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Dr Clive Diaz

Dr Clive Diaz

Research Associate, CASCADE

+44 (0)29 2251 0938
sbarc|spark, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ


I have over 17 years’ experience as a social worker, child protection conference chair, Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Manager, and Principal Social Worker. More recently I have held academic roles at a number of universities including the University of the West of England, the Open Univeristy and until recently I worked part time as a senior lecturer in social work at Oxford Brooks University. Over the last four years I have worked as a Research Associate for the Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE). I am currently leading three realist evaluations on parental advocacy, as well as a Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW)-funded study into the implementation of new CSE guidance in Wales. I have been the Principal Investigator for studies worth over £850k over the last four years and have authored over 20 publications on children’s social care. I published my first book on decision making in child and family social work with Policy Press in 2020.

Throughout my career, I have combined direct practice with academic study, teaching, and research. My doctorate (awarded June 2018) in social work focused on how children could be supported to engage more meaningfully in children in care review meetings. I have also written extensively on how social work policy translates into practice. My work has enabled me to apply and expand my professional social care and policy knowledge to current concerns in children’s social care. 



I am a registered social worker who before becoming an academic worked in children's services and adults services for over a decade. I was the Principal Social Worker in two local authorities. I have also worked for the Emergency Duty Team in Avon and worked for a period as a mental health social worker. I have taught on various social work programmes since 2011 and I have worked as a lecturer in social work at various different universities including the University of the West of England, the Open University, the University of Gloucestershire and I currenlty work part time as a Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brooks University. I have also taught social work at Bath University and Bristol University.












My research has covered various aspects of child and family social work including the extent to which young people and parents play a role in decsion making. I have also carried out research on domesic violence and extra familial harm and my current research study is considering how new child sexual exploitation guidance is being implemented in practice in Wales.


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