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Professor Annie Pye

Emerita Professor


Annie Pye is an Emerita Professor of Organization Studies.  Her research interests include leadership and governance, management and organization change across time and space/context.  She adopts a process-oriented sensemaking perspective and conducts qualitative research into how people ‘run’ complex organizations and organize to achieve high reliability.

Annie’s work is published in journals including Organization Science, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Management Learning, British Management Journal and Corporate Governance: an International Review.  Her research has also been reported in the Financial Times, Daily Telegraph and other media outlets and City journals.

She is currently co-editing a Special Issue of Management Learning (with Dr Ian Colville and Professor Andrew Brown) on Sensemaking and Learning (due for publication in early 2016)  She has also recently co-edited a Special Issue of Human Relations (with Dr Ian Colville and Professor Andrew Brown) on Sensemaking, Organizing and Storytelling (published January 2012).


Additional activities

Annie is an editorial board member of Organization Studies and Leadership.

She is an invited member of the Academic Advisory Board of the UK Chartered Institute of Management.

She is also a member of:

  • American Academy of Management (AoM)
  • British Academy of Management (BAM)
  • European Group on Organizational Studies (EGOS)
  • International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
  • Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA)
  • Strategy-as-Practice Network

Related News Items

In addition to contributing to government consultations on the UK Code of Corporate Governance, the Davies Review, the ICSA Review of Higgs Guidance of Board Effectiveness   and the Walker Review of the corporate governance of UK banks, Annie's research has underpinned recent Keynote Speaker presentations which she has given to:

  • The Windsor Leadership Trust
  • British Academy of Management Special Interest Group on Leadership and Governance
  • Exeter Leadership Partners
  • and as a Roundtable Panelist on Corporate Governance for the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, held in City of London.


















  • Directors, top management teams and board process
  • Leadership and governance
  • Sensemaking and organizing
  • High reliability organizations
  • Power and politics
  • Leading and managing change

Core to these interests is a unique series of ESRC-funded research projects in which Annie has returned to the same people and also the same (or similar) FTSE100 companies every ten years (i.e. 1987-1989; 1998-2000; and 2008-2011) to interview the Chief Executive, Chairman, Finance director and other board and executive team members to study ‘how does a small group of people ‘run’ a large complex organization?’


Past projects