Skills and Employment Survey 2012
The Skills and Employment Survey (2012) collects data on what people do at work, what skills they use and how they work.
It is the sixth in a series of representative sample surveys of workers in Britain stretching back over 30 years. These cross-sectional surveys provide the means to chart and explain the changing pattern of job quality and skills over time.
In 2012, a total of 3,200 workers were surveyed with 1,108 of them questioned two years later in a shorter follow-up survey. The series is a crucial part of social science research infrastructure which has provided the basis for many publications which are listed below.
List of known publications DOCX, 40.4 KB
Short reports
- Skills at Work in Britain, 353.7 KB
- Training in Britain, 487.6 KB
- Job Control in Britain, 501.6 KB
- Fear at Work in Britain, 255.5 KB
- Work Intensification in Britain, 451.9 KB
- Job-Related Well-Being in Britain, 396.9 KB
Welsh reports
- Job Skills, Qualification Use and Training in Wales, 403.3 KB
- Well-being, Insecurity and Attitudes to Work in Wales, 601.2 KB
- Skills and the Quality of Work in Wales, 2006-2012 - Main Report, 1.9 MB
- Skills and the Quality of Work in Wales, 2006-2012 - Spreadsheet, 415.8 KB
Technical reports
- Skills and Employment Survey - Technical Report, 2.1 MB
- Skills and Employment Survey - Technical Briefing, 214.6 KB
Access to the anonymized data sets in the survey series are available to authorized users via the Economic and Social Data Service.
- SN 7467 - Skills and Employment Survey Series, 1986, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and 2012
- SN 7466 - Skills and Employment Survey 2012
- SN 6004 – Skills Survey, 2006
- SN 4972 – Skills Survey, 2001
- SN 3993 – Skills Survey, 1997
- SN 5368 – Employment in Britain, 1992
- SN 2798 – Social Change and Economic Life Initiative, 1986
The project team
This research was made possible through the support of the following organisations: