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Policies and procedures

Academic promotions

Procedures (Schemes of Assessment) for applying for academic promotion.

Academic regulations

These regulations outline our academic calendar, programmes and their assessment, as well as our attendance, engagement and complaint procedures.

Academic research misconduct

Procedures outlining the action to be taken when an allegation of misconduct in academic research is brought against a member of staff.

CCTV code of practice

The full Cardiff University CCTV code of practice.

Campus Services complaints procedure – non student customers

We aim to provide quality services and facilities that meet the need of our customers. 

Counter-Fraud and Anti-Bribery policy

We have robust systems and procedures designed to prevent bribery by or of staff and other persons associated with the University.

Criminal finances act 2017

Our statement on the Criminal Finances Act 2017.

Our data protection policy

Cardiff University is registered with the Information Commissioner to process personal data for specific purposes.

Dignity at Work and Study policy

Part of a University-wide approach that promotes a working, learning and research environment and culture in which differences are welcomed and all forms of harassment, bullying and victimisation are not tolerated.

Employers' Liability

Information on our current Employers' Liability insurance.

Freedom of speech

Our code of practice sets out the procedures and conduct required of those organising or attending meetings or other activities.

Health, safety and environment policies

Download University policies covering health, safety, wellbeing, environment, nutrition, travel and social responsibility.

Higher Doctorates

Information on Cardiff University Higher Doctorate degrees

IT regulations

Our information security regulations cover the use of all our IT facilities.

Information Security policies

These policies make up our Information Security Framework.

Library regulations

Regulations for the use of services, resources, and facilities provided by the University Library Service.

Major incident planning

The plan covers our response to any significant incident that threatens people, buildings, the operational structure or the University's reputation.

Open Access publications policy

Policy governing Open Access publication, to provide free and open access to publicly funded research.

Prevent Policy

The Prevent Policy provides the measures the University has put in place in accordance with provisions in the Counter-Terrorism Act 2015 as they apply to higher education providers.

Public interest disclosure (whistleblowing)

Details of legal protection to workers against being dismissed or penalised by their employers as a result of disclosing certain concerns.

Records management policy and retention schedules

Our records retention schedule sets out the length of time for which each type of record should be kept.

Research integrity - Compliance with external conflict of interest requirements

This policy applies to all staff, students and visitors travelling or incurring expenses on behalf of the University.

Responsibilities for honorary title holders

What honorary title holders are required to do, the rules they must abide by.

Risk management

An overview of Risk Management at the University.

Safeguarding children and adults at risk

Find information regarding policies and procedures for safeguarding children and adults at risk.

Socially responsible investment policy

Cardiff University is committed to ensuring that it makes investment decisions responsibly and with integrity.

Travel and expenses

This policy applies to all staff, students and visitors travelling or incurring expenses on behalf of the University.