Monitoring and review
Our monitoring and review processes are designed with a guiding principle of subsidiarity, which supports the efficient processing of University business whilst ensuring appropriate rigour, and scrutiny .
Monitoring and review are a key component of the University’s mechanisms for managing quality and standards and confirms how we continue to meet our regulatory requirements set out in the UK Quality Code for Higher Education and the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) for internal quality assurance.
We recognise that the process of monitoring and enhancement of modules and programmes is an iterative process and happens through a range of informal and formal mechanisms and as a consequence, we monitor and review programmes and the educational experience of students in a number of ways:
Annual review and enhancement
Our Annual Review and Enhancement process (ARE) provides each School, College and the University the opportunity to pause and reflect on our education provision - what has worked well and what changes need to be put in place?
Co-ordinated at College level, the process is developed around an existing annual cycle of business from actions undertaken by the School Education and Student Experience Committees, Boards of Studies, and School Postgraduate Research Committees. These discussions feed into each College Education and Student Experience Committee who report on their levels of confidence for each area of focus to the Academic Standards and Quality Committee.
The student experience
An Education Performance Oversight Group (EPOG) has been established by the Education and Student Experience Committee to scrutinise student survey results, identifying areas for support and enhanced monitoring, and review action plans and their delivery to improve the student experience.
Revalidation of programmes within a defined schedule of activity provides each School with the opportunity to ensure their portfolio of programmes continue to be strategically and academically fit for purpose based on the following principles:
- A thorough review of each Schools portfolio ensuring that there is strategic alignment with University priorities.
- The purpose and aims of the programmes remain relevant and aligned with subject benchmark statements.
- The content and learning outcomes reamin appropriate taking into consideration any cumulative effect of changes, approved by Board of Studies, to programmes made over time.
- Programme structures and rules continue to be aligned with University regulations and incorporate the Cardiff University institutional expectations for programme structure, design and delivery and graduate attributes.
- Where relevant, programmes meet the requirements of PSRB and are ready for accreditation.
- The programme information, which is published remains up-to-date and accurate, in line with our responsibilities under Consumer Protection Law.
Education partnerships
We work with a wide range of partners, including employers, organisations, and educational institutions, in the UK and overseas to allow our students to gain a wide range of experience in different settings.
Our education partnerships policy provides a framework for the development, management, and oversight of all education partnership arrangements. It has been developed around a clear set of principles and is aligned with our programme approval procedure.
We take a risk-based approach to managing all our education partnership arrangements, ensuring we remain compliant with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, relevant QAA advice and guidance, and the European Standards and Guidelines for internal quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
All education partnerships – from placement providers to educational institutions delivering part or all of our taught programmes – are evaluated thoroughly according to the level of risk reflected in our education partnership taxonomy. This risk-based approach allows us to assess and evaluate the partner, the partner’s ability to deliver the education provision, and to ensure the academic standards and student experience are protected.
Our education partnership sub-committee has institutional oversight of all education partnership arrangements. This includes scrutiny and, where appropriate, approval of agreements for new and/or existing education provision with partners. The sub-committee ensures there is cyclical review of all partnership provision and associate education governance arrangements outlined in the Academic Regulations and associated policies and procedures.
Student involvement in monitoring and review
Students are established members of our key governance committees, including: Council; Senate; ASQC, and its sub-committees. Students also play a key role in our quality assurance processes, being actively involved in ARE, revalidation, programme approval and education partnerships.
Annual quality report
The Annual Quality Report provides a holistic overview of the operation and outcomes of the university’s academic quality management systems during each academic session, and is received by Council each year in line with the requirements outlined in the Higher Education Code of Governance.
The report identifies and reflects upon all elements of the academic quality system, including quality assurance, enhancement, assessment and admissions activities and confirms that all processes and procedures are regularly reviewed and that enhancement activity is responsive to feedback and external requirements.
Each section identifies enhancements and actions, which ensure that the academic quality system continues to evolve and takes a proportionate, risk-based approach to address matters relating to academic standards and quality. In addition, a risk status for each area of activity has been identified to highlight areas of concern with actions identified.
Institutional oversight
The Academic Standards and Quality Committee (ASQC) is responsible for monitoring the core indicators of quality and standards across the institution reporting annually to Senate and Council on performance through the Annual Quality Report.