Approving programmes and other credit bearing provision
The University’s Integrated Planning Process (IPP) provides a holistic review and recalibration of each school’s education provision (UG, PGT and PGR) to ensure our strategic priorities for education and recruitment are considered together.
Our procedure for the approval of programmes, modules, and other credit provision provides a point of reference to anyone who is developing a new programme or making substantial revisions to existing programmes leading to a Cardiff University Award. Each section outlines the baseline expectations and has been structured in parallel with the requirements of the institutional expectations for programme structure, design, and delivery.
Institutional programme development support
A range of professional service teams provide targeted support, guidance, and resources to help our schools to design educational provision that meets, and exceeds, the baseline requirements. In addition, the Education Development toolkit provides practical guides, resources, examples, and tools covering a wide range of curriculum-related themes, which support programme development teams to meet and go beyond the Institutional Expectations.
Developing programmes with external partners
The governance arrangements for setting up, developing, and maintaining all external partnership activity is outlined in the Education Partnership Policy and procedure as required by the UK Quality Code for Higher Education. Through this policy, Cardiff takes a risk-based approach to developing and managing its arrangements, and these are identified in the Taught Education Partnership Taxonomy.
Institutional oversight
Institutional oversight is provided through the Monitoring and Review Policy and is kept under regular review to ensure it continues to meet the expectations and practices set out in the revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) 2015

Programme Approval Procedure
Find out how to approve programmes, modules, and other credit bearing provision.