Smart Operation for a Low Carbon Energy Region (SOLCER)
The aim of the Smart Operations for a Low Carbon Energy Region (SOLCER) project was to implement combinations of existing and emerging low carbon technologies through a systems based approach to optimise the use of energy at the point of generation.
The SOLCER project investigated combinations of appropriate low carbon solutions including:
- renewable energy supply
- appropriate storage
- efficient, reduced demand.
Investigations were made at different scales from individual buildings, community, industrial sites and local authority/regional scale areas.
Researchers from the LCRI and appropriate industrial organisations, from both a supplier, installer and users perspective worked together to stimulate the uptake of low carbon systems.
Through a series of case studies Solcer helped to learn appropriate lessons about the drivers and barriers that prevent the large scale roll out of low carbon technologies. These case studies also helped to understand the potential to match energy supply and demand in different situations to specify appropriate storage technologies.
Learn more about the Low Carbon Built Environment research team.
We're investigating the low carbon built environment, architecture and its historical and cultural context, design research and more.