Police Station Qualification (PSQ)
We offer the following packages of training courses and assessments for the Police Station Qualification Scheme (PSQ), which is an alternative to the PSRAS for qualified practitioners only.
This page provides details of available packages. To buy one of these packages, email us at law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk.
We are obliged to charge a £20 Law Society levy for each new registration. If you have already paid this, you will not be charged. Further details are available at the shopping basket stage.
All-inclusive package
This package includes both assessments that are required to gain the PSQ qualification, as well as two accompanying training courses designed to help you pass the assessments. When you choose this package, you'll be issued with a voucher which includes £95 off against the cost of purchasing all elements separately.
Once you have purchased your voucher, you'll be able to see all the available dates and book your courses and assessments.
Note that under the PSQ scheme, candidates are not eligible to claim payment (from the LAA) to cover visits to a police station. You can apply for payment under the PSRAS accreditation scheme.
We recommend that all candidates, regardless of experience and qualifications, undertake the PSRAS rather than the PSQ. Please feel free to contact us via law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk or on 029 2087 6948 to discuss this in more detail.
The all-inclusive package contains:
All candidates must complete and submit a portfolio of cases involving attendance at a police station for an interview.
The purpose of the Portfolio is to:
- enable us to assess your competence in giving advice in police stations
- encourage you to consider and reflect upon your performance in the police station Encourage your supervising solicitor to review your competence and to take steps to address any deficiencies
The portfolio of cases is submitted as detailed reports of five cases where you have advised a client alone (unsupervised).
These cases must be in chronological order and must be less than three months old.
Critical Incidents Test (CIT) (online or face to face)
The purpose of the Critical Incidents Test (CIT) is to assess your effectiveness in advising and assisting clients at the police station. The CIT takes the form of a role-play assessment under exam conditions.
All candidates must undertake the Critical Incidents Test.
This assessment is a live role-play test. The test aims to recreate a police station interview and uses audio recordings to provide information. You can intervene during set pauses to respond to information, request further information or advise the client. The whole of the test is recorded for assessment purposes. The test is conducted on an individual basis and lasts a maximum of 45 minutes.
This test assesses whether your responses are appropriate, with reference to police station practice and procedure. It also allows for key skills to be assessed (for example communication, negotiation and assertiveness).
You can choose whether to attend a face-to-face or an online CIT.
Portfolio training course (online)
This course is designed to assist you in the preparation of your portfolio of cases.
By the end of the course, you will be familiar with the PSRAS regulations in relation to portfolios, including the requirements to ensure that your portfolio is technically compliant. You will be given guidance to ensure that the format and content of your portfolio is satisfactory.
This course also allows you to consider a number of sample cases and receive advice on the strengths and weaknesses of each case’s presentation and substance.
Please note that this course also deals with the preparation of portfolios by solicitors seeking to attain the Police Station Qualification.
CPD hours: 4
Critical Incidents Test (CIT) training course (online)
We strongly recommend that you do not book the CIT training course until you have completed 10 or more solo police station visits, as the content assumes you have this level of experience. If you have any queries, email law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk.
Please note: you cannot book the CIT until you have successfully completed both the Written Examination and your Portfolio Part A, and received your PIN from the Legal Aid Agency. Please email us at law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk to provide proof of these qualifications and we will send you the correct booking link(s).
This course aims to prepare you for the Critical Incidents Test (CIT). The unusual nature of the CIT assessment makes this course particularly helpful.
It addresses the style of the test itself and the marking scheme. It will provide guidance on how to avoid making common mistakes.
You will have the opportunity to undertake some parts of a CIT in small online groups with other probationary representatives and solicitors.
The make-up of this course prompts discussion of police station practice and procedure and can assist you in improving your police station skills and technique generally.
CPD hours: 3
All testing and CIT training course package
This package includes the Critical Incidents Test, the Portfolio, and the CIT training course. When you choose this package, you'll be issued with a voucher which includes £60 off against the cost of purchasing all elements separately.
Once you have purchased your voucher, you'll be able to see all the available dates and book your courses and assessments.
This package contains:
All candidates must complete and submit a portfolio of cases involving attendance at a police station for an interview.
The purpose of the Portfolio is to:
- enable us to assess your competence to give advice in police stations
- encourage you to consider and reflect upon your performance in the police station Encourage your supervising solicitor to review your competence and to take steps to address any deficiencies
The portfolio of cases is submitted as detailed reports of five cases where you have advised a client alone (unsupervised).
These cases must be in chronological order and must be less than three months old.
Critical Incidents Test (CIT) (online or face to face)
The purpose of Critical Incidents Test is to assess your effectiveness in advising and assisting clients at the police station. The CIT takes the form of a role play assessment under exam conditions.
All candidates must undertake the Critical Incidents Test.
This assessment is a live role-play test. The test aims to recreate a police station interview and uses audio recordings to provide information. You can intervene during set pauses to respond to information, request further information or advise the client. The whole of the test is recorded for assessment purposes. The test is conducted on an individual basis and lasts a maximum of 45 minutes.
This test assesses whether your responses are appropriate, with reference to police station practice and procedure. It also allows for key skills to be assessed (for example communication, negotiation and assertiveness).
You can choose whether to attend a face-to-face or an online CIT.
Critical Incidents Test (CIT) training course (online)
We strongly recommend that you do not book the CIT training course until you have completed 10 or more solo police station visits, as the content assumes you have this level of experience. If you have any queries, email law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk.
Please note: you cannot book the CIT until you have successfully completed both the Written Examination and your Portfolio Part A, and received your PIN from the Legal Aid Agency. Please email us at law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk to provide proof of these qualifications and we will send you the correct booking link(s).
This course aims to prepare you for the Critical Incidents Test (CIT). The unusual nature of the CIT assessment makes this course particularly helpful.
It addresses the style of the test itself and the marking scheme. It will provide guidance on how to avoid making common mistakes.
You will have the opportunity to undertake some parts of a CIT in small online groups with other probationary representatives and solicitors.
The make-up of this course prompts discussion of police station practice and procedure and can assist you in improving your police station skills and technique generally.
CPD hours: 3
Pay as you go
If you prefer, you can buy each element individually.
Portfolio submission
Book your portfolio submission:
Critical Incidents Test (CIT) (online or face to face)
Please note: you cannot book the CIT until you have successfully completed both the Written Examination and your Portfolio Part A, and received your PIN from the Legal Aid Agency. Please email us at law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk to provide proof of these qualifications and we will send you the correct booking link(s).
- 20 March
- 25 March
- 28 May
- 2 June
- 21 July
- 24 July
- 1 October
- 6 October
- 17 November
- 25 November
Portfolio training course (online)
Critical Incidents Test (CIT) training course (online)
Please note: you cannot book the CIT until you have successfully completed both the Written Examination and your Portfolio Part A, and received your PIN from the Legal Aid Agency. Please email us at law-pdu@cardiff.ac.uk to provide proof of these qualifications and we will send you the correct booking link(s).
- 10 March
- 8 May
- 26 June
- 18 September
- 6 November
Contact us
If you would like further information about these packages or anything else, contact us and we'll be happy to help you:
Professional Development Unit
We offer various packages to study the PSRAS.