Professor Alyson Rees
- reesa1@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44(0) 29 2087 5261
- 2.05, Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Professor in School of Social Sciences. I am a Social Work lecturer and researcher. Having been a practitoner for many years (as a probation offiver and social worker) this has influenced both my interests and approach to research. My interests are in child and family social work and criminal justice, particularly fostering, adoption, domestic abuse, women in prison and child neglect. I was asked to give evidence to All Wales Parliamentary Committee on the basis of a study I had undertaken on children visiting a mother in prison, from which I made a short film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nuD3VsxGhA.
I particularly favour a sociological approach to child and family research. I have published widely and a paper on adult safeguarding in Wales, published in the Journal of Adult Protection, was awarded the Emerald Literati 'Outstanding Paper' award in 2020.
I am an Assistant Director of CASCADE Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre and I am responsible for ExChange, the research dissemination arm of the centre. I chair the Equality and Diversity Committee for the School of Social Sciences. I sit on the People and Envirnment Committee.
I teach on the MA in Social Work and convene the post qualifying Enabling Practice module. I am a tutor on the MA in Social Work.
I manage the international travel programme for the MA in Social Work.
I am a registered Social Worker with Social Care Wales.
I welcome PhD applications to work on topics related to social work.
Professional memberships
- Registered Social Worker (Social Care Wales)
- Member of British Association of Social Workers
- Member of European Social Work Research Association
Academic positions
- 2000-2005: Tutor, Cardiff
- 2005-2010: Lecturer, Cardiff
- 2010-2019: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff
- 2019- present: Reader, Cardiff
Speaking engagements
- Invited speaker, Queens Belfast (2017)
- European Social Work Research Association conference, Arlborg (2017 )
- European Scientific Association on Residential and FamilyCare for Children, Porto (2018)
- Video Interactive Guidance Conference, Cornwall (2018)
- European Social Work Research Association conference x 4, Edinburgh (2018)
Make a Stand Cymru, Welsh Women’s Aid ( 2019)
Kempe Centre, Call to Action, Leaving Care in COVID (2020)
- Festival of Social Sciences, Who Cares for those leaving care (2020)
- INTRAC, International Research `network for children leaving care (2021)
- National Safeguarding (2021)
- JSWEC (2021)
Committees and reviewing
- Chair of Practice Assessment Panel MA in Social Work
- Chair of equality and diversity committee, School of Social Sciences
- Member of JSWEC Research Committee
- Member of End Youth Homelessness, Cymru advisory committee
- Editoral Board member for British Journal of Social Work
- Editorial Board member for Journal of Children and Society
- Board Member of UCAN (charity for visually impaired young people)
- Chair of Policy Board for Voices from Care, Cymru
- Reviewer for journals in social work and sociology
- Previous member of JSWEC International committe
- Past member of School of Social Sciences ethics committee
- Past HEI member of Care Council for Wales.
I am a registered Social Worker and before becoming an academic I worked as a practioner for many years. I initially started working in a night shelter in London for ex-offenders and those with mental health difficulties. I then qualified to become a Social Worker and was sponsored by the Home Office to work as a probation officer. I worked as a probation officer for 16 years in Gwent undertaking a range of roles including working in the youth offending team and as Crown Court Liasion Officer. I have also worked for Barnados in Ely, Cardiff undertaking commmunity work and running girls groups. Most latterly I worked for the NSPCC working in a domestic violence unit, running groups for male perpetrators, female survivors and children who had witnessed abuse.
I started teaching at Cardiff University part-time whilst still working for the NSPCC. I completed my PhD in 2009 on successful and effective foster care, taking a whole-family, strengths based and sociological perspective. I particularly favour sociological approaches as applied to social care and social work. I have undertaken a wide range of research including studies focusing on care expperienced children and criminal justice. Most of my research centres on social justice and gender.
I have taught on the MA Social Work programme since 2000 when I first took up a post at Cardiff University. I am currently reponsible for student placements and I am an assistant director of CASCADE research centre. I am repsonsible for ExChange, the knowledge exchange network and research dissemination arm of CASCADE. I also responsible for participation of experts by experience in CASCADE and on the MA Social Work. I chair the Eqiality and Diversity Committee for the School of Social Sciences.
