Dr Terence Allen
Senior Lecturer
- allentj@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 29206 88529
- 5th floor, Cochrane Building, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YU
Normally know as Dr Jeff Allen
Roles within the University
- MBBCh Year 1 Director
- MBBCh Yr1 Examination Executive Chair
- Personal Tutor
- Race Equality Staff Working Group Chair
Research Interests
- Physiology - Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Renal,
- Cardiac Electrophysiology
- Medical Education - learning and teaching
- Science Education - learning and teaching
Public Engagement
- Promoting Outreach activities
- STEM ambassador
Education and qualifications
- C&G 7306 'Further & Adult Education Teaching Certificate' 1999, Lewisham College, London
- PhD Physiology (Neurophysiology) 1984, University of London, King's College,
- BSc 2(1) Hons 'Biological Sciences', 1980, University East Anglia, Norwich
Academic positions
- Director – Year 1 MBBCh Programme, 1 September 2013 - present, School of Medicine, Cardiff Univ.
- MBBCh Deputy sub-Dean Basic Medical Sciences August 2006 – August 2013, School Biosciences, Cardiff Univ.
- Lecturer in Physiology, 1 August 2007 - present, School Biosciences (upto July 2013), School of Medicine (from Aug 2013), Cardiff Univ.
- Professional Tutor, September 1999 – July 2007, School Biosciences, Cardiff Univ.
- Lecturer in Pharmacology & Physiology, January 1997 to Aug 1999, Royal Free Hosp. Medical School & University College London, University London, (Joint appointment)
- Lecturer in Pharmacology, January 1995 to December 1996, Royal Free Hosp. Medical School University London,
- British Heart Foundation Research Fellow, April 1990 to December 1994, Dept. Physiology, University Bristol.
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellow, June 1988 to March 1990, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
- Medical Research Council Research Fellow, June 1987 to May 1988, Dept. Physiology, King's College London
- Medical Research Council, Research Associate, October 1983 to June 1987, Dept. Physiology, King's College London.
Professional memberships
Professional memberships
- The Physiological Society, Ordinary Member
- The Marine Biological Association of UK, Ordinary Member
- The British Society for Cardiovascular Research, Ordinary Member
- International Society for Heart Research, Ordinary Member
- Higher Education Authority, Fellowship status (FHEA)
Committees and reviewing
- Co-editor of the Quarterly Bulletin for The British Society for Cardiovascular Research from January 1991 to August 1996. The BSCR is a registered charity and affiliated to the British Cardiac Society.
- Organiser of the 1st International Conference on Na-Ca Exchange, held in Stowe, UK 1987 (with PF Baker, DE Knight).
- Co-organiser of 15th European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology meeting in 1991 at Bath University.
- Co-organiser of BSCR Spring Meeting on Cardiac Ionic Channels, Exchangers and Symports in 1994 at Bristol University.
- One of five Members of The Advisory Board for 2nd International Conference on Na-Ca Exchange, held in Baltimore, USA April 1991, and resulting New York Academy of Sciences volume 639.
My undergraduate interests coupled physics and animal biology. These themes have stayed with me through my career, taking me through studies on how the body works. Whether at a cellular level looking at calcium homeostasis or whole body looking at how to facilitate learning.