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Rebecca Dyer

Research student,

Centre for Human Developmental Science (CUCHDS), 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT


  • Research Summary -  For my PhD, I’m investigating how the use of multi-sensory environments can be optimised to support autistic children’s mental wellbeing in schools. I am currently designing a mixed-methods study to ask autistic children about their experiences with multi-sensory environments.
  • Teaching Summary –  I am a Graduate Teaching Assistant for first-year undergraduate students studying Psychology at Cardiff University. I run three weekly seminars, in which I support their knowledge and academic skills. I also mark their essays and provide them with constructive feedback.
  • Undergraduate Education – I completed my BSc (First Class Honours) in Psychology and Language Sciences with University College London (UCL). My final year research project, supervised by Dr Rosalind Potts, investigated how the misinformed expectation of revision impacted memory, with reference to cognitive offloading.


  • Postgraduate Education – I have almost completed my MSc (current GPA 84.5%) in Brain and Cognitive Sciences: Cognitive Neuroscience Track with the University of Amsterdam. As a research master’s program, this course requires students to write three thesis projects. My first research thesis (grade 90%), supervised by Dr James Trujillo and Dr Judith Holler, investigated perception of multi-modal signals for turn-end projection. My literature thesis (grade 80%), supervised by Dr Jeannette Schaeffer, was a systematic literature review of pragmatic language in autism. My final research thesis, supervised by Dr James Trujillo and Dr Judith Holler, investigated the relationship between interpersonal synchrony and conversational partner differences on the Empathy Quotient.
  • Employment – Between February 2021 and November 2022, I worked as a research intern for the Communication in Social Interaction lab of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, and the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour. In 2021, I designed, built, and conducted a reaction time experiment in Gorilla to investigate perception of multi-modal cues for turn-end projection. To create my stimuli, I annotated the JFK English conversational corpus in ELAN and edited the videos in ADOBE.  
    Meanwhile, in 2022, I  measured interpersonal synchrony within the dyadic CoACT Corpus of Dutch conversational data using dynamic time warping in Python. Following literature on the Double Empathy Problem, I then measured the relationship between interpersonal synchrony and partner differences on the Empathy Quotient in R.

    In early 2022, I completed a systematic literature review for the Language in Autism lab, with Dr Jeannette Schaeffer of the University of Amsterdam.

    In 2021, I worked as a teaching assistant on the master’s program Brain and Cognitive Sciences with the University of Amsterdam.



Research interests

For my PhD, I’m investigating how the use of multi-sensory environments can be optimised to support autistic children’s mental wellbeing in schools. I am currently designing a mixed-methods study to ask autistic children about their experiences with multi-sensory environments.


I am a Graduate Teaching Assistant for first-year undergraduate students studying Psychology at Cardiff University. I run three weekly seminars, in which I support their knowledge and academic skills. I also mark their essays and provide them with constructive feedback.



Dr Catherine Jones

Reader and Director of Wales Autism Research Centre


Dr Georgina Powell

Research Fellow (Health and Care Research Wales)

External profiles