Take part

We are looking for volunteers to help us with a range of research projects.
By taking part in research, you can help us learn more about these life-changing conditions.
Current projects
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
We are working to better understand the causes of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, also known as PMDD.
To help us with this important work, we need women with PMDD to share their experiences by participating in our research.
Take part online today through the National Centre for Mental Health.
Maternal wellbeing, mental health and life experiences survey
The Maternal wellbeing, mental health, and life experiences survey is aiming to understand the impact of certain life events on a mother's wellbeing and mental health within 12 months of giving birth.
To find out more and take part visit the National Centre for Mental Health.
Mums and mental health: Postpartum psychosis
We are trying to understand more about the causes and triggers of severe mental illness during pregnancy and following childbirth.
You are invited to take part in this research if you have had a baby, and this may or may not have been followed by an episode of mental illness.
Take part online today through the National Centre for Mental Health.
Help us understand the impact of life experiences on the mental health of new mums.