Education Partnerships
We work with a wide range of partners, including employers, organisations, and educational institutions, in the UK and overseas to allow our students to gain a wide range of experience in different settings.
Our policy
Our education partnerships policy provides a framework for the development, management, and oversight of all education partnership arrangements. It has been developed around a clear set of principles and is aligned with our programme approval procedure.
We take a risk-based approach to managing all our education partnership arrangements, ensuring we remain compliant with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, relevant QAA advice and guidance, and the European Standards and Guidelines for internal quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
Our taxonomy
All education partnerships – from placement providers to educational institutions delivering part or all of our taught programmes – are evaluated thoroughly according to the level of risk reflected in our education partnership taxonomy. This risk-based approach allows us to assess and evaluate the partner, the partner’s ability to deliver the education provision, and to ensure the academic standards and student experience are protected.
The main types of education partnerships are outlined below:
Taught education partnerships
Taught education partnerships are any arrangement that leads to a Cardiff University award (or award of institutional credit) where it is delivered, assessed or supported in partnership between Cardiff University and one or more partner institutions.
All education partnership arrangements are recorded on our education partnerships register that is cyclically reviewed by the Education Partnership Sub-Committee.
Study abroad and international exchange partnerships
Study abroad and international exchange partnerships take the form of an additional year of credit bearing study at another higher education institution, outside the UK, where the study forms an integral part of the Cardiff University programme (additional 120 credits).”
Details of our study abroad and international exchange partnership arrangements with other higher education institutions are managed by our Global Opportunities Team.
Placement are defined as learning through work, learning for work and/or learning at work. It consists of authentic structured opportunities for learning which are achieved in a workplace setting or are designed to meet an identified workplace need.
We facilitate credit-bearing placements in a number of ways including an additional placement year or semester; a placement module; and, where appropriate, a placement integrated within a module.
Progression and articulation agreements
Articulation and progression agreements play a key part in supporting the effective recruitment of a diverse, high-quality, multicultural and globally aware student body.
Each agreement outlines the bespoke arrangements for entry to the start of an approved Cardiff University programme (progression) or to an advanced stage of a programme (articulation).
Institutional oversight
Our education partnership sub-committee has institutional oversight of all education partnership arrangements. This includes scrutiny and, where appropriate, approval of agreements for new and/or existing education provision with partners. The sub-committee ensures there is cyclical review of all partnership provision and associate education governance arrangements outlined in the Academic Regulations and associated policies and procedures.

Education Partnership Policy
Learn how to develop a new programme that works in partnership with other universities or institutions.
For more information, please contact: