symposium titled, Critical Perspectives on the 4th Industrial Revolution. Speakers included Ian Moll (University of the Witwatersrand), Paul Thompson (Stirling University) and Ivor Baatjes (Nelson Mandela University), with Irena Grugulis (Leeds University) and Rick Delbridge (Cardiff Business School) commentating on the speakers’ presentations.
In January, ERU hosted the Cardiff Business School MEO section PhD conference, organized jointly with CORGies, in which the section’s PhD students presented their research.
In October, Arianna Marcolin (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa) discussed how digitalisation affects industrial relations in the retail sector, using evidence from Italy and Spain.
In June, Luciana Zorzoli (Cardiff Business School) presented her research on employment relations and gig workers’ expectations, interests and experiences, focusing on Buenos Aires (Argentina), São Paulo (Brazil) and Santiago de Chile (Chile).
In March, Bradon Ellem (University of Sydney Business School) presented his research into productivity and industrial relations policy in Australian ‘megaprojects’.
In February, Sarah Pickard (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) discussed the reasons for low rates of trade union membership and activism among the young precariat in Britain.
In January, ERU hosted the Cardiff Business School MEO section PhD conference, organised jointly with CORGies, in which the section’s PhD students presented their research.
In January, Dr Søren Kaj Andersen (University of Copenhagen), Professor Russell Lansbury (University of Sydney) and Dr Chris F. Wright (University of Sydney) presented their work on actors’ perspectives of low growth in Australia and Denmark (event held online due to Covid-19)
In January, Dr Johannes Kiess (University of Siegen and University of Leipzig) talked about participation, solidarity and recognition in the workplace, and the possibility of strengthening democratic attitudes through industrial citizenship (event held online due to Covid-19)
In November, Cardiff University’s Professor Alan Felstead talked about his research into homeworking during the Covid-19 pandemic, and Cardiff Business School’s Professor Emmanuel Ogbonna talked about the impact of the pandemic on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities (event held online due to Covid-19)
In November, Dr Paolo Tomassetti (University of Bergamo) talked about the main findings of the EU project ‘Agreenment: A Green Mentality for Collective Bargaining’, which investigates the role of social dialogue and collective bargaining in promoting sustainable development and a just transition (event held online due to Covid-19)
In July, Professor Guy Mundlak (Tel Aviv University) talked about his new book, Organizing Matters: Two Logics of Trade Union Representation (ILO and Edward Elgar, 2020) (event held online due to Covid-19)
In June, Dr Stefano Gasparri (University of the West of England) presented his paper, “Workers of the world, unite and then divide! Ideological variation in trade union strategies towards zero-hours contracts in Italy” (event held online due to Covid-19)
In May, Dr Mona Aranea (Cardiff University) spoke about employers and the European social pillar, part of the Interest Representation by European Employer Organisations research project (event held online due to Covid-19)
In March, Daniel Nicholson (Cardiff University) presented his paper, “Which side are you on? Technological change, worker involvement and shopfloor patterns of class compromise in the aerospace sector” (event held online due to Covid-19)
In November, Huw Thomas (Bristol University) presented his paper “From a ‘moral commentator’ to a ‘determined actor’? How the International Labour Organization is orchestrating a reframing of the international industrial relations field,” and Dr Fernando Ramalho Martins (Universidade Estadual Paulista) presented his paper, “The reconfiguration of automotive industry: The Iracemápolis’ (Brazil) Mercedes-Benz case”
October: Günter Hinken (VHS Essen) and Tracy Corley (Northeastern University)
In June, Professor Edward Webster (Wits University) presented “The South African inequality paradox”
May: Professor John Budd and Prof. Sarosh Kuruvilla
In May, ERU hosted a book launch for Thomas Prosser’s European Labour Movements in Crisis: from Indecision to Indifference (Manchester University Press, 2019), with Professor Guglielmo Meardi (Warwick University)
In March, ERU hosted a half-day’s workshop in partnership with the CRIMT network.
February: Dr Wil Chivers and Katy Huxley (WISERD, Cardiff University), and Dr David Nash and Dr Deborah Hann (Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University)
In January, Dr Jonathan Preminger (Cardiff University) presented his paper, “Union revitalization through social partnership: potential and limitations,” and Dr Jean Jenkins (Cardiff University) presented her work on unionizing in the Indian garment industry.
