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Biosensors and Advanced Imaging

We carry out research and engagement activities on new and emerging technologies in biosensing and bioimaging, including development of novel instrumentation, probes and quantitative data analysis tools.

We seek to foster interactions and stimulate new cross-disciplinary research into innovative and potentially disruptive technological capabilities in biosensing and advanced imaging that will drive world-leading discoveries in the health and life sciences.

As a network our mission is:

  • to facilitate collaboration between researchers across the University through sharing of equipment and expertise
  • to create a platform that will enable the dissemination of our research to academics, industry and stakeholders
  • to promote Cardiff University expertise in biosensing and bioimaging around the world.


Our specific scientific aims are:

  • To develop novel sensing modalities that employ advances in material science and nanotechnology to   achieve unprecedented functionalities. To develop novel imaging and analytical capabilities which could enable early detection and predictive diagnosis of diseases.
  • To develop novel contrast reagents and chemical probes, improving   delivery technologies, to enhance imaging and sensing capabilities.


We conduct research on:

  • Next-generation optical microscopy instrumentation development.
  • Diagnostic devices with miniaturised light sources and detectors.
  • Chemically sensitive label-free bioimaging of living cells and tissues.
  • Software development for quantitative image analysis.
  • Coherent optical “nanoscopy” of single molecules/particles.
  • Development of new biochemical probes, including engineering of fluorescent proteins.
  • Nanoparticles and functionalised nanostructures for drug delivery.
  • Delivery of small molecule drugs and biopharmaceuticals.
  • Characterizing endocytic pathways for drug delivery research.
  • Production and purification of diamond nanoparticles with single photon centres.


Examples of projects with the BioSensing and Imaging Network include:

  • EU Marie-Curie ETN Multi-partner Award “Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum (MUSIQ)” (Paola Borri, Wolfgang Langbein,Pete Watson)
  • BBSRC Research Grant Award BB/R021899/1 “A label-free tool to unravel the dynamics of lipid bilayers containing single membrane proteins: iGOR microscopy” (Paola Borri, Wolfgang Langbein, Mark Young)
  • BBSRC Research Grant Award BB/P007511/1“Lipid droplets in oocytes: shedding new light on why fats are good or bad for development” (Karl Swann, Paola Borri, Wolfgang Langbein, Rosalind   John)
  • SerCymru II Rising Star Fellowship “Integrated compound semiconductor lab-on-chip   optical biosensor enabling infectious disease diagnostics at the point-of-care” (Francesco Masia)
  • CRUK/EPSRC project C368/A22099 NS/A000040/1 “Using CARS microscopy to realise the   potential of 3D culture for personalised medicine and drug delivery” (Trevor Dale, Paola Borri, Wolfgang Langbein)
  • EPSRC Research Grant Award EP/R009147/1 “Two-photon Lithography for Isotropic 3D Nanostructure Fabrication” (Sam Ladak, Wolfgang   Langbein, Paola Borri)
  • EPSRC DTP PhD Studentship “Integrated compound semiconductor lab-on-chip optical biosensor”   (Francesco Masia, Wolfgang Langbein, Paola Borri)
  • BBSRC Research Grant award BB/P009980/1 “Traceless, non-invasive and spatiotemporal control of protein activity in cells.” (Louis   Luk, Yuhsuan Tsai, Arwyn T. Jones and Ruedi  Allemann)
  • ERDF, Welsh Government Ireland-Wales INTERREG Operation. Celtic Advanced Life Science Innovation Network. CU Investigators Arwyn T Jones, Mark Gumbleton, James Birchall, Jenna Bowen, Peter. Watson.

Meet the team

Lead researcher

Academic staff

Postgraduate students

Associated staff

Next steps


Research that matters

Our research makes a difference to people’s lives as we work across disciplines to tackle major challenges facing society, the economy and our environment.


Postgraduate research

Our research degrees give the opportunity to investigate a specific topic in depth among field-leading researchers.


Our research impact

Our research case studies highlight some of the areas where we deliver positive research impact.