Screen agencies as cultural intermediaries
Negotiating and shaping cultural policy for the film and tv industries within selected small nations
This research focuses on the role of screen agencies operating in the film and television sector of several small European nations and examines their impact on the economic and cultural sustainability of these industries.
The project will aim to:
- Gather and analyse original empirical data in relation to the ambitions, activities and outputs of screen agencies within several selected small European nations.
- Critically assess how these agencies contribute to the sustainability of indigenous production both in economic and cultural terms. Specifically, what tensions might exist between economic and cultural goals for the agency and how might these be reconciled in practice?
- Analyse the effect of specific screen agency interventions and whether they enable a more sustainable sector or promote the delivery of more culturally diverse content.
- Exchange expertise between academics and industry by disseminating findings in order to shape future interventions in the media industries for small nations.
- Undertake original comparative research across the screen agencies of selected small nations thereby enabling greater maturity in the theoretical development of the field of small nations media research.
- Interviews with key stakeholders including screen agencies, policy makers and industry.
- Policy mapping at the level of institution, sector and nation.
- Output mapping that will capture in quantitative and qualitative terms the output of local film and television sectors.
The dissemination plan for our project is designed to cater to various stakeholders: the academic community, the policy community, and the film and television industry.
Dissemination to these stakeholders will take a number of forms including:
- An edited volume on ‘Cultural Intermediaries in Screen Industries’ - the first collection of its kind on the subject; publication of findings in peer-reviewed journals.
- A report for industry and a briefing note for policy-makers.
- A training workshop for ECRs and PG scholars on ‘Comparative International Research’.
- An end of project symposium at Cardiff University on ‘Screen Agencies as Cultural Intermediaries: Empowering Commercial and Cultural Success’.
To find out more please visit the Screen agencies as cultural intermediaries website.