Professional memberships
- Registered Social Worker (Social Care Wales)
- Member of British Association of Social Workers
- Member of European Social Work Research Association
Academic positions
- 2000-2005: Tutor, Cardiff
- 2005-2010: Lecturer, Cardiff
- 2010-2019: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff
- 2019- present: Reader, Cardiff
Speaking engagements
- Invited speaker, Queens Belfast (2017)
- European Social Work Research Association conference, Arlborg (2017 )
- European Scientific Association on Residential and FamilyCare for Children, Porto (2018)
- Video Interactive Guidance Conference, Cornwall (2018)
- European Social Work Research Association conference x 4, Edinburgh (2018)
Make a Stand Cymru, Welsh Women’s Aid ( 2019)
Kempe Centre, Call to Action, Leaving Care in COVID (2020)
- Festival of Social Sciences, Who Cares for those leaving care (2020)
- INTRAC, International Research `network for children leaving care (2021)
Committees and reviewing
- Chair of Practice Assessment Panel MA in Social Work
- Chair of equality and diversity committee, School of Social Sciences
- Member of JSWEC Research Committee
- Member of End Youth Homelessness, Cymru advisory committee
- Editoral Board member for British Journal of Social Work
- Editorial Board member for Journal of Children and Society
- Board Member of UCAN (charity for visually impaired young people)
- Chair of Policy Board for Voices from Care, Cymru
- Reviewer for journals in social work and sociology
- Previous member of JSWEC International committe
- Past member of School of Social Sciences ethics committee
- Past HEI member of Care Council for Wales.
Academic positions
2000-2004 Professional Tutor, Cardiff University
2004-2012 Lecturer, Cardiff University
2012-2019 Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
2019- Reader, Cardiff University
- Macdonald, S., Hewitt, G., Jones, S., Rees, A., Brown, R., Anthony, R. and Evans, R. 2025. Mental wellbeing needs and support for care-experienced children and young people in secondary school and during the transition to further education college. Children & Society (10.1111/chso.12951)
- Rees, A., Slater, T., Fatemi-Dehaghani, R. and Swann, R. 2025. A multi-disciplinary analysis of adult practice reviews. The Journal of Adult Protection: Evidence-based practice in relation to safeguarding adults (10.1108/JAP-07-2024-0039)
- Djupvik, A. R., Pithouse, A., Myklebust, V. K., Rees, A., Ekeland, T. and Brookfield, C. 2024. Manualisation in child and family social work: A comparative study of Norway and Wales. European Social Work Research 2(3), pp. 277-293. (10.1332/27551768Y2024D000000023)
- Hewitt, G., MacDonald, S., Evans, R., Rees, A., Brown, R., Anthony, R. and Jones, S. 2024. Challenges and opportunities for social work practice in mental health and wellbeing support for care-experienced children and young people in schools and colleges in Wales. Presented at: 13th European Conference for Social Work, Vilnius, Lithuania, 17-19 April 2024.
- Rees, A., Roberts, L. and Taussig, H. 2024. ‘Family doesn’t have to be mom and dad’: An exploration of the meaning of family for care-experienced young people. Families, Relationships and Societies 13(3), pp. 461-477. (10.1332/20467435Y2023D000000002)
- Rees, A., Waits, C., Bezeczky, Z., Parent, K., Wray, B. and Mulcahy, J. 2024. Social work across boundaries: Findings from an evaluation of a service supporting mothers in prison. Evaluation of the Together a Chance pilot project 2021-23. Presented at: 13th European Conference for Social Work Research, Vilnius, Lithuania, 17-19 April 2024.
- Roberts, L. M., Rees, A., Elliott, D. and Wood, S. 2024. ‘The worst day of my life’: Foster carers’ experiences of allegations. Adoption & Fostering 48(1), pp. 7-29. (10.1177/03085759231212501)
- Rees, A., Waits, C. and Bezeczky, Z. 2024. Final report. Together a chance: Evaluation of the social workers for Mother in Prison pilot project, 2021-2023. Project Report. Cardiff, Wales: CASCADE Research Centre.
