Research Overview
My research interested surround the neuroscience of visual perception. I began my PhD in October 2017 exploring the cause of macular sparing using novel psychophysical techniques and structural/functional brain imaging. My project also aims to investigate the optimal stimuli for mapping residual visual function. My research interests also include visual processing in elite sport as well as the impact of repeated head trauma during contact sport and the subsequent effects on cognition.
We are currently looking to recruit individuals with hemianopia. If you have, or anyone you know has hemianopia, please get in touch or sign up to the NVL database (more information below).
The Neurological Vision Loss (NVL) Database
The Neurological Vision Loss (NVL) database is an ethically approved database used by vision researchers at Cardiff University. The main aim of the database is to store the details of individuals with and without vision loss who wish to take part in research at the University. Anyone who is interested in signing up can do so in under 5 minutes, they just need to fill in this short online questionnaire which takes some contact information and asks a couple of questions about their vision loss, should there be any.
Educational and Professional Qualifications
- 2017 – present: PhD in Visual Neuroscience, Cardiff University, Wales. School of Optometry and Vision Sciences/School of Psychology. Project Title: Mapping residual visual function in hemianopia.
- 2016 – 2017: MSc. Cognitive Neuroscience, University of York, England. Classification: Distinction.
- 2013 – 2016: BSc. (Hons) Psychology, Bangor University, Wales. Classification: First Class Honours.
Conference/seminar presentations
- School of Psychology Annual Post Graduate Conference (Cardiff Universtiy) - People's Choice Poster Award
- Sensational Seminar 2018 - "Mapping residual visual function in hemianopia" (Cardiff University)
- Speaking of Science 2018 (Cardiff University)
- Young Vision Researcher’s Colloquium 2018 (Bristol Vision Institute, The University of Bristol )
- AVA Christmas Meeting 2017 (Queen Mary, University of London)
- Work in Progress Seminar Series 2017 - “Restoring vision and the brain's ability to adapt.” (The University of York)
Innovation and engagement
- 2017: Research Bites: The University of York – An opportunity for research to share their knowledge and experience with a varied audience of non-specialists and the general public
- 2017: Psych!York: Interactive Family Fun at Kings Manor – An event run by young researchers from the University of York’s Psychology Department. Suitable for all the family, with hand-outs for adults, brain colouring and crafts for younger children, and illusions and interactive exhibits.
Research interests
Research topics and related projects
Loss of half of the visual field (hemianopia) is a common finding following stroke or brain injury affecting the primary visual cortex. Despite being apparently ‘blind’ in this hemifield, some patients apparently retain some vision close to fixation in the blind field. This is known as 'macular sparing'.
Funding source
Funded by the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences and the School of Psychology
Modules currently taught
- PS1018 - Research Methods in Psychology (Postgraduate Tutor)
- OP1207 - Physiology of Vision (Demonstrator)
Modules previously taught
- PS2021 - Perception, Attention and Action (Teaching Assistant/Demonstrator)