Professor Ruth Chadwick
Emerita Professor
- Media commentator
Ruth Chadwick is Distinguished Research Professor and Director of the ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (Cesagen): a Lancaster-Cardiff collaboration.
She holds a Link Chair at Cardiff University between the Law School and the School of English, Communication and Philosophy (ENCAP).
She has co-ordinated a number of projects funded by the European Commission, including the EUROSCREEN projects (1994-6; 1996-9) and co-edits the journal Bioethics and the online journal Genomics, Society and Policy.
She is Chair of the Human Genome Organisation Ethics Committee, a member of the Advisory Committee of the UK National Stem Cell Network; and has served as a member of several policy-making and advisory bodies, including the Panel of Eminent Ethical Experts of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), and the UK Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP).
She was editor-in-chief of the award winning Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (1998), of which a second edition is now being prepared.
She is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Hastings Center, New York; of the Royal Society of Arts; and of the Royal Society of Medicine.
In 2005 she was the winner of the World Technology Network Award for Ethics for her work on the relationship between scientific developments and ethical frameworks.
I joined Lancaster University in 2000 as Professor of Bioethics and became Director of the Institute for Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy, 2001-2 prior to the ESRC award.
Previously Professor of Moral Philosophy and Head of Centre for Professional Ethics, University of Central Lancashire (1993-2000)
Lecturer in Philosophy and Director, Centre for Applied Ethics, University of Wales Cardiff (1987-93)
Senior Lecturer in Law and Moral Philosophy, St. Martin$acirc; s College Lancaster (1981-6)
Honours and awards
In 2005 she was the winner of the World Technology Network Award for Ethics for her work on the relationship between scientific developments and ethical frameworks.
Professional memberships
She is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Hastings Center, New York; of the Royal Society of Arts; and of the Royal Society of Medicine.
- Chadwick, R. and Dhavendra, K. eds. 2024. Genomics, populations, and society. Academic Press. (10.1016/C2021-0-01143-3)
- Capps, B. et al. 2023. The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) and a vision for Ecogenomics: the Ecological Genome Project. Human Genomics 17, article number: 115. (10.1186/s40246-023-00560-x)
- Chadwick, R. 2022. General practice: How important is the face-to-face consultation?. Bioethics 36(7), pp. 733-734. (10.1111/bioe.13083)
- Chadwick, R. and Strange, H. 2015. Biobanking across borders: the challenges of harmonisation. In: Mascalzoni, D. ed. Ethics, Law and Governance of Biobanking., Vol. 14. The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology New York and London: Springer, pp. 133-139., (10.1007/978-94-017-9573-9_10)
- Chadwick, R. 2014. The ethics of personalized medicine: a philosopher's perspective. Personalized Medicine 11(1), pp. 5-6. (10.2217/pme.13.98)
- Chadwick, R. and O'Connor, A. 2013. Epigenetics and personalized medicine: prospects and ethical issues. Personalized Medicine 10(5), pp. 463-471. (10.2217/pme.13.35)
- Chadwick, R. 2013. Ethical issues in personalized medicine. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies 10(4), pp. e171-e174. (10.1016/j.ddstr.2013.05.001)
- Gunnarsdottir, K., Chadwick, R., Hughes, J., Lewis, J. T., O'Connor, A. and Stephens, N. 2012. Cesagen response to Nuffield Council on bioethics consultation on novel neurotechnologies: intervening in the brain. Technical Report.
- Clarke, A. J. et al. 2012. 'Sifting the significance from the data' - the impact of high-throughput genomic technologies on human genetics and health care. Human Genomics 6, article number: 11. (10.1186/1479-7364-6-11)
- Chadwick, R. 2011. 5 questions. In: Friis, J. K. B. O., Rossel, P. and Norup, M. S. eds. Philosophy of Medicine: 5 Questions. Birkerød, Denmark: Automatic Press, pp. 31-36.
- Chadwick, R. and Lunshof, L. 2011. Genetic and Genomic Research: Changing Patterns of Accountability. Accountability in Research 18(3), pp. 1-11. (10.1080/08989621.2011.575031)
- Chadwick, R., Have, H. and Meslin, E. M. eds. 2011. The Sage handbook of health care ethics. London: Sage.
- Chadwick, R. and Hansson, M. G. 2011. Is medical ethics doing its job?. Journal of Internal Medicine 269(4), pp. 366-369. (10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02348.x)
- Chadwick, R. and McCarthy, P. 2011. Orphan diseases. In: Chadwick, R., Have, H. and Meslin, E. M. eds. The Sage Handbook of Health Care Ethics : Core and Emerging Issues. London: Sage, pp. 278-288.
