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We undertake a variety of research projects supported by funding and our broad range of research interests.

The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is involved in world-leading research ultimately aimed at improving human health. The excellence of our pharmaceutical science and health related research is recognised internationally. It spans the complete continuum from basic to applied translational science and clinical practice.

Examples of our projects include:


Smart diagnostics

Synthetic materials inspired by biological cells could provide the next generation of smart diagnostics.

A closeup of some molecular structures.

New compounds to fight cancer

Activating the immune system to attack and eliminate cancer cells and tumours.

E Coli

Antimicrobial wipes

Developing a tailored testing protocol for evaluating the efficacy of antimicrobial wipes.

ATLAS barcode scanning

ATLAS barcode scanner

Reducing waste and administration errors in care home prescribing practices.


Developing a simple, convenient and painless way to achieve contraception for six months at a time.

NanoSat project funded by NATO

A novel nanoparticle based real-time sensor for B. anthracis and M. tuberculosis. Part of NATO's Science for Peace and Security Programme.

LEGO® in the lab: Constructing the building blocks of life

The world's first LEGO® 3D Bioprinter – how LEGO® in the lab is helping to construct the building blocks of life.