CCTV code of practice
This Code of Practice aims to ensure that CCTV systems installed and operated by Cardiff University comply with the law and that the scope, purpose and use of the systems are clearly defined.
This Code of Practice is binding on all employees and students of the University and all employees of contracted out services. It also applies to all other persons who maybe present, for whatever reason, on University property.
The University CCTV system is operated by Security Services, as part of Security and Portering Services (SECTY), whose personnel are employed directly by Cardiff University. There is also a secondary internal CCTV system used in the libraries and operated by library staff. Both CCTV systems, all recorded material and copyright are owned by Cardiff University.

Cardiff University CCTV Code of Practice July 2018.pdf
Code of Practice on the fixed CCTV systems installed and operated by Cardiff University.
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