Europe and Devolution – The Wales and the EU Hub
Our Wales and EU Hub provides non-partisan, independent research on Wales and the European Union (EU).
The Hub was initially established to host projects funded by the Economic and Social Reasearch Council’s (ESRC) UK in a Changing Europe Initiative ahead of the 2016 EU referendum. Work undertaken by the Hub team now examines the implications of Brexit for Wales as a devolved nation.
Devolution to Wales occurred in the context of the UK’s membership of the EU, as such many devolved competencies are exercised in a heavily Europeanised context. The Hub’s work looks at the implications of Brexit for these devolved competencies
- the future of the UK’s internal market
- the capacity of devolved government to address the policy implications of Brexit
- the public reaction to Brexit and the future of Wales in Europe.
As well as producing work for the academic community, Hub team members regularly give evidence to parliamentary committees, and are frequent speakers at public events.
- “Implications of Brexit for UK ESIF programming and future regional policy”, Jayne Woolford, European Structural and Investment Funds Journal 4 (3), pp. 144-148. (2016).
- “Winners and Losers: the EU Referendum Vote and its Consequences for Wales” Jo Hunt, Rachel Minto and Jayne Woolford, Journal of Contemporary European Research 12(4): 824-34. (2016)
- “A Changing UK in a Changing Europe: The UK State between European Union and devolution”, Rachel Minto, Jo Hunt, Michael Keating, and Lee McGowan, The Political Quarterly. (2016).
- “The UK and the European Union”, Anand Menon, Rachel Minto and Daniel Wincott, Introduction to The Political Quarterly Issue “The UK and the European Union”. (2016).
Research briefs
- “Devolution”: Jo Hunt, The UK after Brexit: Legal and Policy Challenges, intersentia (2017).
- “Wales and Brexit”: Rachel Minto, EU Referendum: one year on, The UK in a Changing Europe (2017).
- “The repatriation of competences”: Jo Hunt, EU Referendum: one year on, The UK in a Changing Europe (2017).
Wales and the EU referendum
Dr Jo Hunt and Dr Jayne Woolford have authored a series of reports about Wales and the EU referendum. PDF copies of the report are available to download, each one focusing on a specific theme:
- the free movement of persons (2017)
- Wales and the Referendum on EU Membership (2016)
- budget (2016)
- cohesion policy (2016)
- agriculture and food (2016)
- environmental law and policy (2016)
- international trade (2016)
- single market trade in goods (2016).
- Brexit: One Year On with Dr Jo Hunt, Prof. Laura McAllister and Dr Rachel Minto, organised by Eluned Morgan AM in Hay on Wye. (24 June 2017).
- EU Referendum: One Year On at the Pierhead, Cardiff. Watch videos of presentations from Prof. Roger Scully, Ed Poole, Dr Jo Hunt and Dr Rachel Minto (23 June 2017).
- Devolution, Repatriation of Powers and the Great Repeal Bill at the Pierhead, Cardiff. (10 February 2017).
- Brexit: Where are we now? A panel event with Dr Jo Hunt, Ed Poole, Dr Rachel Minto and Prof. Roger Scully, supported by the Economic and Social Research Council’s ‘The UK in a Changing Europe’ initiative. Watch a video of the event. (8 December 2016).
- Wales EU Referendum event (with Wales Centre for International Affairs). Watch videos of the presentations: Internal and International Relations Panel, Jobs and Economy Panel, Society and Law panel. (June 2016).
- EU Referendum Ask the Expert Cardiff Event with Dr Jo Hunt, supported by the Economic and Social Research Council’s ‘The UK in a Changing Europe’ initiative. (18 May 2016). Watch a video of the event.
In addition to the events above, the Wales and the EU Hub hosts the EU Exchange Wales seminar series. These regular sessions provide a forum for Cardiff University academics and Welsh Government policy-makers to discuss matters relating to the EU, Brexit and Wales.
