Duarte Pereira
Research student, School of Psychology
- pereirad@cardiff.ac.uk
- Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ
We all learn, and yet the mechanisms of memory are not yet fully understood. In my research I am interested in what the brain is doing when we learn, after we learn, and while we sleep under the influence of curiosity. In other words, the influence of internally-driven motivational state and reward system. Current research has shown that populations of neurons in our brain are active during learning and consolidating (after learning). Understanding this activity differs when affected by curiosity, is one piece of the much larger puzzle that the variability in human learning behaviours and mechanisms. I will be predominantly be using M/EEG to characterize and illustrate neuronal activity.
- BSc Psychology (w/ honors); University of Aberdeen 2009-2013
- MSc Occupational & Organisational Psychology; City University London, 2014-2015
- MSc Neuroimaging; Cardiff University, 2017-2018
Research interests
We all learn, and yet the mechanisms of memory are not yet fully understood. In my research I am interested in what the brain is doing when we learn, after we learn, and while we sleep under the influence of curiosity. In other words, the influence of internally-driven motivational state and reward system. Current research has shown that populations of neurons in our brain are active during learning and consolidating (after learning). Understanding this activity differs when affected by curiosity, is one piece of the much larger puzzle that the variability in human learning behaviours and mechanisms. I will be predominantly be using M/EEG to characterize and illustrate neuronal activity.
Research Topics and Related Papers
- Memory
- Learning
- Consolidation
- Sleep
- Curiosity
- Motivation
Research Group
- Motivation and Memory Lab
- Matthias Gruber
- Freyer Martins De Melo Pereira, D. 2023. How curiosity affects memory persistence. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Eschmann, K. C. J., Pereira, D. F. M. M., Valji, A., Dehmelt, V. and Gruber, M. J. 2023. Curiosity and mesolimbic functional connectivity drive information seeking in real life. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 18(1), article number: nsac050. (10.1093/scan/nsac050)