- Rees, A., Maxwell, N., Powell, J., Corliss, C., Khan, A. and O'Donnell, C. 2023. Fostering wellbeing: placing foster carers centre stage. Adoption and Fostering 47(4), pp. 453-470. (10.1177/03085759231208460)
- Macdonald, S., Hewitt, G., Evans, R., Rees, A., Brown, R., Anthony, R. and Jones, S. 2023. Wellbeing and mental health support in schools and colleges for care experienced children and young people: a mixed-methods study of delivering and receiving support. Presented at: BERA Conference 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, 12-14 September 2023.
- Palmer, C. E., Coffey, A. and Rees, A. 2023. The motivations and decision-making processes of parents who adopt older children. Adoption & Fostering 47(2), pp. 211-228. (10.1177/03085759231174906)
- Waits, C., Rees, A., Bezeczky, Z., Parent, K., Wray, B. and Mulcahy, J. 2023. What works in prison research? The experience of evaluating the Together a Chance pilot project. Presented at: Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference (JSWEC), Glasgow, UK, 15-16 June 2023.
- Rees, A., Waits, C. and Bezeczky, Z. 2023. Together a chance. Evaluation of the Social Worker for Mothers in Prison pilot project, 2021-2023 : Second interim report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff Univeristy. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/06/Together-a-Chance-Evaluation-Y2-Interim-Report-22-June-.pdf
- Janes, E., Staples, E. and Rees, A. 2023. Evaluation of the ten-week Caring Changes training course for residential care practitioners. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care 22, article number: 1. (10.17868/strath.00085352)
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Segrott, J., Rees, A. and Kitchiner, N. 2023. How does a restorative approach work? Supporting military veteran families affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice
- Rees, A. and Sharley, V. 2023. Working with children who have experienced neglect. London: Coran BAAF.
- Macdonald, S., Hewitt, G., Evans, R., Rees, A., Brown, R., Anthony, R. and Jones, S. 2023. Mental health and wellbeing support in schools and further education colleges for care-experienced children and young people. Presented at: EuSARF - 'Equity and Social Justice in Child, Youth and Family Welfare', University of Sussex, 12-15 September 2023.
- Rees, A., Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E. and Hallett, S. 2022. Listening to the experts: Learning about relationships and their impact on educational experiences from children and young people in state care. Relational Social Work 6(2), pp. 36-57. (10.14605/RSW622202)
- Rees, A. 2022. Together a chance interim report presented at Parliamentary Event. Project Report. [Online]. CASCADE. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/%ef%bf%bctogether-a-chance-interim-report-presented-at-parliamentary-event/
- Rees, A., Bezeczky, Z. and Waits, C. 2022. Together a Chance: Evaluation of the Social Worker for Mothers in Prison pilot project, 2021-2023: 1st Interim Report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE), Cardiff University. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/03/TaC-evaluation-1st-interim-report-June-2022.pdf
- Rees, A. and Handley, B. 2022. Final Report - Evaluation of fostering wellbeing. Project Report.
- Rees, A., Maxwell, N., Lyttleton-Smith, J. and Staples, E. 2022. Visiting mum: children's perspectives on a supported scheme when visiting their mother in prison. Child Care in Practice 28(3), pp. 247-262. (10.1080/13575279.2020.1769025)
- Williams, A., Reed, H., Segrott, J., Barnaby, B. and Rees, A. 2021. Developing a model of the restorative approaches veteran family service. CASCADE Research Centre. Available at: https://cascadewales.org/research/developing-an-innovative-restorative-support-service-for-the-families-of-veterans-with-post-traumatic-stress-disorder/
- Roberts, L., Rees, A., Mannay, D., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C. and Vaughan, R. 2021. Corporate parenting in a pandemic: Considering the delivery and receipt of support to care leavers in Wales during Covid-19. Children and Youth Services Review 128, article number: 106155. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106155)
- Roberts, L., Mannay, D., Rees, A., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C. and Vaughan, R. 2021. ‘It’s been a massive struggle’: Exploring the experiences of young people leaving care during COVID-19. Young 29(4S), pp. S81-S99. (10.1177/11033088211025949)
- Rees, A., Dehaghani, R., Slater, T., Swann, R. and Robinson, A. 2021. Findings from a thematic multi-disciplinary analysis of child practice reviews in Wales. Child Abuse Review 30(2), pp. 141-154. (10.1002/car.2679)
- Moody, G. et al. 2021. What are the challenges when recruiting to a trial in children’s social care? A qualitative evaluation of a trial of foster carer training. Trials 22, article number: 241. (10.1186/s13063-021-05186-9)
- Pithouse, A., Rees, A., Brookfield, C. and Djupvik, A. 2021. Understanding social work-force satisfaction. Journal of Social Work 21(1), pp. 107-127. (10.1177/1468017319868121)
- Rees, A., Dehaghani, R., Slater, T. and Swann, R. 2021. Findings from a thematic analysis of Adult Practice Reviews in Wales. Cardiff University.
