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Healthcare analytics with Excel: spreadsheet modelling and optimisation

In the age of digital health, efficiency-driven healthcare management and clinical practice, data analysis is crucial for making informed decisions and improving patient outcomes. Microsoft Excel serves as a powerful platform for healthcare professionals to organise, analyse, and interpret data effectively.

This course is specifically tailored to the needs of healthcare managers and clinicians, aiming to unlock the analytical potential of Excel through a comprehensive exploration of its formulas, functions and solver package for mathematical modelling with Excel.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Excel user, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to leverage Excel for data-driven decision-making in healthcare. Furthermore, it can help you analysing relatively complex problems such as matching capacity and demand using, for example, staffing and scheduling models.

There are currently no upcoming dates available for this course, but you can register your interest by completing the form below.

Register your interest

Who it’s for

This course is specifically designed for healthcare managers, administrators, and clinicians who are seeking to enhance their data analysis skills using Microsoft Excel. It caters to individuals who work in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and research institutions.

If you work for a Health board, you are entitled to a funded/partially funded place on this course. Please contact before booking.

What you’ll learn

  • Fundamental Excel formulas and functions:
    • mastering essential Excel functions for healthcare data analysis, such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, and IF
    • understanding basic mathematical operators and logical functions tailored to healthcare calculations
  • Statistical analysis in healthcare management:
    • using statistical functions relevant to healthcare, including MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, and STDEV
  • Advanced data manipulation and visualisation:
    • leveraging advanced Excel functions such as VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, and CONCATENATE for healthcare data manipulation
    • data validation techniques and error handling strategies to ensure accuracy in healthcare data analysis
  • Pivot tables and pivot charts
    • slicing and dicing data to get aggregate information with pivot tables
    • using pivot charts to display the data in a meaningful and easily interpretable way
  • Optimisation using Excel
    • using Excel Solver and Open Solver to tackle complex problems such as staffing and scheduling problems to match demand and capacity
  • Practical applications and case studies in healthcare:
    • exploring real-world applications of Excel for healthcare data analysis and management
    • studying case studies showcasing successful implementation of Excel in healthcare settings
    • engaging in hands-on exercises and receiving practical tips to maximise Excel's potential in healthcare


You will experience a range of benefits, including the enhancement of your data analysis skills through proficiency in Excel, enabling you to extract valuable insights from healthcare datasets and make informed decisions efficiently.

By mastering Excel's formulas and functions, you will streamline data manipulation tasks, saving time and improving productivity in healthcare management and clinical practice.

Moreover, you will gain a taster into mathematical modelling, especially through demand and capacity planning empowering them to make evidence-based decisions that positively impact organisational outcomes.

With hands-on exercises, case studies, and real-world examples tailored to healthcare settings, you will be able to immediately apply your newfound Excel skills to your professional role, leveraging Excel's versatility as a tool for various data-related tasks in healthcare.

Teaching and useful information

This course is designed for you to complete in your own time and at your own pace. The course will take approximately 8 hours to complete. You will have access to the learning materials from 2 - 27 September 2024.

There will also be an additional 1 hour live virtual session organised by the module leader, which you are encouraged to attend.

The purpose of this live session is threefold:

  • it creates a safe space for you to ask any questions arising from the taught part of the course
  • it is a useful opportunity for you to connect with other participants
  • it opens opportunity for collaboration beyond the course - e.g. a joint research project, co-supervision of an undergraduate or MSc student etc.

The course will be delivered via the University's virtual learning platform, Learning Central. Your individual login details will be emailed to you a few days before your course access begins.

Academic teaching staff

Dr Daniel Gartner: Professor of Operational Research, School of Mathematics

Professor Paul Harper: Professor of Operational Research, School of Mathematics

Professor Maneesh Kumar: Professor in Service Operations, Cardiff Business School

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