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We aim to become a leading corporate governance research institute in the UK and globally.

Corporate governance has been on policymakers’ agendas since the late 1980s/early 1990s when the UK experienced a wave of corporate scandals, most of which were caused by powerful CEOs who faced little or no resistance from their fellow board members.

Overseas scandals such as Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat further fuelled the debate on how corporate governance should be designed and regulated. Finally, the 2008 financial crisis, which was brought about by weak corporate governance and perverse executive incentive schemes in the banking sector, highlighted the implications of corporate governance failures for the broader economy.


  • Raise the visibility of Cardiff Business School as one of the leading centres for excellence in Europe for corporate governance research.
  • Serve as a platform in Cardiff Business School that facilitates cross-disciplinary research across Sections and across University Schools in corporate governance.
  • Pursue Cardiff Business School's Public Value Strategy by establishing links between the group’s members and outside stakeholders to disseminate the Group’s research on corporate governance, inform its research and pave the way for potential impact.


Members of the group are studying a number of important issues and research questions in corporate governance.

These include:

  • the design of executive compensation and incentive schemes
  • the effect of board gender diversity on corporate decision making, innovation and firm value
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • the link between corporate control on the one side and dividend policy and insider trading on the other side
  • corporate governance in initial public offerings and venture-capital backed companies
  • the behavioural dynamics of boardrooms and corporate leadership
  • corporate governance in banks
  • the link between corporate governance and managers’ and investors’ decision making in the area of taxation
  • the effect of anti-takeover provisions on corporate innovation
  • corporate governance issues affecting family firms
  • how women are framed in corporate discourse
  • corporate governance in emerging markets, including China
  • directors’ networks

Meet the team


Picture of Svetlana Mira

Dr Svetlana Mira

Reader in Finance, Deputy Head of Section (Learning and Teaching), Director of the Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group

+44 29208 76439

Academic staff

Picture of Izidin El Kalak

Dr Izidin El Kalak

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Finance

+44 29208 74961
Picture of Arman Eshraghi

Professor Arman Eshraghi

Professor of Finance and Investment

+44 29225 10880
Picture of Kevin Evans

Dr Kevin Evans

Reader in Finance; Deputy Head of Section Research, Impact and Innovation

+44 29208 74558
Picture of Bo Guan

Dr Bo Guan

Lecturer in Accounting and Finance

+44 29225 11772
Picture of Kevin Holland

Professor Kevin Holland

Professor of Accounting and Taxation

+44 29208 75725
Picture of Antonios Kallias

Dr Antonios Kallias

Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance

+44 29208 75322
No picture for Asma Mobarek

Dr Asma Mobarek

Senior Lecturer in Economics

+44 29208 74256
Picture of Helen Mussell

Dr Helen Mussell

Senior Lecturer in Organizational Studies and Director of Online Learning

+44 29206 88841
Picture of Laima Spokeviciute

Dr Laima Spokeviciute

Lecturer in Accounting and Finance

+44 29208 75839
Picture of Onur Tosun

Dr Onur Tosun

Reader (Associate Professor) in Finance

+44 29208 74517
Picture of Qingwei Wang

Professor Qingwei Wang

Head of Accounting and Finance
Professor of Finance

+44 29208 75514
No picture for Jason Xiao

Professor Jason Xiao

Honorary Visiting Professor

No picture for Jiaman Xu

Dr Jiaman Xu

Lecturer in Finance

Picture of Tina Xu

Dr Tina Xu

Senior Lecturer in International Business and Management

+44 29208 74417

Postgraduate students

Picture of Kefu Liao Liao

Kefu Liao Liao

Teaching Associate / Research Student

No picture for Min Ma

Mr Min Ma

Research student


Past events

The International Conference on "CSR, the Economy and Financial Markets"

Cardiff Business School, 7-8 November 2024

The Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group had the pleasure of co-organising the “CSR, the Economy and Financial Market” conference with the Global Finance Journal, following prior conferences in Chicago, Tokyo, and Düsseldorf.

The conference included three prominent keynote speakers:

  • Alex Edmans, London Business School
  • Richard Barker, University of Oxford and International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
  • Amir Amel-Zadeh, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

The conference was supported internally by Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group and externally by Elsevier and Greenleaf Advisors. This allowed us to hold a superb Gala Dinner at Cardiff Castle much enjoyed by all our intranational delegates.

The programme featured 36 presentations, a panel discussion on Sustainable Finance featuring economists and practitioners with a wide online audience in Chicago, and a fire-side chat with journal editors.

For more information on the conference please take a look at the accompanying news story.

3rd International Corporate Governance Conference, 7 to 8 September 2023

Conference organised by Cardiff University, UK

Theme: “Challenges and Opportunities in Corporate Governance”

The aim of the Conference is to bring together leading academics, practitioners and policymakers from across the globe to share and debate the latest corporate governance research findings and best practices.

The implications of the climate change, Ukraine-Russia war and the recent pandemic continue to highlight the role of corporate governance in the broader economy. In addition, the recurrent corporate scandals have sparked a series of revisions to governance policies and initiating reforms on a global scale. In a fast-moving and globalised corporate environment, designing and regulating corporate governance is ever more challenging.

CCGRG is a multi-disciplinary group including academics from Business, Economics, Law and Politics. Our members investigate research questions in corporate governance which include boards of directors, international corporate governance, leadership, culture and organization, executive compensation, and governance in new ventures, among others.

Keynote speakers

Professor Marc Goergen is a Professor of Finance at IE Business School. He is also a Research Associate of the ECGI and an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Management and the European Journal of Finance.

Professor Jens Hagendorff is a Professor of Finance at King’s College London. He acts as an advisor to banks and asset management firms on a wide range of finance, investment, and banking issues.

Doctoral student poster session

We invite doctoral students to participate in a poster presentation. This is a unique opportunity to present and collect valuable feedback on their work from distinguished academics and practitioners. Each student shall prepare one A1 size poster.

Conference programme co-chairs

Dr Svetlana Mira, Cardiff Business School and Dr Izidin El Kalak, Cardiff Business School

The 2nd International Corporate Governance Conference, Friday 17 September 2021

Virtual conference organised by Cardiff University

Theme: “Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Corporate Governance”

The implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic and recent global financial crisis continue to highlight the role of corporate governance in the broader economy. In a fast-moving and globalised corporate environment, designing and regulating corporate governance is ever more challenging. In particular, the recurrent corporate scandals of the last two decades have sparked a series of revisions to governance policies, initiating reforms on a global scale.

Following the success of the Inaugural International Corporate Governance held in 2018, the Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group (CCGRG) organised a one-day virtual Conference on 17 September 2021. The aim of the Conference was to bring together leading researchers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the grand challenges of a rapidly changing political, social and economic landscape.

The Conference Programme can be found in related downloads.

Keynote speakers

Mr Ken Skates MS is a member of Welsh Parliament (Senedd), and until recently, the Welsh Government’s Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales.

Professor Konstantinos Stathopoulos is Professor of Accounting and Finance at Alliance Manchester Business School. Professor Stathopoulos is the joint Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review.

Professor Marc Goergen is Professor of Finance at IE Business School, Spain. Professor Goergen is also a Research Associate of the ECGI and an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Management.

Organising committee

  • Dr Svetlana Mira
  • Dr Onur Kemal Tosun
  • Professor Arman Eshraghi


Conference Programme - CCGRG 2023.pdf

3rd International Corporate Governance Conference, theme: “Challenges and Opportunities in Corporate Governance".

Conference programme - CCGRG 2021 FINAL.docx

Conference programme - CCGRG 2021 FINAL.docx