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Dr Julie Doughty

Dr Julie Doughty

Senior Lecturer in Law

+44(0)29 2087 4342
3.48, Law Building, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX
Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision


Julie Doughty graduated in law at the University of Bristol, and subsequently qualified as a solicitor, working in private practice for more than ten years. She has also worked for Shelter, co-ordinating an advocacy project. In 1993 she joined local government as the manager of the South-east Wales Guardian ad litem Panel, and transferred to CAFCASS (Children & Family Court Advisory & Support Service) as a team manager in 2001. She joined the Law School in 2003 as a research assistant with a project disseminating Joseph Rowntree Foundation research on the effects of divorce, separation and family change.

She then worked as a researcher on a number of empirical research studies on care proceedings; expert witnesses; and children's views on media access to courts. Her PhD topic was the functions of family courts.

She was a member of the BAAF (British Association for Adoption & Fostering) Cymru Legal Group and represented Wales on the BAAF Legal Group Advisory Committee until its closure in July 2015. She is now a member of the AFA Cymru Legal Group.. She edited a practitioners' journal, Seen and Heard (ISSN 1744-1072) from 2008 to 2015. She is a member of the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory Stakeholder Council. Trustee with The Transparency Project and with Family Mediation Cymru.

Julie is co-director of the Law School's Centre for Health and Social Care Law - @CHSCLaw; an associate with CASCADE; a member of Cardiff University's Adoption Research Group; and (with colleagues at the Universities of Bristol, Bath and Exeter) the Network on Family, Regulation and Society. In March 2017, Julie published a report on her research on published family court judgments, funded by the Nuffield Foundation. Recent research projects include the Wales Adoption Study, led by Dr Katherine Shelton (School of Psychology) and a scoping study on family support services in Wales. Current research includes adoption and human rights; and children's rights in parental disputes.

In 2015, Julie established the Children's Social Care Law in Wales website for social workers, foster carers and advisers in Wales. She is a consultant editor, on the law in Wales, for the encylopaedia on Children Law and Practice (Hershman and McFarlane).

Julie currently teaches on the LLB Media Law module and is programme convenor for the LLM in Social Care Law, on which she teaches The Child & the State: Law and Policy.


Senior Lecturer in Law.

Previously, lecturer in law; research assistant; graduate teaching assistant.

Before working at Cardiff University, I held positions in Cafcass and local authority children's services, and have also worked as a solicitor in private practice.






















Module leader in Media Law.

Module leader in The Child and the State: Law and Policy

Programme convenor: LLM in Social Care Law

Care Council for Wales: Developing a teaching and learning resource in child law for social workers.

Nuffield Foundation: An evaluation of published family court judgments.

Personal welfare disputes in the Court of Protection -with Professor Phil Fennell, Professor Luke Clements and Dr Lucy Series. Funded by the Nuffield Foundation.

Wales Adoption Cohort Study - Funded by NISCHR (Welsh Government)

An evaluation of published family court judgments - Funded by the Nuffield Foundation.

Research review on parental alienation. Cafcass Cymru.

Scoping study on family support services in Wales. Welsh Government.


  • Children's rights
  • Adoption
  • Care proceedings
  • Children in state care
  • Transparency and open justice in family law

Past projects

External profiles