Cognitive Behavioural Therapy engagement

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) team have engaged with services throughout Wales to improve the social and economic wellbeing of people in Wales.
The programme team have carried out many externally facing activities in addition to the internal demands of their role.
Professional engagement
The programmes have engaged with over 100 staff from a wide range of professional backgrounds (psychiatrists, social workers, clinical psychologists, health psychologists, mental health nurses, occupational therapists) and services (children, adults, older adults, addiction services and prison service).
Patient engagement
Staff and students have carried out competent practice with approximately 300 patients (and many more beyond training). Case reports evidence psychological, social and economic benefits to these patients.
Media engagement
A TV programme was aired, which showed a Welsh patient who believes their CBT treatment (trained by us) prevented their suicide. An audit has been carried out evidencing the impact of the programmes on services’ ability to meet standards for patient care as set out by the Department of Health and Welsh Government.
NHS engagement
NHS service leads have been welcomed on visits to the School, outreach events have been offered to NHS services in their locality, and field supervisors have been invited to free training events.
Programme staff have met with NHS service leads, representatives of Welsh Government, assembly members, and health board managers.
Study Cognitive Behavioural Therapies at Cardiff University.