Main aim of my phd project is to understand and explore topological insulators composed of plasmonic materials (noble metal) and 2D materials like graphene, MoS2 and WSe2. For example, by making an air hole array in graphene one can change the topological features of surface plasmon polartions that is an electric charge density oscillation. The topological featured can be demonstrated by showing the edge modes localized at the interface between a topological insulator and a non-topological insulator.
For this, I will start with the theoretical study on topological plasmonics along with learning numerical approach. In particular, theoretical investigation of the dispersions and the Chern numbers of k space topology will be undertaken. In addition, the quantum tight binding model will be employed to get a physical insight. To consider specific design of topological plasmonic structure. I will perform numerical calculations including the Finite Element Method, and Resonant State Expansion method.