Welsh Technology and Digital Media: Digital on Tour
Project details
We have bid for and developed two sequential projects aimed at encouraging and enabling communities across Wales to develop the knowledge and skills needed to create and share more hyperlocal and community content through the medium of Welsh.
The first was aimed at developing enabling digital tools and the second and increasing awareness, take up and skills. The project will be facilitated to achieve this second and current phase by providing training and guidance for use of social and digital media and software and on setting up and running a new hub. It will provide digital resources and toolkit step-by-step to facilitate and promote this.
As the project is intensive, a legacy will come from the contacts and networks made via Cardiff University's Centre for Community Journalism which will help maintain the positive work across Wales long term.
Research impact
Legacy of more and better hyperlocal and community news in the Welsh language.
The project team
Grant holder
Director of Community Journalism
This research was made possible through the support of the following organisations: