Samuel Berry
Research student, School of Psychology
- berrysc@cardiff.ac.uk
- Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ
Research summary
I am interested in using large imaging and genetic datasets to examine the relationship between having a genetic risk for an anxiety disorder and anxiety-related differences in brain structure and function. I am particularly interested in a small and hard to image region of the brain called the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (or BNST for short), which is thought to be particularly involved in generating anxiety in the brain.
Teaching summary
I run a weekly software clinic for final year psychology students.
Undergraduate education
BSc Psychology: University of West London
Postgraduate education
MSc Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: Goldsmiths College (University of London)
PhD Integrative Neuroscience (current): Cardiff University (Wellcome Trust 4-year award)
Previous Employment
- Music Therapy Assistant: Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability (Putney)
- Clinical Psychology Assistant: Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability (Putney)
- Nursing Assistant: National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (Queens Square, London)
- Research Assistant: Cardiff University DEFINE project (Cardiff)
Public Engagement
I am a member of The Brain Domain, a group originally created by Cardiff University Wellcome Trust students with the aim of promoting some of the exciting work going on in neuroscience to a wider audience. The website provides a perfect platform for early career brain scientists to improve their writing skills and to spread the word about the research they do, or are interested in, to a wider audience. Check out the website here.
Please get in touch via my personal email or twitter if you would like to know more about my research.
If you would like to publish an article on The Brain Domain, please email thebraindomaineditors@gmail.com