- Djupvik, A. R., Myklebust, V. K., Ekeland, T., Pithouse, A., Brookfield, C. and Rees, A. 2021. New public management and practitioner autonomy in Children's Services in Norway and Wales: views from the frontline. European Journal of Social Work 24(3), pp. 405-417., article number: 10.1080/13691457.2019.1693338.
- Channon, S. et al. 2020. Qualitative process evaluation of the Fostering Changes program for foster carers as part of the Confidence in Care randomized controlled trial. Child Abuse and Neglect 109, article number: 104768. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104768)
- Moody, G. et al. 2020. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the fostering changes programme. Child Abuse and Neglect 108, article number: 104646. (10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104646)
- Roberts, L., Rees, A., Bayfield, H., Corliss, C., Diaz, C., Mannay, D. and Vaughan, R. 2020. Young people leaving care, practitioners and the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic: experiences, support, and lessons for the future. Project Report. CASCADE/Cardiff University.
- Rees, A., Casserly, N. and Maxwell, N. 2020. Developing an effective model for IFST to reduce interpersonal conflict and abuse in families with children.
- Rees, A. and Janes, E. 2020. An evaluation of caring changes: a training programme for residential carers. Cardiff University.
- Rees, A. and Pithouse, A. 2019. Views from birth children: exploring the backstage world of sibling strangers. Families, Relationships and Societies 8(3), pp. 361-377. (10.1332/204674318X15313160952540)
- Pithouse, A., Brookfield, C. and Rees, A. 2019. Why are social workers in Wales the 'happiest'? A conundrum explored. British Journal of Social Work 49(7), pp. 1987-2006. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy119)
- Maxwell, N. and Rees, A. 2019. Video Interaction guidance: a return to traditional values and relationship-based practice?. British Journal of Social Work 49(6), pp. 1415-1433. (10.1093/bjsw/bcz067)
- Sharley, V., Ananias, J., Rees, A. and Leonard, E. 2019. Child neglect in Namibia: emerging themes and future directions. British Journal of Social Work 49(4), pp. 983-1002. (10.1093/bjsw/bcz043)
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2019. Enabling talk and reframing messages: working creatively with care experienced children and young people to recount and re-represent their everyday experiences. Child Care in Practice 25(1), pp. 51-63. (10.1080/13575279.2018.1521375)
- Robinson, A., Rees, A. and Dehaghani, R. 2019. Making connections: a multi-disciplinary analysis of domestic homicide, mental health homicide and adult practice reviews. Journal of Adult Protection 21(1), pp. 16-26. (10.1108/JAP-07-2018-0015)
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. 2019. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2019. Introduction. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-12.
- Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2019. Conclusion. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 228-240.
- Rees, A. 2019. The daily lived experience of foster care. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. Children and young people 'looked after'? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. University of Wales Press, pp. 85-99.
- Rees, A. et al. 2019. Final Report for Evaluation of Fostering Wellbeing Programme 2019.
- Maxwell, N., Rees, A. and Thomas, S. 2019. The impact of staff training in VIG for professionals and families. Cardiff: CASCADE.
- Rees, A., Dehaghani, R., Slater, T., Swann, R. and Robinson, A. L. 2019. Findings from a thematic analysis of Child Practice Reviews in Wales. Cardiff University.
