Workplace development in gas turbine technology
A one-day bespoke programme to upskill professionals on the latest developments in gas turbine technology and the UK energy landscape.
Through live demonstrations at Cardiff University’s specialist facilities and sessions based on the latest research in the field, the course aimed to enhance workplace skills and productivity.

A world-class research centre
The Cardiff University Gas Turbine Research Centre in Port Talbot is one of only a handful worldwide. It houses specialist equipment used to develop and test new combustion systems, components and fuels at gas turbine relevant temperatures and pressures.
The research undertaken at the Centre is used to enhance power generation from renewable gaseous fuels, enabling industry to cut costs, reduce carbon emissions and increase the security of supply.
Academic-business collaboration
Working in partnership with the organisation, Cardiff School of Engineering designed and delivered a bespoke course to meet their specific needs, refreshing and building on the existing knowledge of graduates working in the field of turbine technology.
Topics included:
- the current UK energy landscape
- the role of gas turbines for power generation and transport (aviation)
- the science behind the technology, including thermodynamic cycles and temperature/entropy and pressure/volume diagrams
- the impact of advanced thermodynamic cycles, pressure gain combustion, catalytic combustion
- the implication of low drag aircraft on engine design.
Delivery was an interactive day of discussions, demonstrations and presentations. Running the course at the Gas Turbine Research Centre gave participants the opportunity to examine the components of a gas turbine and discuss the design and technology behind compressors, injectors, combustors and turbines.
Relevant and applied
Participants praised the relevance of the course to their day jobs, and valued delivery by academics working with this technology on a daily basis. Discussions about the factors driving the design and manufacture of gas turbines and looking at new and future developments expected within the sector were of particular value.
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