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Magistrates Court Qualification (MCQ)

All those arrested at a police station or appearing at a Magistrates’ Court are entitled to free advice and representation from a duty solicitor.

Criminal defence firms can apply for rota slots for each duty solicitor. In addition to providing an essential service, being on the duty solicitor rota is a useful way for firms to meet new clients.

To apply to join the duty rota scheme (where payment is claimed from the Legal Aid Agency (LAA), a solicitor must gain Stage 1 membership of the Law Society’s Criminal Litigation Accreditation Scheme (CLAS) – as required by the LAA.

To become a duty solicitor, you must be a qualified practitioner in England and Wales and obtain two separate qualifications:

Once you have successfully completed these qualifications, you can apply to the Law Society’s Criminal Litigation Accreditation Scheme (CLAS) to be included on their rota of duty solicitors.

Magistrates Court Qualification (MCQ)

The scheme tests your knowledge and understanding of criminal law and procedure, relevant immigration law and procedure, and the rules of evidence. You will also be assessed on your interviewing and advising clients and advocacy skills.

You must successfully complete two assessments:

  • Portfolio
  • Interview and Advocacy Assessment (IAA)

These assessments can be completed in any order, but the second element must be completed within one year of successfully passing the first.

We offer several training courses and packages to help you gain the MCQ. All our training courses blend online learning followed by live online group sessions and are delivered by experienced MCQ assessors.

All-inclusive package

This package includes assessments required to gain the MCQ and two accompanying training courses designed to help you pass the assessments. When you choose this package, you'll be issued a voucher that includes £50 off against the cost of purchasing all the elements separately.

Once you have purchased your voucher, you can view all the available dates and book your courses and assessments.

The all-inclusive package contains:

The purpose of the portfolio is to demonstrate your competence in obtaining and assessing information, advising the client and making representations/applications/submissions to the court.

The portfolio will comprise 25 cases where you have advised defendants at the magistrates’ court. You will report on five in-depth hearings and 20 as ‘short note cases’ to demonstrate the breadth of your experience.

Sometimes referred to as the ‘live assessment,’ the IAA tests your interviewing and advocacy skills in real time, with an actor playing your client's role.

This comprises two assessments: the interview and the advocacy. You will be marked on specific criteria such as establishing an appropriate and professional relationship with the client, obtaining instructions and identifying the client’s objectives, and identifying and advising on appropriate courses of action.

This live online course provides comprehensive information about the portfolio requirements, sample detailed and short note cases, and an opportunity to review real detailed cases submitted for assessment. There is also a question-and-answer session at the end of the live session.

You should allow approximately two hours to complete the independent online preparatory study before the live session. The live online session will last for two hours.

This live online course prepares you for the Interview and Advocacy Assessment, covering timings, assessment criteria and top tips to succeed. You will complete a practical timed advocacy exercise and receive one-to-one feedback from an experienced MCQ IAA assessor. There is also the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the live session.

You should allow approximately two hours to complete the independent online preparatory study before the live session. The live online session will take most of the day.

Buy all-inclusive package

All testing and IAA training course package

This package includes assessments required for the MCQ and the accompanying Interview and Advocacy Assessment training course.

When you choose this package, you'll be issued a voucher that includes £25 off against the cost of purchasing all the elements separately.

Once you have purchased your voucher, you can view all the available dates and book your courses and assessments.

The All testing and IAA training course package contains:

The purpose of the portfolio is to demonstrate your competence in obtaining and assessing information, advising the client and making representations/applications/submissions to the court.

The portfolio will comprise 25 cases where you have advised defendants at the magistrates’ court. You will report on five in-depth hearings and 20 as ‘short note cases’ to demonstrate the breadth of your experience.

Sometimes referred to as the ‘live assessment’, the IAA tests your interviewing and advocacy skills in real-time, with an actor playing your client's role.

This comprises two assessments: the interview and the advocacy. You will be marked on specific criteria such as establishing an appropriate and professional relationship with the client, obtaining instructions and identifying the client’s objectives, and identifying and advising on appropriate courses of action.

This live online course prepares you for the Interview and Advocacy Assessment, covering timings, assessment criteria and top tips to succeed. You will complete a practical timed advocacy exercise and receive one-to-one feedback from an experienced MCQ IAA assessor. There is also the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the live session.

You should allow approximately two hours to complete the independent online preparatory study before the live session. The live online session will take most of the day.

Buy all testing and IAA training course package

Pay as you go

If you prefer, you can buy each element individually:

Portfolio submission


Interview and Advocacy Assessment (online)


MCQ Portfolio training course (online)


Interview and Advocacy Assessment training course (online)


Important information

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We are committed to supporting, developing and promoting equality and diversity in all our practices and activities.

Contact us

If you would like further information about these packages or anything else, contact us, and we'll be happy to help you:

Professional Development Unit