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Integrated Impact Assessment

Integrated Impact Assessments (IIA) help higher education institutions embed equality considerations into their policy and decision-making processes.

The assessment serves as a planning tool that ensures equality is systematically integrated into institutional policies, change management proposals and processes, and decision-making mechanisms.

Higher education institutions are legally required to consider the impact of their activities on all protected characteristics, as well as the Welsh language. This obligation is outlined in the public sector duties under the Equality Act 2010 and the Welsh Language Standards (No.6) Regulations 2017.

The process provides an opportunity to assess how decisions and policies affect individuals with protected characteristics while also promoting the use of the Welsh language. Where necessary, institutions can make adjustments to enhance inclusivity and compliance.

To support this process, we have developed guidance and a template to assist those conducting integrated impact assessments.

Integrated Impact Assessment Policy

This policy establishes the requirement for the University to complete an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) for relevant decision-making activities.

By implementing IIA, the University ensures compliance with regulatory and legislative requirements while fostering an inclusive and equitable environment.

Integrated Impact Assessment Policy

The Integrated Impact Assessment Policy clarifies the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards (No. 6) Regulations 2017 and the Equality Act 2010, outlining the processes for compliance with these regulations.


For more information, contact Compliance and Risk:

Compliance and Risk