Parliamentary and National Assembly for Wales evidence sessions
- National Assembly for Wales Inquiry into the Great Repeal Bill and its implications for Wales Dr Jo Hunt. (15 May 2017).
- House of Commons Exiting the European Union Select Committee: The UK’s negotiating objectives for its withdrawal from the EU Dr Jo Hunt, Prof. Roger Scully and Dr Rachel Minto. (2 March 2017).
- National Assembly for Wales’ Inquiry into Regional Policy – What next for Wales? Dr Jayne Woolford. (27 February 2017)
- Expert Seminar for House of Commons Public Accountability and Constitutional Affairs Committee on Repatriation of Competences Dr Jo Hunt. (21 February 2017).
- House of Lords European Union Committee: inquiry on the impact of Brexit on the devolution settlement Dr Jo Hunt and Dr Rachel Minto and Professor Roger Scully. (7 February 2017).
- British Irish Parliamentary Assembly Committee Inquiry on Brexit impact on Agriculture and food industry, Cardiff, Dr Jo Hunt. (29 November 2016).
- National Assembly for Wales External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee: Leaving the European Union- Implications for Wales Dr Jo Hunt, Prof. Roger Scully and Dr Rachel Minto. (7 November 2016).
- National Assembly for Wales External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee: Leaving the European Union- Implications for Wales –International law and trade Dr Jo Hunt. (19 September 2016).
- House of Lords EU Select Committee Inquiry on ‘EU Referendum and EU Reform, Cardiff , Dr Jo Hunt. (October 2015).
Written evidence
- Submission of written evidence to the National Assembly for Wales Consultation on the implications for Wales of Britain exiting the European Union, Dr Jo Hunt.
- Submission of written evidence to the National Assembly for Wales Consultation on the implications for Wales of Britain exiting the European Union, Rachel Minto.
- Submission of written evidence to the National Assembly for Wales Consultation on the implications for Wales of Britain exiting the European Union, Regional Policy, Dr Jayne Woolford.
- Contributed to UKICE written evidence to the House of Lords EU Select Committee Inquiry on Visions of EU Reform Dr Jo Hunt.
TV and radio
Roger Scully, Jo Hunt and Rachel Minto comment at the launch of the Welsh Government's 'Brexit & Devolution' Policy Paper, 19 June 2017.
Thoughts on Welsh Gov’s Brexit and Devolution Policy Paper.
Dr Rachel Minto of Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre outlines some of the challenges facing Wales in the course of Brexit negotiations. Reproduced with kind permission from The Wales Report. 3 November 2016.
Wales and Brexit: How will power be repatriated from the EU?
View the full The Wales Report programme.
- Golau Podcast 20: The UK Gov / EU negotiations and Wales – where do we stand now? with Dr Rachel Minto.
- Golau Podcast 19: Legislating for Brexit with Dr Jo Hunt.
- Golau Podcast 18: Brexit and the Economy – Where are we now? with Ed Poole.
- Golau Podcast 17: GE2017 – the Brexit Election? with Prof. Roger Scully.
- Golau Podcast 16: Thoughts on Brexit and Devolution with Prof. Roger Scully, Dr Jo Hunt and Dr Rachel Minto.
- Golau Podcast 15: Brexit & Devolution (This mini-episode features the First Minister’s introduction to the Welsh Government’s new policy paper on Brexit and Devolution).
- Golau Podcast 07: Brexit and English Devolution with Prof. Roger Scully and Lord Prescott.
- Golau Podcast 03: The Wales Act 2017 and Brexit with Prof. Richard Rawlings and Prof. Richard Wyn Jones.
- Golau Podcast 02: A Red White and Green Brexit with Dr Manon George, Dr Huw Pritchard and Dr Rachel Minto.
- Golau Podcast 01: A Very Merry Brexmas with Dr Huw Pritchard, Dr Rachel Minto and Prof. Roger Scully.