- Scourfield, J., Shardlow, S., Zhang, M. L. and Rees, A. 2018. A profile of UK doctoral candidates in social work and social care. British Journal of Social Work 8(48), pp. 2313-2331. (10.1093/bjsw/bcy008)
- Rees, A., Maxwell, N., Slater, T. and Pitt, C. 2018. Developing an effective model for IFST to reduce interpersonal conflict and abuse in families with children.
- Maxwell, N. and Rees, A. 2018. The impact of VIG for professionals and families. Presented at: Association for Video Interaction Guidance UK International Conference: Catching the Waves of Attunement, Cornwall, UK, 27 September 2018.
- Robinson, A., Rees, A. and Dehaghani, R. 2018. Findings from a thematic analysis of reviews into adult deaths in Wales: Domestic Homicide Reviews, Adult Practice Reviews and Mental Health Homicide Reviews. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Maxwell, N. and Rees, A. 2018. Video Interaction Guidance Evaluation. Presented at: South Wales Practitioner Workshop, Cardiff, UK, 27 March 2018.
- Maxwell, N. and Rees, A. 2018. Video Interaction Guidance Evaluation. Presented at: North Wales Practitioner Workshop, Wrexham, UK, 26 March 2018.
- Moody, G. et al. 2018. Evaluating the long-term impact of the Fostering Changes training programme for foster carers in Wales, the Confidence in Care trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 19, article number: 34. (10.1186/s13063-017-2424-3)
- Maxwell, N. and Rees, A. 2018. Video Interaction Guidance: Emerging findings from a UK study into the use of VIG to reduce the numbers of children in care and to support relationship building in foster care and adoption. Presented at: European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents, Porto, Portugal, 2-5 October 2018.
- Hallett, S., Crowley, A., Deerfield, K., Staples, E. and Rees, A. 2017. Review of the Wales Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation (CSE) statutory guidance. Available at: https://gov.wales/review-wales-safeguarding-children-and-young-people-sexual-exploitation-statutory-guidance-0
- Rees, A. and Hodgson, P. 2017. Regionalisation:improving the adoption experience in Wales. Adoption and Fostering 41(3), pp. 268-278. (10.1177/0308575917722908)
- Mannay, D., Evans, R., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A. and Andrews, D. 2017. The consequences of being labelled ‘looked-after’: Exploring the educational experiences of looked-after children and young people in Wales. British Educational Research Journal 43(4), pp. 683-699. (10.1002/berj.3283)
- Rees, A., Staples, E. and Maxwell, N. 2017. Evaluation of Visiting Mum Scheme: Final Report June 2017. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CASCADE. Available at: http://sites.cardiff.ac.uk/cascade/files/2017/09/Final-PACT-report-Final-version.-12.7.17.pdf
- Maxwell, N., Rees, A. and Williams, A. 2016. Evaluation of the Video Interaction Guidance Service, Cornwall Council. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CASCADE. Available at: http://sites.cardiff.ac.uk/cascade/files/2017/09/VIG-Evaluation-Report.pdf
- Evans, R., Hallett, S., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. 2016. The acceptability of educational interventions: Qualitative evidence from children and young people in care. Children and Youth Services Review 71, pp. 68-76. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.10.030)
- Rees, A. 2016. Final Report for Fostering Healthy Futures. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. and Andrews, D. 2016. Exploring the educational experiences and aspirations of Looked After Children and Young People (LACYP) in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Children's Social Care and Research and Development Centre (CASCADE).
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at: http://gov.wales/statistics-and-research/understanding-educational-experiences-opinions-attainment-achievement-aspirations-looked-after-children-wales/?lang=en
- Mannay, D., Staples, E., Hallett, S., Roberts, L., Rees, A., Evans, R. E. and Andrews, D. 2015. Executive summary: Understanding the educational experiences and opinions, attainment, achievement and aspirations of looked after children in Wales.. Technical Report.
