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Central Biotechnology Services (CBS)

Central Biotechnology Services (CBS) is a central “core” facility, dedicated to furthering the research and educational needs of Cardiff University and its surrounding community.


Name Make/Model Details
Surface Plasmon Resonance system (Cytiva Biacore™ T200) Cytiva Biacore™ T200 Biosensor technology for monitoring molecular interactions in real time, without the use of labels. Molecules can include proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids and low molecular weight molecules such as pharmaceuticals.
Electron Microscope JEOL (SEM) 840A JEOL (SEM) 840A Digital Cameras and Imaging Software, and are fitted with X-Ray Detectors for Elemental Analysis, Elemental Mapping Cryo-Stage and Cryo-Attachment for sample preparation
Cell Sorter BD FACSAria™ III Cell sorter (11 colours) High speed digital cell sorting into tubes (4 way), plates (6, 24, 48, 96 and 384 wells) or onto microscope slides.
Microarray platform (Affymetrix) Affymetrix Affymetrix GeneChip® platform.
Imaging flow cytometer (Amnis ImageStream® X Mark II) Amnis® ImageStream® X Mark II. Benchtop, multispectral, imaging flow cytometer designed for the acquisition of up to 12 channels of cellular imagery.
Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay imager (MSD® platform) MESO QuickPlex SQ 120. MSD's QuickPlex instrument offers affordable access to high-performance single and multiplex electrochemiluminescence immunoassays.
Benchtop flow cytometer ThermoFisher Attune™ NxT Flow cytometer. The Attune™ NxT Flow Cytometer is a compact, benchtop cell analyser to flexibly design, run, and analyse multicolour panels of up to 11 colours.
Benchtop flow cytometer BD LSRFortessa™ flow cytometer. This cell analyser can detect 16 colours simultaneously with a defined set of optical filters.
Real time PCR (qPCR) Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 12K. Highly flexible, comprehensive real-time PCR platform that can accommodate OpenArray™ plates, TaqMan™ array cards, 384-well, 96-well, and FAST 96-well plates.
Liquid handling robot Eppendorf epMotion® P5073 liquid handling robot. This robot is a flexible system for automating any time-consuming and complex pipetting procedures.
High dimensional flow cytometer (BD FACSymphony™ A3 Cell Analyzer), BD FACSymphony™ A3 Cell Analyzer. High dimensional flow cytometer with 5 laser configuration (including UV laser).
NanoString nCounter® NanoString nCounter® MAX Analysis System Multiplexing of up to 800 gene expression targets using direct detection technology.

Get in touch

Dr Ian Brewis



  • Main Hospital Building
    University Hospital of Wales
    Heath Park
    CF14 4XN