Mind, brain, and neuroscience
We aim to implement a unique ‘synapse to society’ translational pipeline, utilising our world leading research infrastructure to deliver an integrated, strategically focused research programme.
Our world leading research infrastructure includes Cardiff University Brain Research imaging Centre, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics and Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute. The research programme aims to:
- reduce the significant societal and financial impact of brain disorders
- optimise quality of life and wellbeing in those with chronic and/or progressive disease
- encourage behavioural change and citizenship behaviour, leading to a sustainable, safe and inclusive society
- deliver new methods for personalised assessment of health and behaviour, facilitating measurement of preventative interventions applied across the lifespan.
Our researchers are interested in:
- the anatomical, genetic and biological mechanisms underpinning health and disease
- how individuals, groups and environments influence decision-making relevant to improved health and wellbeing, as well as the building of sustainable and safe communities and environments.
We undertake this work in three interdisciplinary sub-themes:
Development pathways
Investigation of the complex interaction between our genes and neural / cognitive / social development, as well how these early life influences affect health and disease across the lifespan
Connected brains
The influence of networks on behaviour at multiple scales (eg from cellular to brain to groups of people)
Mind in society
Investigation of how our environment influences our behaviour (and vice versa), including interventions to reduce risky and harmful decision-making detrimental to individuals and to society.
Our focus will be:
- maintaining and growing areas of current excellence (eg mental health, psychiatric genetics and genomics, brain imaging, neurodevelopment and development disorders, brain repair and neuroprotection, aging and dementia, cognitive neuroscience, and sustainable environments)
- facilitating new emergent research opportunities (eg lifespan health, preclinical – clinical models of brain disorders, drug discovery, adaptive decision-making, behavioural change, Nero immunology, interventions)
- creating novel cross-disciplinary pathways to better integrate basic and health research (eg working with our linked Health and Care Research Wales Centres & Units, and developing cohort and population approaches).
Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute
Theme lead
Professor Krishna Singh
Professor, Head of Human Electrophysiology
- singhkd@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44(0)29 2087 4690
Associate Theme Leads
Professor Monica Busse
- busseme@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 2068 7559