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Population health

Medical results and stethoscope

The Population Health theme aims to prevent ill-health, reduce health inequalities and improve health across the life-course.

The core elements in population health are:

  • understanding the biological, environmental and psychosocial causes of disease and determinants of health risk behaviours.
  • designing, developing and testing interventions to improve health, healthcare quality and safety.
  • translating and implementing evidence into policy and practice through innovation.


The Population Health five sub-themes provide opportunities for new collaborations and large-scale programme and centre grants. In addition, the sub-themes have significant areas of overlap and alignment with the other College research themes.

  • Health Behaviour / Behaviour Change
  • Healthcare Quality and Safety
  • Healthy Childhood / Maternal Health
  • Healthy Ageing
  • Work and Health


  • Develop strategic links with the other College research themes, thereby addressing the complex interactions between genetics, development and behaviour, to determine how these factors influence health, in order to develop and tailor interventions to individual needs.
  • Facilitate the pursuit of funding to better understand causal pathways and develop effective and efficient strategies for prevention of ill-health and tackling behaviours that lead to disease.
  • Develop a network of expertise on bio-informatics and statistics that encourage joint working on shared research priorities, and develop capacity and skills in big data approaches that combine biomedical and population science approaches for the improvement of population health outcomes.
  • Facilitate cross-disciplinary collaborations between population health scientists, industry and researchers in areas such as physical and engineering sciences, computing, pharmacy and biosciences to advance and apply new technologies, methodologies and outcome measurement.
  • Support and develop early and mid-career population health researchers.
  • Attain and sustain international leadership and excellence in population health research, innovation, education and community engagement and deliver knowledge transfer and impact from research across the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences.

Theme Lead

Dr Liba Sheeran

Dr Liba Sheeran

Reader: Physiotherapy

+44 (0)29 206 87757

Associate Theme Leads

Dr Catherine Purcell

Dr Catherine Purcell

Reader: Occupational Therapy

+44 (0)29 225 10961
Dr Harry Ahmed

Dr Harry Ahmed

Senior Clinical Lecturer in Epidemiology. Director, Academic Fellows Scheme

+44 (0)29 2251 0194
Professor Katherine Brain

Professor Katherine Brain

Personal Chair

+44 (0)29 2068 7164