January: Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto Casnici (Fundação Getulio Vargas, EAESP) and Carolyn Graham (Seafarers International Research Centre, Cardiff University)
February: Mark Bergfeld (Queen Mary University of London)
May: Professor Lidia Greco (Università di Bari)
In November, Helen Blakely and Rhys Davies (WISERD, Cardiff University) presented their paper, “Family, community and the inter-generational transmission of union membership”
In May, ERU held the Global Value Chains and their Employment Relations Consequences conference and special issue
In May, ERU hosted a book launch for Jonathan Preminger’s Labor in Israel: Beyond Nationalism and Neoliberalism (Cornell University Press, 2018), with Professor Marco Hauptmeier (Cardiff Business School)
In February, ERU hosted a book launch for Leon Gooberman’s From Depression to Devolution, Economy and Government in Wales, 1934-2006 (University of Wales Press, 2017).
In April, ERU hosted a special forum for discussion of the French Presidential election
On 15-16 September, ERU held the Employers’ Organisations and Employers’ Collective Action Conference
Funding and awards
The Montague Burton Fund
ERU is delighted to be able to host external scholars through the Montague Burton Fund. The fund covers expenses for visits, to include accommodation, subsistence and travel, up to an expenses cap of £5,000 (subject to availability).
Visiting scholars funded by the Montague Burton Fund would normally be hosted by a scholar based in Cardiff Business School, who would make the application on their behalf and arrange the visit. Visiting scholars are expected to present their research at an ERU seminar, and may be asked to give a guest lecture for students where appropriate.
The Richard E. Benedict Scholarship Award
Thanks to the generosity of the Benedict family, the Richard E. Benedict Scholarship Award (formerly the Benedict Prize) is awarded annually to encourage postgraduate students (including MSc students) to enter the field of employment relations research. These awards, of up to £2,000 (subject to availability), are intended to enable the recipient to undertake and complete a project related to an area of postgraduate studies on a topic connected with employment and work, broadly defined.
To apply for the Richard E. Benedict Scholarship Award or for further details, please contact the Director of ERU. Applications will be awarded on a competitive basis: ERU members will select a project of the best quality and highest potential. Upon completion of the project, recipients are required to write a report of not more than 500 words and present the findings of their project at an ERU seminar.
Visiting Scholars
Montague Burton visiting fellowship
Since 1990, the ERU has organised a regular visiting scholar programme based on the Montague Burton Fund.
The unit uses these funds to build up contacts with international researchers, to facilitate research collaboration between members and internationally renowned scholars and to enhance the international reputation of both the Employment Research Unit and Cardiff Business School.
Past visiting scholars
- Dr Patrick Witzak (Ruhr University Bochum)
- Professor Judy Fudge (McMaster University)
- Professor Guy Mundlak (Tel Aviv University)
- Professor John Budd (University of Minnesota)
- Dr Todd Dickey (Syracuse University)
- Professor Edward Webster (Wits University)
- Dr Tracy Corley (Northeastern University)
- Professor Lidia Greco (Università di Bari)
- Professor Peter Gahan (University of Melbourne)
- Dr Assaf Bondy (Tel Aviv University)
- Mona Aranea Guillen (Oviedo University)
- Howard Gospel (Kings College)
- David Yeandle (former employer representative, EEF)
- Rebecca Givan (Rutgers University, USA)
- Lise Lotte Hansen (Roskilde Universitet, Denmark)
- Cathie Jo Martin (Boston University, USA).
- Kerstin Harmann (University of Central Florida, USA)
- Greg Bamber (Monash University, USA)
- Lowell Turner (Cornell University, USA).
- Charles Heckscher (Rutgers University, USA)
- Sanford Jacoby (UCLA, USA)
- Christian Levesque (Montreal University, Canada).
- Ed Carberry (Boston University, USA)
- Morris Kleiner (University of Minnesota, USA)
- Sarosh Kuruvilla (Cornell University, USA).
- Janice Fine (Rutgers University, USA)
- Martin Behrens (Hans Böckler Foundation, Germany)
- Marian Baird (University of Sydney, Australia).
- Luis Ortiz (Pompeiu Fabra)
- Nikola Smit (North West University, South-Africa)
- Michael Burawoy (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
- Ruth Milkman (CUNY, USA)
- Bradon Ellem (University of Sydney, Australia).
Next steps
Research that matters
Our research makes a difference to people’s lives as we work across disciplines to tackle major challenges facing society, the economy and our environment.
Postgraduate research
Our research degrees give the opportunity to investigate a specific topic in depth among field-leading researchers.
Our research impact
Our research case studies highlight some of the areas where we deliver positive research impact.