- Pithouse, A. and Rees, A. 2014. Creating stable foster placements: Learning from foster children and the families who care for them. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Rees, A., Holland, S. and Pithouse, A. J. 2012. Food in foster families: care, communication and conflict. Children & Society 26(2), pp. 100-111. (10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00332.x)
- Pithouse, A. J. and Rees, A. 2011. Care as regulated and care in the obdurate world of intimate relations: Foster care divided?. Ethics and Social Welfare 5(2), pp. 196-209. (10.1080/17496535.2011.571070)
- Robinson, A. L., Tregidga, J. and Rees, A. 2010. HomeSafe: final evaluation report on the Cardiff HomeSafe Project. Project Report. Cardiff: Women’s Safety Unit/Cardiff University School of Social Sciences.
- Rees, A. 2009. Inner world of foster care : an in-depth exploration.. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Rivett, M. and Rees, A. 2008. Working with perpetrators and victims of domestic violence. In: Green, S., Lancaster, E. and Feasey, S. eds. Addressing offending behaviour: context, practice and value. Cullompton: Willan Publishing Ltd, pp. 334-364.
- Rees, A. and Pithouse, A. J. 2008. The intimate world of strangers: embodying the child in foster care. Child & Family Social Work 13(3), pp. 338-347. (10.1111/j.1365-2206.2008.00558.x)
- Rees, A. and Rivett, M. 2005. ‘Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend’: Towards a variety in programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence. Probation Journal 52(3), pp. 277-288. (10.1177/0264550505055111)
- Rees, A. and Rivett, M. 2004. Dancing on a razor's edge: systemic group work with batterers. Journal of family therapy 26(2), pp. 142-162. (10.1111/j.1467-6427.2004.00275.x)
I teach on the MA in Social Work, teaching 'Introduction to Social Work Practice','Inroduction to Social Work Theory', 'Introduction to Children, Youth and Families', 'Gender' and 'Domestic Abuse'.
I convene and teach on the post qualifying module 'Enabling Practice' for practice assessors.
I am responsible for Practice Liaison and chair the MA in Social Work Practice Assessment Panels.
I currently supervise a number of MA, Professional Doctorate and PhD students. I am currently supervising doctoral projects relating to Adoption, Suicide, Working with Adults and a Stengths based perspective, Foster Care, Children Looked After and Education, Children Looked After and Mental Health, Practice Education in Wales, Experience of Black Mothers in Prison, Child Neglect, Assylum Seeker Families in Wales, Domestic Abuse and Family Care.
I have been involved in research in a range of areas relating to children, young people and families. I have undertaken projects involving foster care, child neglect, child sexual abuse, domestic abuse, women in prison, children visitng mothers in prison, video interactive guidance, complex families, integrated family support and wheel chair users.I have undertaken three research studies of death reveiws in Wales.
Currently I am involved in several research projects:
- Young people leaving care theough COVID-19.
- Review of Adult Practice Reviews undertaken in Wales 2017-2020.
- An evaluation of pan Wales Fostering Wellbeing programme.
- An evaluation of a social worker programme based in two women's priosns.
- County lines- an exploration of practice responses to child criminal explotation and development of a tool kit.
I will start a project reveiwing Child Practice Reviews undertakn in Wales later in 2021.
I have experience of range of research methods, in particular qualitative and participatory methods with young people.
I am Assistant Director of CASCADE Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre. I am repsonsibly for ExChange, the research dissemination arm of CADCADE.
I am currently supervising a range of doctoral students and welcome requests for PhD supervision. I have previously supervised candidates in a range of areas and my interests include:
- Foster care
- Animal- human relationships
- The ethic of care
- Adoption
- Domestic abuse
- Child negelct
- Suicide
- Particpation
- Working with male perpetrators
- Child neglect
- Gender
- Women in prison
- I currently supervise the following doctoral candidates
- Rosie Moore
- Sarah Farragher
- Bridget Handley
- Alison Prowle
- Imran Mohamed
- Andrea Cooper
- Monica Thomas
- Gemma Alnatt
Past projects
Marja Kempanaar - Adoption support
Martin Price- Assessing child neglect
Marion Russell- The role of the consultant social worker
Clive Diaz- Children's particpation
Phil Smith- An exploration of the pupil referral unit
Claire Palmer- Adoption of older children.