Student involvement in quality assurance
We are proud of our level of engagement with our student body, giving students the opportunity to share their opinions and to participate as our partners in the University's decision making processes.
It is an important element of our academic governance and quality system and fulfils expectations outlined in the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, highlighting that providers take deliberate steps to engage all students, individually and collectively, as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their educational experience.
Students are established members of our key governance committees, including: Council; Senate; ASQC, and its sub-committees. Students also play a key role in our quality assurance processes, being actively involved in ARE, Revalidation, and the Programme and Revalidation Sub-Committee.
The student academic representative system is mature and embedded, and ensures that students can provide input at School level via Student, Staff Panels. Student academic representatives are trained and supported by the Students’ Union.
The active contribution made by our students to the enhancement of learning and teaching and our academic quality system ensures that it is informed by and reflects the student perspective. We value the contributions made by our students which supports us to develop and deliver innovative and high-quality programmes.