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Resources created to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around reproductive mental health conditions


The National Centre for Mental Health has a leaflet library available about a range of mental health conditions.

Mood diary

Track your symptoms over two menstrual cycles using this mood diary resource. This can be used to take you to your doctor.

Moody diary resource

This is a mood diary resource that you can fill in and take to your GP.


Find out more about PreDDICT study

Want to know more about PMDD and what to expect when taking part in the PreDDICT study?

Watch this video which explains more about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and the PreDDICT study.


Understanding Postpartum Psychosis

Watch our webinar with NCMH and Action on Postpartum Psychosis

Thanks to Dr Sally Wilson and Zebunisa from Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) who shared their personal experiences during this webinar with Professor Ian Jones, director of the National Centre for Mental Health.

APP is the national charity for women and families affected by postpartum psychosis. Thanks also go to Professor Arianna di Florio who shared the latest on her research in this area and launched a new study into Postpartum Psychosis.

PMDD: Myths and misconceptions

Watch our webinar with NCMH and IAPMD

Hear from our researchers at Cardiff University and guest speaker Laura Murphy, Director of Education and Awareness at the International Association of Premenstrual Disorders). Laura has lived experience of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and shares her story in the hopes of raising awareness of PMDD.

She is joined by our host, Professor Arianna di Florio, lead researcher of the Reproductive Mental Health Programme at Cardiff University, and Research Assistant, Chloe Apsey. Arianna and Chloe launched a new study into PMDD in September 2022 - PreDDICT (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - indicators, causes and triggers).

See more webinars from NCMH.