Prevent Policy
There is a statutory imperative that we set out the measures we will take in accordance with provisions in the Counter-Terrorism Act 2015 as they apply to higher education providers.
Encouragement of terrorism and/or soliciting support for a proscribed organisation is a criminal offence. Our Prevent Policy sets out our approach to the specific elements and provisions of the Act as they apply to higher education providers, as well as our more general approach to issues around the vulnerability of our staff and students with regard to harassment or radicalisation from any source, and relevant measures which enable our students to learn in safe and intellectually stimulating environments.
In accordance with the statutory guidance for higher education providers we have also set out a risk register and action plan which will be reviewed regularly and is subject to monitoring and enforcement as set out in the Act. This policy relates to all staff, students, visitors to University buildings and those engaged in business on behalf of the university.

Prevent Policy
The Prevent Policy provides the measures the university has put in place in accordance with provisions in the Counter-Terrorism Act 2015 as they apply to higher education providers.
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