- Chadwick, R. 2011. The Communitarian Turn: Myth or Reality?. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20(4), pp. 546-553. (10.1017/S0963180111000284)
- Chadwick, R. and Wilson, S. 2010. I database genomici: un bene pubblico globale. In: Marturano, A. ed. Il Corpo Digitale: Natura, Informazione, Merce. Digitalica Vol. 9. Torino: Giappichelli
- Strange, H. and Chadwick, R. 2010. The Ethics of Nonmedical Sex Selection. Health Care Anaysis 18(3), pp. 252-66. (10.1007/s10728-009-0135-y)
- Chadwick, R. 2010. Nutrigenomics and statistical power: the ethics of genetically informed nutritional advice. In: Bagchi, D., Lau, F. and Bagchi, M. eds. Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 23-33.
- Chadwick, R. 2009. What is 'applied' in applied ethics?. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy 1, pp. 1-7.
- Strange, H. and Chadwick, R. 2009. Harmonisation and standardisation in ethics and governance: conceptual and practical challenges. In: Widdows, H. and Mullen, C. eds. The Governance of Genetic Information: Who Decides?. Cambridge University Press, pp. 201-213.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2009. Nutrigenomics. In: Atkinson, P., Glasner, P. and Lock, M. eds. Handbook of Genetics and Society: Mapping the New Genomic Era. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 94-103.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2009. Gene therapy. In: Kuhse, H. and Singer, P. eds. A Companion to Bioethics. Chichester; Malden, WA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 207-15.
- Chadwick, R. 2009. Gender and the human genome. Mens Sana Monographs 7(1), pp. 10-19.
- Chadwick, R. and Strange, H. 2009. Harmonisation and standardisation in ethics and governance: conceptual and practical challenges. In: Widdows, H. and Mullen, C. eds. The Governance of Genetic Information: Who Decides?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 201-13.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2008. Therapy, enhancement and improvement. In: Gordijn, B. and Chadwick, R. eds. Medical Enhancement and Posthumanity. Berlin: Springer, pp. 25-37.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2008. Bioethics – overview. In: Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 1-5., (10.1002/9780470015902.a0003473)
- Lunshof, J., Chadwick, R., Vorhaus, D. and Church, G. 2008. From genetic privacy to open consent. Nature Reviews Genetics 9, pp. 406-411. (10.1038/nrg2360)
- Lunshof, J., Chadwick, R. F. and Church, G. 2008. Hippocrates revisited? Old ideals and new realities. Genomic Medicine 2, pp. 1-3. (10.1007/s11568-008-9020-2)
- Gordijn, B. and Chadwick, R. F. eds. 2008. Medical enhancement and posthumanity. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Chadwick, R. F., Galloux, J., Nys, H., Simon, J., Paslack, R. and Weisenfeld, U. 2008. Xenotransplantation: Ethical, legal, economic, social, cultural and scientific background. München: Martin Meidenbauer.
- Chadwick, R. 2007. Pharmacogenomics. In: Ashcroft, R. E. et al. eds. Principles of Health Care Ethics. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 783-788.
- Chadwick, R. 2005. Professional ethics and the 'good' of science. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 30(3), pp. 247-256. (10.1179/030801805X42054)
- Chadwick, R. and Knoppers, B. 2005. Human genetic research: emerging trends in ethics. Nature Reviews Genetics 6(1), pp. 75-79. (10.1038/nrg1505)
- Chadwick, R. 2004. Telling the truth about genomics. Communication and Medicine 1(2), pp. 193-199. (10.1515/come.2004.1.2.193)
- Chadwick, R. and Wilson, S. 2004. Genomic databases as global public goods?. Res Publica 10(2), pp. 123-134. (10.1023/B:RESP.0000034637.15364.11)
- Chadwick, R. 2004. Nutrigenomics, individualism and public health. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 63, pp. 161-166. (10.1079/PNS2003329)
- Chadwick, R. et al. 2003. Functional foods. Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment Vol. 20. Berlin: Springer. (10.1007/978-3-662-05115-3)
- Welsh, I. and Evans, R. 2002. Xenotransplantation, risk, regulation and surveillance: social and technological dimensions of change. In: Chadwick, R. and Schroeder, D. eds. Applied Ethics: Critical Concepts in Philosophy., Vol. 3. Ethical Issues in Medicine, Technology and the Life Sciences London: Routledge, pp. 146-168.
- Chadwick, R. and Schroeder, D. eds. 2001. Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. Critical Concepts in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
- Chadwick, R. and Berg, K. 2001. Solidarity and equity: new ethical frameworks for genetic databases. Nature Reviews Genetics 2(4), pp. 318-321. (10.1038/35066084)
Ethics and new technologies, especially genomics.