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School celebrates increase in Research Power in REF 2021

17 May 2022

The School of Physics and Astronomy sees research power almost triple since REF 2014.The School has received a GPA score of 3.45 in REF 2021, with 99% of our overall submission considered world-leading or internationally excellent.

Image of type 2 supernova

Beautiful image of supernova is ESO’s image of the month

6 April 2022

Dr Cosimo Inserra, who is the Principal Investigator of the team on the ePESSTO+ survey, has identified a number of stellar explosions, including this image of a type 2 supernova.

Could life be making its own habitable environment in the clouds of Venus?

20 December 2021

Researchers suggest potential lifeforms could be producing ammonia which would trigger a chain of events that makes the clouds more tolerable to live in.

Gravitational wave scientists set their sights on dark matter

15 December 2021

Incredibly sensitive instruments used in landmark discoveries could help solve one of the biggest remaining mysteries in the Universe

Black holes of ‘all shapes and sizes’ in new gravitational wave catalogue

11 November 2021

Largest ever collection of gravitational wave detections released thanks to pioneering upgrades to detector technology

Astronomers investigating death of nearby galaxies find their culprit

2 November 2021

Scientists provided clearest evidence yet of mechanisms that lead to the shutdown of star formation in galaxies across the Universe

Students doing project in lab

Physics and Astronomy top in Wales in Guardian University Guide

1 October 2021

Physics and Astronomy top in Wales in Guardian Guide

Athena swan silver logo

Athena Swan Silver Award for School of Physics and Astronomy

7 September 2021

The School achieves recognition of its commitment to gender equality with an Athena Swan Silver Award.

Dr Phil Buckle

Obituary to Dr. Phil Buckle

16 July 2021

With a heavy heart, but great fondness, all of us here mourn the death of our friend Phil Buckle

word cloud for girls in stem

Cardiff lecturer strives to tackle gender inequality in physics

15 July 2021

Wendy Sadler delivers presentation as part of '7th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics'